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10 GROUP 4 ARCHITECTURE TAB 1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS — PROJECT UNDERSTANDINGRENEWED HISTORIC LEGACY <br />Page & Turnbull will support Group 4 in providing historic consulting and preservation <br />architect services. The historic preservation portion of the project includes identifying <br />the Character-Defining Features (CDFs) – i.e., the materials, features, spaces, and <br />spatial relationships that are historically significant to the building. We will identify <br />options for their renewal and will prepare architectural drawings and specifications <br />to repair, rehabilitate, and/or restore the Main Library’s CDFs. Design of this work will <br />be coordinated with design of interior reorganization and building system upgrades. <br />We will provide information to the City’s project team, the Historic Resources <br />Commission (HRC), and other regulatory bodies and public groups, as necessary, <br />regarding the preservation aspects of this rehabilitation. We understand that major <br />exterior modifications to a historic structure require the approval of the HRC through <br />a duly notice public hearing and issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness. <br />We will review the project to help ensure that prior to presenting the application <br />to the HRC, any proposed exterior modifications are consistent with the Secretary <br />of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and consistent with Santa Ana’s Historic <br />Ordinance. We understand that there are four regularly scheduled HRC meetings <br />per year. We will coordinate with City staff, the Planning Department, and HRC to <br />determine the submittal deadlines for HRC meetings. <br />EXHIBIT C - PROPOSAL