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(Ill [ertt7'r A9rnt An ?8MI ClA a1we to 1tt u 3QIIA\ for 11',e I HUG on�· In Oum� ,11,:athlAI ti'M�R<lltll• LtHer'• aa,nt e11tn lf.b•· a13re,emen11be ao•nt "'"'' reea!,,e �,;,m·pe111adon IQ, cerrl;• 11ndnred, tllhtrln tut! er In p;,, f"11m lbe � aatql acllno onlr for 1 LaHee ha; the fQUa,:,1na alti�ati •a ;bl'�,!OA, Al lb, t,, •• ,. A tld11$IIPr" d•rtv'Olf ,,tme,t •me, lnte&III)'. lwnHt>f, l'ld l,;,y;i!tyln doallnl}( utl\h the Lucn lo th, 1,uu o�dth• ,mac: lal Qilieent ol!Ql(IUl 9f ,uEenablq ,wn, 1n� cut In poftolmaAu.1 of tho aaont't d"tlac lbl A Guw Qf boAaU and fair do:iUnB and aood faith (cl A du\¥ to diccto-111 :ill la,:tc kAO .,,. lo tile lQtAI lllUtdally a�ctltia U•• 1qlueor doclnhlllt, of th• prop1W, l�a, ·�· P(II ho> <A tg, gr l 'lllln Iba dllleu1t 1'4iAl:loR and obtCJM+JOn (If, tho PilFtie, � a9111, II 1101 obnsa;tec:I 10 ,., .. ,1 101W,111 f!a"V�R!/ COAftdeoHl?I lnlo�<na�OA Mtalned bom lht oti,Dr Paitv•••Alcb doatrol lruoh'O tile 1tflrA1a",14 dlltl,Qf 1111 f4'nh. ...... (IQ) 4grrt 8rorere1cfoi[ P?'tr ! fffw ond f 1uui, "1 rnal 11&1111 as�Wo, 1ctfae dlre,U,· 1irlhfOMt1ll ;,11• er r,qg�• 111e;l111 llun1•1 nn � ��lt-U11 leuor and lhD LtCIH h� 1 litaRU�o11, b I\ QAly: �,t. \ht kn;,wlNe, IAd GTJP&fnt of b�1h 0111 ••nor and the I .,,e. IP l d"':,I l8�1A CV ,1t11a�_on, �RI b�E tl:>t killoo,,tna affir11-1aii ,, o�Ue1ti9nt to both th, LIIUQr JR51 Iha I ';lf.t"' 111" tlQ'fela s,,d:111'/ of u1moe1 rn•, IRt19rll¥, l:>Ol1rU"1/ ]p(j IQl/111•/lfl 1h, dt:ilne, witl:i thh'Jr la,sor or tho I ou1111 lblOl!:lor d11tier to the le::or nnd !ht/ ouu at 'lated >bg,'(I In 1ubp1oot.Jph1 0) or (II} ln 19prH11PtlR8 botl:a I tSlnt and leuH, the .i9a111 f'.113\I 1101, 111!1ho1,c lho IPlpren pen11lnlen of 11:aQ rttpG;;liuo A;ir:tv, dlcckiso to 1h11 Olhar Pa r\',• COAhde 11tl•lll'llctm 11lo!!1, lnclwdll-1&, bul AOI llrAltedtg, bGIC ,elaliine 10 eh her le5GH't or Ltuor't h11ani.1,1 pc1t1loA, molti?tlon11 bar&3IRIQfl pc,sldo111 or ot1u1r per1onat1nfomlatfon that may lmP�.cl iant,IRcludlRQ I or car's ,,1111--� acupt J �011tt1u thaR t�• lltl.illfl 11rl '" t11see',u1lltlneno,1 topa•1 •en1 9RJ11tartban the rent offefJlld Thi abo••• duties of the Jfl'OIRt 1111 ect31Q tnn1actign do ROI roli11tte l ltuor oc Loua� lrnA'l t!>atHPDntib!llh,r topmtoct tholr owcib11warts !ester a11d I a,11e 1hculd nrof::l�/Pllld 11! 11sruo>entt10 amm, thtt U:,et �doq,11tel•1 o�p,:a,, lhol, u�da l6'41'ld 'nf1 of lhiiJ IF3Rl ;IGdOR 6 real e11a1a 011:1...W. I PQHUA q11111Hed \o altt IH abo11t r11al e,11ti1e II lofjll QI li>IC ad•l'co h dOl!rod, CQPSIIII a compahrit proterclonal llo� I 1110, aAd leuoe 1h1:wld 1lrior9� tor1lder oblal•dllg lu ar.Jdcc ft.OP> a cOMpO\Ort pr�I i111c;111te tho lodoial and nato 1a.x Clil111eq11e11,t1 ol a tor1Jt1;ioi\ can bt: wmpl• ar:f uibfect to chan941 lbl Bmkert h3UQ RO FHPCIA,lbUI I\' Wllh •iUpQCt '9 lA/ dDhvtt Qf breact> horeat 1>,ia!Uier Par.w lha P'.lrUet 16101 that RO lau15ult CH 01hr lee;il p10Cei!dln9 1r1'10�•ln9 an,; breach g,f dllt>/, 8H9r o, OMlt[IQA ttilaliRQ 10 thll I 831'0! P'J',' Ile bm11u�t l153ln1t a,oker more Ulo!A ona \'Hf aher U"I') "·� Data and thal u�4-liablllty(ineh1dl11g ro,,A c2,1t ;and auurn�(' fau), of .iry ProkQr ml!b racpoct to ary l'lth latW'llt and,{o, lesa! procHd109 tb>H 11ot i,wc;aed4htt f111 receP'Cld b';' rud, 'Jroker �1,1m,;an1 101b11 loa11 · prodded, bou1QU11r, that 1h1 kir111ybg tlrnhaUo'I on e.ich ero�ur'1 llablll\\'4h;t!I no\ be appll'fbkl ,o •A>1 e•o11 n•ene•nn or, riUfol mlt(onduc1 of ,uc:h Broker jc) Lriuor and U11•11er1a to idertjfv lo llroke11 u •confidrarUat• 3R'f ,omn:unkai.ion GrlrtkltwmtoR 9l•'Or VFokon thal It scn5hta� be ronfldenU?I <br />I 26, No Right To-Holdow,r. L�see has no rl&ht to reta in pos�s.s!on of the Pre.mises or any part th ereof beyo11d the uplr ationor termination of this Lease, tn the event that lessee. holds over, th!H\ the Base Rent shall b<I lnc�ased to 150% of the Bue Rent applltable lmmedlately preeedlng the e1r:plratlon or termination. Holdover Base Rent shall be calculated on monthlybaslt, Nothing (Ontalned hereln shall becoMtrued as con$ent by �sw to any holdlng over by Lessee. <br />2.7, Cumulative ftem&dles. No-remedy or el�on hereunder .shilU be dee Med (!'(tluslve bu t shill!, wherevef' possl ble, bewmtllallve with all other remedies at lsw or ln equity. <br />28, Co 11enants and Conditions; Ct:anstruettan of Ae;n!l!ment. All pl'O\llslons of this !Aase to be obsetved ot performed by leuee are both covenants. ind conditions. In tonslfulng this �ase, al! headings and ti ties are for the arn111mlem:e of lhe Parties only and shall not tie ton�dered a part of this Least. Whenever mqulred byth� context, lhe �lngularshcll Include the plural and vice versa, lhls lease shall not be. construed as If prepared by one of lhe Pa rtiet, but rather acwntlng to Its fair meaning as a who le, as If both Parties had prepared It. <br />29.Binding Eftect.j Choice of ltw, fhltltase ihall be blndlns upon the Par ties, their personal representatt�s, $UCcesrors and anl/jl)s and be 8011 trniad by the l.iw, of the Staie In which the Premises are located. Any litigation between the �ttie.s hereto conc9mlng this Lem sh-all � lnltlatod In the tOu-ntyll'I which the Premise, are localed. Signatures 10,hts lea se aceompllshetf by means of electronic slgnature ar slmllar tcthnology i;ha.11 be ltpl and binding, <br />10. Subordination; Attomment: fton-Ohturb,r1ce, 30.1 SUbordlnatton. Thu leiae and any Option sranted hernby shall be subjeet and subord inate to any ground lease, mortpae, deed ol trus1, or other hypotheCitton or security device (coll�tt.-elv, "Stcur!ty Dtvlre"), now or hereafter placed upon the Ptemhes, to any ind all advances made on the s11curlty thereof, and to all ren1:wals, mcdlflcations, and e�tensions there-01. Lessee agrees thill the holders of any such securh.V Devices (I'\ this lease together tefe.rred to as "Lander") 5haH ha\/1! no llablUty or obltgatton to perro,m any of the obllgattons ol Less.or under this Lease. Any Lender may elect to have this tease and/or any Optton sranled hereby superior to the lltn of lts Secu rity Ocvke by giving wrllt@n natl« thereof to tes sae, whereupon this Lease and such Options shal l be 00:emed prior 10 such Security Device, notwithstanding the relatlve dates of the documentation or rec-ordatlon thernol 30.2 Attamruent. ln the went that teuor Iran.den thli:! to the Prernhes, or the Premlsu ue acquired by another upon the foreclosure or termi nation of a s«:urfty Device to wh ich this lease 11 subordinated ll) Les�e shall, subject to the non-disturbance provisions of Para g,�pt, 30.3, attom to such new owner, and upon reque st ent� Into a new lea se, containing all of the terms. and provls!ons of lhb lease, with s.uch new owner for lhl:! remainder of the tefffl he,eof, or, at the election of the new owner, this lea�wrn automatl(;)Uy bti:o me a new lease between Lessee and such new Cl'Wner, and (II) Lestor shall thereafter be rell eved of any further obllgadon$ hereunder and 5uch new9wner $halt assume all of lN sor's obllgatlon$, txcept that such ntw owner sh.ill not:. (a} be tli:•ble foranv art or omlulon of anl/ prior lessor arwlth re 5peet to events occurrlns prior to acquhlt.ion of ownersh ip; ('ol be subJeet to any offs ets or defenses wh!c-h lesseemlsht h;wl:!ap!nst any prior lessor1 (c) be bound by prepavmeot of mote: tha» one month's rent, or (d) ht Habk!-for the return of any sec:ur1ty deposlt paid to any prlor l1mor which wu not paid or credited to such MW owner. 30.3 Non-Dl1turbanc•. With re:i.pec.t to Security Crevk:es entl!� Into by leuor 11fter the eii:ecutlon of this Lease, lessee•, subordln1tlon af lh\S, teaie shall be sub tact to receMne II comme rdally reasonable non•dlsturba11.e:e ilgreement (a "Non•Dbh1rb1nc1 A,:reement"J from the tender wl \lth Non-Olsbnbance Agreement provides that lessee's po»esslon of the: Preml!lls, and this Lta 5e, Including any opttons to eKtend the term Mreof, wl ll not be dlnurted so long as lessee ls not In Breach hereof and attQfllS to the record owne rot the Premises, Further, within 50 days after the execution oJthls tease, Ltuor shall, If r@querted by Lessee, use Its oommerclalt,,, rea sonable etfurtsto obtoln n Non-Olstu rbance Agreement from the holder of anv pre•axl$tlna Security Oelllce whkh ls secured by the Premises, In the event thlt Lessor Is unable to provide the Non•Dlsturbance A11re.ement wlthln S1ild 60d�. then leuee may, at lessee's optfon, directly conuct Lendu and altempt to neeotiale for the eimculfon 1nd delivery of a Non-Disturbance A11reemen1. 30.4 Self•E1ttcuttna, The agreements c:onlillned In thls Paragraph 30 shill be ef/«tive without the e1r:etulion of anv (urther documenu; pro11lded ,, that, upon written request from li,ssoror a Lo ntler ln tonnect:lon with a sale, flnanclna or retlnancins of the Prembes, �iee and Lessor shall execute suth further writings as may be teasonabl� required to �parately document any subordination. attomment and/or Non•Dlsturba-nee Aer-eement provided fo r herein. <br />31, Attomoys 1 fHS, If aov Partv or Broker brlng$an :ectlon or proceeding lnvolv!ng th<! Premises whether founded In tl)rt, contrac.t l)f equity, 0:r to declilre rlshu 1'a"• the Previllln& Party las hereafter deHned) In any wch pr<>teedln& actlon, or appeal ther,on, 1hall be entltled to roaio nobk! attorney,' fe,c Such foe, may <br />INIT!ALS � © 2019 AIR CRE. Alf Rights Reserved. ' � La,\ Edited: 2/lS/2021 9,53 AM <br />5T N·27,30, Re,bed 11·25·2019 Page 13 of 16 <br />EXHIBIT 1