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iii, Coy will not reimburse Attorneyr. for Lexis, Wrstlaw oT 0I1her laid legzl <br />reseax& sub iplism r&-vlom f{rr rrndins ry lcgO resmch. Hrrwcvcr. City will <br />rcimbursc Att�ymcys for exnaoudmaf}y legal re&e4kciE its related to a t"lox <br />9eo matter or assigninent if pYeapproved in wra#in8 by the City A Qey. <br />iV_ City Will nAit reirnburso Attorneys fior ordinary dot ++ice €nt systems <br />used tar &wovery purposes or any other purpoeic unlrw; mwb ftohnoiogy is <br />deerrmed nncmary by the City Atfmmey w!Pd gvc-appxovvd in writing by Ciry <br />A tamey_ <br />v_ Gty a to rcirnbime AOwucys fDr their diet payments to vendiom, <br />wTL-&W[nnt% cfr cxpem for work in cot3 mWn with the performance of dLdiM <br />xinderfts AgreerrrerA. AMimeys agrft lo smk author-3mim- M from City AnGmey <br />bekare retaining expo and eons lltants_ <br />vi. Oty rv1111 reim=.burw a u nobik travel at the M ndnrd m&age rxe im of e*A at thm <br />time ofballing by the Intl Revtmu,e Scnice_ <br />V1E. ATLy coots vi excess crt .UW requve City Attorney approval putor is <br />the eapr AU expt cim mual have suplxnting draumcnfabc-m srrbmined with <br />the inveion <br />3_'f'l OID OF FAYMFNT Attornys sball submit a rnout iy UWernent speeifyiAS the <br />semczs pw bnTwd. dam and number of hours and an ikon of expen&ft rebtedthemto with <br />suppOtangdOcurneaitation (i.e. receipts, invoices, copy ofebwk etc_)_ Cityarknovwledgns that the <br />fees i=uTed fed.' 1A+[> k performadby Awrrmeyr, on 115 behalf are d= wood nwrRg within 30 days of <br />the wo* being per brmed. At Attorneys' dim retioc� tbffy MAY ChWS& to &fer payment_ <br />Motwitbs.tand.irtg this, City agr that it 4 all tender pAymcrd within 30 days of M iitrn dernand <br />by Attomeys fcr payment- Unlrsa: exp curly meted theroor, m utbly mwinam gcricraUA J)y <br />AtLmwys "I not o nm= %kmittm demand. but sha11 simply be a writim refieLti= of vwurk <br />perfb rwd and fm uwwred. City wi l not pay iblerest on ungid moAffl ;g MatemmLs- <br />4, C TJ3& OF L AI _��.S ltittoraeya a tbai each and mqfry maiicr cw <br />prccwding in which i6ey un erL*w to &ssist the City Attm+rney, as afa,maid, *d3all be and rcrnsnn <br />under, and mitb act hD the oanbrol msd davz-of pid City Atkxnr r at all stags, wod th w they "I <br />at xLl times 1rcop the City Attic} WOMM4 OCA MoMen PerMining dorebo. City will keep Anotimys <br />inioffned of all sig ii.ficaw 62 martem rda6ng to any r+rewnhdion W.rloMUM by <br />Atturncy& Attorney-, further agnx:, if and when their w1m6m benuzider is Wm4zed by City, as <br />hcmina spwified, they shaLL reMsn VD City AUmbey any and aD files then m th6ir possession <br />CanUming each and ever faameror pros ed;in in whi,th tbcc rtjxeumird the C4i puTm am to tbn <br />,fit. <br />;5. T LgQ.KW JIBE� Attarneys agme to keep the City Affo ney, and any oflyer <br />persa al s) desiputed by the City Aiterney, iaforimcd of Mig-nificanE cvcnk, in the Actims, including <br />but KxA hnuted to bur] dair, filing of mOom for =nrnary ]udgmwt, hearing date for motioo for <br />2 <br />