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Grant Agreement No. 4600011889 <br />Page 27 of 32 <br />EXHIBIT E <br />AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION <br />RESOLUTION NO.20179 <br />A RLSOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF TILL SANTA A?'dA WATE 14ED <br />PROJECT AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE GE:tiEItAL MANAGER, OR <br />DIKSIGNEE, TO EXIE;CUIE A GRANT .AGREEMENT AND SUB -AGREEMENTS FOR <br />THE DISADVANTAGEI3 COMMUNITY IWIOLVAIENT PROGRAM INTEGRATIED <br />REGIONA1, WATER MANAGEWN f PLANNING GRAN' WITH THE STATE OF <br />CAL.IZaORXIA, DEPARTMENT NT OF WATER RESOURCES <br />'4' R R1f.AS, the Santa Ana WAIershtd Projw Authority is the ae(vptcd Rclgional %ttr <br />ManagemcntGrmpwithin the Santa .Ana Funding, Area of the (:alifernia Ir;egrated RegimW Water <br />N[Knavemem Pz rwn; <br />WHEREAS, tht One w attr tw wuterAw 10 Plan.h€ta a twal to aovomplislt sllrcctivv. <br />equitable and collaborative intcgnted water maaagentent, with the objoctiae of engaging with <br />dir�Wvantagcd c immunitics to eliminate envirtm+ental injusticm <br />WHEREAS, the Disadvarttagc4l Commtmities Involvement Program will 1) c"lure: the <br />strengths ami toeeaii communities in the walershed, 21 will through cttgngement anti <br />education uncover and share the needs and capoc:ities within water agencies and wwAunitim and 3) <br />will a!�sure intwgrecd ester management projects that are supported by communities arc: made ready <br />for irnplemcataciun and prinriliztd in tl c OWOW Plan Update 2018. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, , HE IT RLSOLVED that the Commi"ion of the SAttta Ana <br />Watershed Project Authority, pursuant to Sectitmi 22050 cif the C"kn- nia Public Contract Code, <br />hemby r tvcs that: <br />The Gerwrai MLnager, or 13csignc c, is authorized to execute a chat agreLmcnt with iha State <br />of California, Department ul•lwater RcSKN lx5' and txssrteiatcxi suk}agrtsnrv'ttis, to accept attd <br />"mduct the work vfa Dimadvantaged Community Invulvemeot Program Grant pursuant to <br />the Wear Quality, Suppty, and Infrastructetne Improvement ,act cif 2014 (Water Code Soction <br />797400 er s qs ) <br />ADOPTED THIS. 16"' day of NUy, -2019_ <br />SANTA AGNA. WATERSHED PROJECT AUTHORITY � <br />Hv <br />l Susan Lien Laugviite. Oulu <br />A. •st_ <br />