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Wective dale, &_- AffmTwys must pw ch "extcnded rgpprtjag" coverage <br />for a minimiaTi , of1ie (5) years aflame mm]-)1cpon of cmtma Work_ <br />j. Verification of Dove .- AtM neys shall furnish IhV Ory W#h -OTQ nal <br />Ce�tifit�ie #F SUMUMVCC inc all rcgUirod arnmdaWry cre1or&ffmzmt5 (-or copies of the <br />2LPf,l1G bW PO&CY language CfFCcling coverage requubd by this clause) and a copy of tfic <br />McImutions and FnrlO.-&cnnrnt page of the CGL policy liffing all"icy eatlorsements to >r'rruty <br />bekire volt bcgins, However, LpAure to obtain the irked documcmis prior W tbo work beV=ing <br />Sh@B not wml r. Chiz A=MOYS oNi ition to prude them_73w Cay nmervcs the rig to re jwM <br />' mpkao,- Dertified ,opies of all required inFtu ncc policies, including andarwrncntS required by <br />Ibex spC+fiOtioas, at any times <br />1c, Subomfi v!ars - Attorneys shall rexawre and verify that all subcon[ractars rnaint4un <br />i rLwarree M e tmg all thc rrquine nears stateai bmrin, and Attorneys shall -unsure that City 3s an <br />additional in—r=d on insurance required feom sub-c-o tmeteas& <br />1. Special Dishes or Orcurnstaneas - OLLy Twmwves the rift I* modify those <br />regaironimts, including 1-1111its, Sassed M Lbe rattan crfthc risk, Luc erperie ncr:, iin p , coverage, <br />or c her spocial eircumt� <br />9. WD ri!* ENC`.,. 1JO N AMDMys agree to and shall ind-emni:fy d l lyd l armless the City, <br />its oifiaeri, mats, eft OOyees, aad from liability Far pm-iorW injury, dama�q_-h, <br />restitution, jfWtoW or egUilable rchcfto the cmmt mused by Aftor„eys' neeEgent or wroo ful <br />perfenTuvitm or conduct related to this Agrmnco#, <br />10_ CC FC[ RN'T1A1,1;fY AL infonTm6cn anO domments &hwud wieh Auomcysas well as <br />A work pc'r rmed by AlLarncyr. in cKfflnCCtJCM with this A4Ttm ncnt should be bnmtbd ah Ai r_c ]y <br />con_fiideffdi d_ Iti+[oroaver, all cvmrtxumicatians. beween Attcmcys and City shall be t=tcd as <br />prwectod by rho attorney -client p6vilegt and th-c aUomey work product dr«etr-inc. A dirj !', <br />info n=Lion rwciv d by Attorners from C,Ety sfiougd be kepi is a secure plain, a-n-d no informalion <br />Ott Ibis work may be disclaarai to any third party without Units prior written appn: vat. <br />Atbumeys shall pro*i& mabffrWr 4Fu fly to the Cily Aticm ey, Sonia C.arvalho, or uulevAad <br />mcmbcrs &f lux ofFct-- as dircczd by lbc City Alloccey_ All ^ueb inforin;13�on and any wribtcn <br />product m connection VO-th A eys' rwenTiAm under this Agzeemeirt, shall be, mmimd as <br />"PRIVFbEGhFD AND CONPTOEWnAL � ATTORNEY -WORK PRDDUCl"" and shall be the <br />property of the City Attnrney'a Mcc, aid shall be reftun6dlprQvidod to the Of1Cr of the City <br />AUmo ey with all oupim upvm the request of the City Atlgrircy. Confidential inforrrmticfo disclosed <br />to either p;;xty by any subsidiary andfur agnl of the Qthcr patty is coved by thir, Agrwment. 'Ile <br />fOTEgOing obligation,. ofru�usc and u3ndisclomae shall not apply to my in tprmab c flud(a) has <br />Wm diisckma i in publicly avai 4"c wwDas; (b) is,, dwoujfi no fault of the Attaraey�, dig AMOd in <br />a publicly available vxxr" (c) is in rightful pos.; imn of the Attorneys willoui ar, Qbkgaiion of <br />wnfidcntiality, (d) is required to be disclosed by operatYaft of laws or (c) is indepeodmt]ly <br />dcvclopod by the Attorneys wilhauE rcfcrvaoe to intomsation disclQsod by the City_ <br />1 1 _ {7 N H ICT F: IN-fER ST CLAUSE Aitiymej+& coven= that it presently has no interests <br />mlid shall tot bave ira-ureklr:, diTMt or indircM that would conf7ict in any mamer vhith pr6co nano <br />of services specified under this AgremerA. <br />