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Page 47 of 49 <br />(2) Recipients must establish internal controls that include, at a minimum, procedures to <br />identify, disclose, and mitigate or eliminate identified conflicts of interest. The recipient <br />is responsible for notifying the Financial Assistance Officer in writing of any conflicts of <br />interest that may arise during the life of the award, including those that have been <br />reported by subrecipients. <br />(d) Restrictions on Lobbying. Non -Federal entities are strictly prohibited from using funds under <br />this grant or cooperative agreement for lobbying activities and must provide the required <br />certifications and disclosures pursuant to 43 CFR Part 18 and 31 USC 1352. <br />(e) Review Procedures. The Financial Assistance Officer will examine each conflict of interest <br />disclosure on the basis of its particular facts and the nature of the proposed grant or <br />cooperative agreement, and will determine whether a significant potential conflict exists and, <br />if it does, develop an appropriate means for resolving it. <br />(f) Enforcement. Failure to resolve conflicts of interest in a manner that satisfies the <br />Government may be cause for termination of the award. Failure to make required disclosures <br />may result in any of the remedies described in 2 CFR 200.338, Remedies for <br />Noncompliance, including suspension or debarment (see also 2 CFR Part 180). <br />23. DATA AVAILABILITY <br />(a) Applicability. The Department of the Interior is committed to basing its decisions on the best <br />available science and providing the American people with enough information to <br />thoughtfully and substantively evaluate the data, methodology, and analysis used by the <br />Department to inform its decisions. <br />(b) Use of Data. The regulations at 2 CFR 200.315 apply to data produced under a Federal <br />award, including the provision that the Federal Government has the right to obtain, <br />reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the data produced under a Federal award as well as <br />authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such data for Federal <br />purposes. <br />(c) Availability of Data. The recipient shall make the data produced under this award and any <br />subaward(s) available to the Government for public release, consistent with applicable law, <br />to allow meaningful third -party evaluation and reproduction of the following: <br />(i) The scientific data relied upon; <br />(ii) The analysis relied upon; and <br />(iii) The methodology, including models, used to gather and analyze data. <br />24. PROHIBITION ON PROVIDING FUNDS TO THE ENEMY <br />(a) The recipient must <br />Agreement No. R22AP00352 Agreement Template <br />Recipient Name: City of Santa Ana (0112021) <br />