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LEGAL SERUM AGREEMENT R_1"M <br />CAAFF.P['F .w... ROrrHANS 6 D13MONT, LL <br />This A('rR>".>:.h,iENT, made Laud enc t-ed inla ihIF 1 # day of July. 2022� by and between CarpemwT, <br />Ratltr,ur, & Dmmom J_.LP., a limitod iishi [ity pamershiP ("Auorncy+ )md the City of Santa Ana, <br />a duwter city and t] wak ipA coTpcwm6on duly orgaaied apd cxisdng and,et &t: cumtiu ioa and <br />laws -of the Shitaof Califomia (ICi[y-)_ <br />RECTA .S <br />A_ City desires 0 employ Altanneys to assist 19w in-house attnrncys for t1he City f City Aftcwy") <br />in the prOwisaon avFlcO mffvi= to itte City, and <br />B_ Atturrmys rcprewW that thry are liconscd tD practice law in dw Stm of Califarni-!� havc <br />spacial wcpmmwx and knur%kdge related to ehi=atradw and ftawn matt m r:Urrvq Mg <br />dal liability, peraorr (:and polies r xAfi amO dcsinc to undwtake sand 6ervim_ <br />NOW THEREFOM in curmuierafKyn of the rrruhrat and rescpmAivo promises, and subject to dic <br />turns and wnditiioes hrrcinaftar set i:a rth, the parti-as aria a:!� !Mky ys. <br />t_ RF-rP '170N Ci ATTORNEYS din rm as-roeeded basis, and at the noic 4isorenon of (fit <br />ab, CAy Eby AgMeS to =d doft return Abtorrr ,,. for the wrktpmsahMM hCMnatlk-,r speC&i 10 <br />as5+st the City Anon ey with fifigafion fslcd against Che City, foT g=KzW advice and legal review rxn <br />a r -by bass when argent Fnait a I'SO in To6tion to personnel, police orZcncral iiabtlity <br />10 defi�Fd the City, its ftnplea}coK and its affieials_ AnoumYr- sm pt said rnerrtion aril a�wm to <br />perfonx�, in a tiwely effi6fmt wamer, all suds servimn; as may EEC rimMested bey the City AtIorney. <br />} numey . ill cox&m ter acc_-pt=o_- of wolr rQgw=ed by c. t.y in vrriring by or lever_ <br />2. COMPENSAMON FOR SERNgQ _RBNDERBD <br />a_ City agrees to compensate Attumtvo�b, mr+d Au eys agree to =xpt ftrt n Ozy, as <br />payAwnt in Cull for the foregoing srrvi at the rate of &250 an bmw for anorncys ano � 100 all bour <br />for Pa mbLgals, Time will be billrrl in 111 M of an hour hwrenwnts, <br />b_ TIve total sum to bC expended under thifi A' rnern# shall mot exo=d 2,500,f1W <br />Wgess oftierwise AFffioT� by the City Couiuil, incLudmg any esurmon pea�c' <br />C. A-& spedlic lly oudirod blow, the City agrees to reimbrasc or not reml xm c the <br />following rhargm ar seas as fol]ows <br />Otyagfeft to renni bumu AttDrncys for out -or n including but na <br />lirrritcd wk, milk, copying costs, sna rx r}f pry aad ataif sea wires; authcs i <br />by the City Attorney -M u5nnccticm %VU i 6- Performaure of duties wbdcr this <br />Agreernent <br />ii. Oty agrees to reunburie in-hnuno pTmtin;E_ oopyirrg, and n` miducbm -charges at <br />the rare of20 teat:; per ym.8,. <br />