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Page 48 of 49 <br />(1) Exercise due diligence to ensure that none of the funds, including supplies and services, <br />received under this grant or cooperative agreement are provided directly or indirectly <br />(including through subawards or contracts) to a person or entity who is actively opposing <br />the United States or coalition forces involved in a contingency operation in which <br />members of the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities, which must be <br />completed through 2 CFR 180.300 prior to issuing a subaward or contract and; <br />(2) Terminate or void in whole or in part any subaward or contract with a person or entity <br />listed in SAM as a prohibited or restricted source pursuant to subtitle E of Title VIII of <br />the NDAA for FY 2015, unless the Federal awarding agency provides written approval to <br />continue the subaward or contract. <br />(b) The recipient may include the substance of this clause, including paragraph (a) of this clause, <br />in subawards under this grant or cooperative agreement that have an estimated value over <br />$50,000 and will be performed outside the United States, including its outlying areas. <br />(c) The Federal awarding agency has the authority to terminate or void this grant or cooperative <br />agreement, in whole or in part, if the Federal awarding agency becomes aware that the <br />recipient failed to exercise due diligence as required by paragraph (a) of this clause or if the <br />Federal awarding agency becomes aware that any funds received under this grant or <br />cooperative agreement have been provided directly or indirectly to a person or entity who is <br />actively opposing coalition forces involved in a contingency operation in which members of <br />the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities. <br />25. ADDITIONAL ACCESS TO RECIPIENT RECORDS <br />(a) In addition to any other existing examination -of -records authority, the Federal Government <br />is authorized to examine any records of the recipient and its subawards or contracts to the <br />extent necessary to ensure that funds, including supplies and services, available under this <br />grant or cooperative agreement are not provided, directly or indirectly, to a person or entity <br />that is actively opposing United States or coalition forces involved in a contingency <br />operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities, except <br />for awards awarded by the Department of Defense on or before Dec 19, 2017 that will be <br />performed in the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) theater of operations. <br />(b) The substance of this clause, including this paragraph (b), is required to be included in <br />subawards or contracts under this grant or cooperative agreement that have an estimated <br />value over $50,000 and will be performed outside the United States, including its outlying <br />areas. <br />26. PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN TELECOMMUNICATION AND VIDEO <br />SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT <br />Federal award recipients are prohibited from using government funds to enter contracts (or <br />extend or renew contracts) with entities that use covered telecommunications equipment or <br />services as described in section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. This <br />prohibition applies even if the contract is not intended to procure or obtain, any equipment, <br />system, or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services. <br />Agreement No. R22AP00352 Agreement Template <br />Recipient Name: City of Santa Ana (0112021) <br />