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12_ NOTICE Any Tw cc, under, demand, delivefy, pmwnanj to this <br />Agr=ncn "L be w writing and shalt 1�c dremvd to Ric properly Veen T delivered im FmTs on or <br />mat W by first class or mortified Mail, po►.tasc prepaid, or sent by telefacsimile Dr *d1cr tcicg-aphic <br />comnuuni=,6= in ihr- marpravidcd in this Section,to the following p mr , <br />To City: Clerk -of ffist� cb u cil <br />City a Sa= Ana <br />20 Civic Cater Flan W-30) <br />F.0_ BOX 19SS <br />Sotta A-n?LCWirbFnLa 702-1988 <br />Passim ite (714) 647-6956 <br />CO:Urtcsy Copy: City Aftomey <br />20 twivic cmtew Flom -29) <br />p_O. EkXX 1988 <br />Santa Arm California 92702 <br />Fecsiu"Oe 14) 647-6515 <br />To Attorneys: Sb--Y m 1. Rothans, P.N. <br />CAupcfir, Rothans & Dtunoat, LLP <br />500 S_ Ch-artd. Amur, 19th Floor <br />t mq Anors, CA 90071 <br />F: sirnilc; (213) 228-Wi <br />A party may than its addre&,. by Zivmg no4oc ID writing to the other party- Tluffrcaftcr• any <br />uat_icc, tt n --r, dmnwrd. delivery, or other con= niv on shall bi� addmwad and au smiobf d icy the <br />ruew addresEL If fat by maiL conunurlir�tm shall bc uftctive -or deemed to have be= p iven dMM <br />{ days aloe tt has been deposited in the UT6tod Stow mail, dtdy registered or arrtifC4 Vrith <br />postage prepLmd, and addressed as set forth above- If seiat by tcicfacz5imitc4 communication shall <br />he effective w4ccmcd w have been given twenty-four (24) hmxs air the time set forib on the <br />transmission report is;imcd by tic tramsmiuiog fimmmle maChlf&, es.'!Pbd are r9ct Beth above_ For <br />purprosm of calcu1ativg these time frames, weel=dr., fedr, al} waW, Cbunty or City holidays shall <br />he cXatuded_ <br />13_ EXCLUSIVITY AND L141 T This Ag ftmernt reprownts #hc coro kte and <br />=clusiva =ement between the CAA afld AHmTncyz, =id snpmedes any and all other AV-r� <br />oral or written betw cn the pauiim_ io e�xt f a con11€cE between the term csf thin rnerrt <br />and any anew-.hme herd, the temp of this Agreement shall pr��i€. 'a -as Agrcwn"t may not <br />be modiAed except by written ir,sir,,.,,emt 2j;9,cJ by the Chy and by an auuthotti2ed repnmentafivc <br />of Avorney& The partite sec that any tcrrnR Or condiVons of arty purch order or other <br />it sUuffient dud are ilmonMEfo tt with, ar iq 4"Ct n 10, the tenets and Ooft6tiorui hrr=f, steal l not <br />bind of obligate Attorneys or the City- Farb meaty to this Agent a0caovrledges that rFo <br />repres mmmans, imkioernentsk patiarxsises ur aZpRerne"ts, telly or otherwise, bane bmade by any <br />party, oranyuae acting on bt!hAf-of anypartir:5, whicAh arm not embodiedbecei <br />