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12 GROUP 4 ARCHITECTURE TAB 1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS — PROJECT UNDERSTANDINGWELL-MANAGED PROJECTS <br />Group 4 has an excellent record of successfully managing the entire project delivery process, including <br />complex projects with modest budgets and accelerated time schedules. Group 4’s team provides effective <br />planning, programming, design, construction and post-construction phase services to move projects <br />efficiently through the design and construction phases and deliver high-quality results. <br /> ▪As we specialize in high-profile public projects, we understand our clients’ duty to ensure that the <br />community receives good value. <br /> ▪We have highly-qualified staff and low turnover, ensuring continuity of staffing on projects and building <br />our in-house expertise and skill base. <br /> ▪We have strong project management systems during the design phases that keep our projects on <br />schedule and on budget. <br /> ▪Effective construction administration systems allow us to manage costs during construction and keep <br />change order costs low, which is especially crucial for public projects because of the nature of public <br />funding. <br /> ▪We have an excellent record of partnering with the client and the contractor in order to ensure a high- <br />quality project that meets the client’s schedule and budget requirements. <br />Foundational to our project management approach is the Project Management Team (PMT), a core project <br />working group that meets regularly to review project progress. For the Santa Ana Library renovation project, <br />we envision the PMT to include the City’s project manager, key representatives from the Library and Public <br />Works (and other departments as may be appropriate), and the Group 4 project team. During the design <br />phases, we will meet with the PMT approximately twice per month to monitor progress and keep the <br />project moving forward efficiently. For efficiency and COVID safety, PMT meetings will generally be held via <br />webconference unless they are scheduled to coincide with other design team on-site work. <br />EXHIBIT C - PROPOSAL