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Page 46 of 49 <br />b. Conviction, for purposes of this award term and condition, means a judgment or <br />conviction of a criminal offense by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether entered <br />upon a verdict or a plea, and includes a conviction entered upon a plea of nolo <br />contendere. <br />Total value of currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts <br />includes <br />(1) Only the Federal share of the funding under any Federal award with a recipient cost <br />share or match; and <br />(2) The value of all expected funding increments under a Federal award and options, <br />even if not yet exercised. <br />[80 FR 43310, July 22, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 49582, Aug. 13, 2020] <br />22. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST <br />(a) Applicability. <br />(1) This section intends to ensure that non -Federal entities and their employees take <br />appropriate steps to avoid conflicts of interest in their responsibilities under or with <br />respect to Federal financial assistance agreements. <br />(2) In the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services by recipients and <br />by subrecipients, the conflict of interest provisions in 2 CFR 200.318 apply. <br />(b) Requirements. <br />(1) Non -Federal entities must avoid prohibited conflicts of interest, including any significant <br />financial interests that could cause a reasonable person to question the recipient's ability <br />to provide impartial, technically sound, and objective performance under or with respect <br />to a Federal financial assistance agreement. <br />(2) In addition to any other prohibitions that may apply with respect to conflicts of interest, <br />no key official of an actual or proposed recipient or subrecipient, who is substantially <br />involved in the proposal or project, may have been a former Federal employee who, <br />within the last one (1) year, participated personally and substantially in the evaluation, <br />award, or administration of an award with respect to that recipient or subrecipient or in <br />development of the requirement leading to the funding announcement. <br />(3) No actual or prospective recipient or subrecipient may solicit, obtain, or use non-public <br />information regarding the evaluation, award, or administration of an award to that <br />recipient or subrecipient or the development of a Federal financial assistance opportunity <br />that may be of competitive interest to that recipient or subrecipient. <br />(c) Notification. <br />(1) Non -Federal entities, including applicants for financial assistance awards, must disclose <br />in writing any conflict of interest to the DOI awarding agency or pass -through entity in <br />accordance with 2 CFR 200.112, Conflicts of Interest. <br />Agreement No. R22AP00352 Agreement Template <br />Recipient Name: City of Santa Ana (0112021) <br />