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Exhibit A <br />of Santa Ana served by AOT, the Hispanic/Latinx population represents 97% of the Brighter <br />Futures participants. They live in the poorest, high -density neighborhoods with high crime rates. Most <br />are referred by correctional facilities, child welfare services, schools, and community organizations, with <br />which AOT has long-standing relationships. Wraparound supportive services are also offered to the <br />families of mentees, of which most live below the Federal poverty level. <br />Additionally, 33% of children participating in our Brighter Futures program do not live with a birth parent, <br />even if only one is incarcerated. In many cases, the other birth parent, usually the mother, is drug involved, <br />has abandoned her children or has had the children removed from the home by court order. For many <br />children, "home" is living with a grandparent, extended family member, foster family or group home. The <br />AOT staff plus our mentors are often the only positive adult role models in their life and represent an <br />anchor in a turbulent sea. <br />AOT believes that it is crucial to help and guide our Brighter Futures families and their children in order <br />to provide them with resources and lower this heartbreaking cycle of incarceration. The good news is that <br />our Brighter Futures children of prisoners are all wonderful youth with so much potential and none of <br />them have yet to gravitate to the criminal side of justice, even though they are vulnerable. Therefore, now <br />is the time to help them because AOT has definitely witnessed how well they respond to positive <br />exposure, new opportunities and a little fun and love. <br />We have experienced tremendous success year after year with this population, and it is very <br />heartwarming to help transform the lives of these wonderful children who greatly deserve it. We are <br />literally sending these kids to college/trade school instead of prison. <br />22 <br />