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Exhibit A <br />children of prisoners and their families. Mentees are often with AOT for 2 to 10 years, as we work with <br />them through middle school and high school. <br />The other components include free, age -appropriate books distributed on an ongoing basis, quarterly <br />caregiver seminars, an annual holiday party for mentors and mentees, and four to seven special outings <br />throughout the year. <br />The overall goal of Brighter Futures is to provide a safety net for children of prisoners. The program's <br />short-term goals are to help our youth improve their academic skills, become more confident, abstain from <br />drugs, set goals for the future, and limit the likelihood of future involvement in the criminal justice system. <br />America On Track (AOT) will use the following benchmarks to determine the success of our Brighter <br />Futures for Children of Prisoners program: <br />1) Recruit a minimum of 42 new Santa Ana children of prisoners (ages 7-17) and provide <br />comprehensive services to them, to their guardians and to their siblings, for a total of 168 Santa Ana <br />residents served; <br />2) We will recruit, screen and train 42 adult mentors to be matched with Santa Ana children; <br />3) 85% of mentors will honor the one-on-one outings of 8 hours per months for 12 months and turn in <br />their required online monthly activity forms; <br />4) We will use additional methods to inspire our mentors so they continue communicating and/or seeing <br />their mentees in spite of the Pandemic. Ongoing calls and case -by -case recommendations, such as <br />meeting their mentees at a park while wearing a mask to enjoy various sports, will be made. Seeing <br />them join us on Zoom events for STEAM lessons or drug prevention lessons and fun activities will <br />attest to their commitment. Also, mentors will continue to turn in the monthly activity notes and this <br />will be one way of determining successes and concerns based on comments; <br />5) 30 Santa Ana mentees (ages 11+) will attend the "College Is For Me Too!" Summer Camp at <br />CSUF - assuming colleges allow events on their campus this summer; <br />6) 65% of mentees will attend at least 3 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) <br />events and develop an interest in science -related careers; <br />7) Provide ongoing wraparound services to the mentee families; <br />8) Conduct a nutrition lesson for every caregiver and mentee entering our program; <br />9) 80% of mentees will improve their behavior and attitudes, which will be noted on the monthly <br />activity notes, teacher & parent comments, and through surveys; <br />10) 90% of mentees will take advantage of new opportunities and avenues for positive use of time, <br />positive self-expression; and civic engagement. Mentees will also show increased self-esteem, <br />morale, a sense of responsibility, increased interpersonal skills, and decision -making skills; and <br />11) 100% of mentees will receive free exciting, age -appropriate books on an ongoing basis. <br />Details of the Target Population <br />The vast majority of Brighter Futures mentees throughout OC are children of color; 79% are Hispanic, <br />with the majority of the remainder being African American, Asian and Caucasian, however in the areas <br />21 <br />