be awarded In the same suit or recoveted In a sep11rate sun, whelher or not such action or proceedlne Is punued to decis ion or Judgment. lhe-term, �Pravalllng
<br />Perty" ,hall lnciude,wlthoot llmlta tfon, a P.lrty or Brok er wh:osubstant1ally obtalnsor ddtau the rcllel sousht, as t� ca.s.e may M, whet her by oomproml$e,
<br />se ttlement, judgment, or the abandonment by the other Party or 01oker of IU claim or defen$e, The atlorneys1 fee� awafd ,hall not be computed In accordance with
<br />any court fee sehedute, but shall be suehn to fulty reimburse an attorneys' fee.l reasonably ln,urrod, In addition, Le�or JhaU be entitled to ilttomeys' fee!, co�s and
<br />expense, lneurted In the preparation al'ld service of notices of Default and eonsultatton, In connection therewith, whtther or not a tegal aetion Is subsequently
<br />commenced In connactlon with ,uch Debult o1 result1ns Breach ($200 Is a reasonable minimum per oci:urrence fo rsueh serviees and c:onsultatlon),
<br />32, Leu or's Ace an: Showlng Prcimtsmi Repair,. Leuor and Lem r's agents shall havt 1he right to enter the PremliM at any t1mt, IA the caS(I of an emergency, and
<br />otherwlse at rea sima ble times after reasonable prior notice for the purpose of showing the same to prospec\ive purtha Mlts, lenders, or tenants, and making such
<br />alleratioru, repair!, lmprovement5 or 1ddlt1 00$ l0 the Premlse5 as Lessor may deem nac.esnry or deslr.ible and the el'.Qc:ting,uslng and mallltaln\na of utlllt1es, Jervlces, pipes and conduits through the Premises and/o r other premises as long bS there !!no material adv1me effect on Lessee's u,e of the Premises, All such
<br />activltle:1 shall be without abatement of re11t or llablUty to lessee,
<br />ll, Aucttons, le Hee shall not cond uct, nor permit to be conducttd, any auctwn upon the Preml�s without Lcmor's pr\or wrltten consent. Lessor shall not b<l
<br />obligated to ekerclse any standard of reasona bleness In determining whether to permit an auction .
<br />.)4, Signs. lessor may place on the Premises ordinary "For Sale rt signs al any time and ordinary "For Lea sit sign s during the last 6 months of the term hereof. f:xcQpt
<br />for ordinary 1'for sublease" $l8flS, Les.see sh;ill not place any sign upon the P,eml$es wit hout Lessor's prior wrltten consent. All slgni mun comply wlth all Appllt11ble
<br />Rec:iu1re01ents,
<br />35-, Termination/ Mergf!r, Unhm spl!ciflC1111V stated 01herwlse In wrltlne by lessor, the voluntary or other surrender of this-Lea so Uy Lessee, the mutual termination
<br />or cancellation hereof, or e terml nadon hereof by Lessor for Breath by Lenee, shall 1utomatfcallytermlnate any subkt15e or leaser estate In the Premises; provkfed,
<br />however, that Lessor may eleci to continue any one or all existing subtli!nanclQS, Leuor's failure within 10 days fo\lowtn s•nY such event to elect to the contrary by
<br />w1ltten notice to the hold er of any such lesser Interest, shall constitute l.euor's oleetfon to have rnch event tonstitute the termination of such Int
<br />36.Con.,enu, All requests for consent shall be In wrlttn11. E11cept :u olllt;!twlso provldC!d hettin, wherever h-1 this least the comellt or a Party b re quired to an act by
<br />or for the oth er Party,such consent Sh;II not be unreasonably wllhh tld or delayed. Lessor', actual reasonablec.os\5 and l!llpenses (lncludlna but not limited to
<br />arehltecu', attorneys', ens!newt' and other consultants' fees) incutred In the consld!!ratlon of, or response to1 a request by Lenee fot any Lessor con�nt, lncludlng
<br />but not Umlte d to ton!ents to 1n asslsnment, a �ubtetUng or lhe. presence or use of a Haiardou,Subs11nce, shall be paid by Lessee upon receipt of an lnwlce and
<br />supportlng documentati on therefor, \.Amo r"scoment to anv act, assignme nt or subletttne shal not constitute an acknowledgment that no Default or Breach by leuee
<br />of this lease e-15\$, nor shill! such consent be deemed a waiver of any then existing Dtfauit or Breach, �ept as m�y be otherwise spedfltalty stated In writing by
<br />lesw at the time of such consent, The fallurt to spe.tlfy herll:ln any pa rtk ular condition to leuor's cOl'lsenl shall not preclude the !mposltfon br Lessor at the time of
<br />con�nt of such further or other conditions aure then re.uonable wHh n1ferenee to the parttcul11r matter for which cons ent 1$ belng slven. In tht event that either
<br />Party disagrees with any d�te rmlnation Made by the-other hc«lunder and reasonably requests. th, reasons fo r such determination, the determining pairty shall furnish
<br />lts rul-Gfls In writtng and In reasonabte detallwlthln lO buslness day, followlng $UCh request,
<br />37. Guarantor.
<br />l7.1 E11ecu tlon. The Guarantou, lfa ny, lhall each eK«ote a guaranty In the form most recently published BV AIR CllE, and och such Gu arantor shall have the
<br />same obUgatlons asL,uee undl!r this lea se.
<br />a1,2 Oetautt lt $hall constltutt a Oef.1ultof the Lessee If any Guarantor falls or refuses, upon 1equest to provide: (&)evidence of the CtXP.CUtlon of the suaranty,
<br />lncludlnt the authority of tht p;uw signing on Guarantor's behalf to obllgatt Guarantor, and In the ta Si! of a corporate Guarantor, a CQrtUled (Opy of a resolution of Its
<br />board of directors authorizing the making of 1uth guiu.inty, (bl turrent ftnanclal statements, (c) an Estoppal Cert\fl�te, or {d) written cont1,m,t1on that the guaranty Is
<br />stlll ln effect.
<br />38, Quiet Po ssess ion. Subject to payment by Lrnee of the. Rent and p1J:tformance of il!I of the coven\1nts, conditions and provision� on Lem·e's part to be observed
<br />and performed under this Lease, Lessee shall h1vaqute1 posseuron and qulet enJoyment of the Preml!et durlna lhe term hereof.
<br />39.Optiom, If Lessee Is granted' any Option, as defined below, then the fallowlno pro\ilslons shall apply.
<br />39,1 Oeflnl tlon, "Option" 5hall mean: (al the rlli:hl to extend or reduce the term of or renew this !Rase or to e11.tend or reduce lhe lerm of or renew any k>ase
<br />that lessee hi', on other property cf Lessor; (bl the right of flrst refuul otflr$t offer to leate elther the Premises-or other property of lessor; (cl the right to purchase,
<br />the rlght of Rrsl: offer to purcha$e or thll rlshtof fir� N!'fvsal to purch11se th!! Prnrnlses or other property of Les�r,
<br />'39.2 Options Pet!onal To OrlJlnal Le n�. AnV Option granted to lessee ll'l um Lease Is peNional to the original Lessee, and can Mt bft asslgn&d or wircl sed bv
<br />anyon, other than uild orlgl nal Lessee ind onlywhlfe th-e orlglm:il Lessee Is Ill full pouesslon of the Premises end, If raques1ed by Lessor, Wllh Less ea certifying I hat
<br />Lessee ha, no Intenti on of thereaftef assigning or subletting,
<br />39.3 Multiple Options. In the event that Leuet has any multiple Options to en end or renew thlt lea�, a bt\erOptlon cannot be e-iierclsed unle» the prior
<br />Options. heve beenvalldly e,mclsed,
<br />39,4 Effect of Default on Options, (a) t.euoe shall have no right to 11-nr cise an Option, ll)d urins the perlod comme nclng with the giving of any notice of Default and COl'ltl nutng untll sa!d
<br />Oefault Is curtd, (111 during the period of time any Rent Is. unpaid (wit hout regard to whether notltethe reof Is gtven Luste}, (nil during the time Lenee Is In Breach of this lease, or (II,) In the event that �me has been give n l or more notltes of st!pnato Default, wheth11 ror no1 the Oefaulti are cured, during the 11 month period
<br />Immediately preceding the &erclre of the Option.
<br />(bl The period of time within whieh an Option may be eicercl:sed shall not be exte nded or enlarged by tea son of Lessee's lnabillty to �rdse anOptloll
<br />betauu� of the provisions of Para mph 3�.4(a),
<br />(c)An Option shaM termln1te and beof no further force or effoc-1, notwithsta nding Le1see's du�and timely tMUcl$e of the Option, If, after lUch eltlrclSe
<br />and prlOr to the commenceme.nt ofthe ax1ended tertn orcompletfon of the purchase, (I} L,mee falls ta pay Rent for a petlod of 30days after such Rent becomes due
<br />(wtthout anv necesslly of Ltssor to £Ne notke thereof), or (U) if le·U!!tl commits a Bniach of thl,s. leue,
<br />40.Mlitfj)ht 9ulld ln8$, Jfthe Preml$es ar11 a part of a group of hl.llld!ngs.controlled by Lessor, Lessee agrees that lt wlllablde by and conform to all reasonable rules
<br />and te11ulatfons which Leuor may mak'l from ttme to time for tho managtment, sa fely, and care ofsald proJ)ertles, includ!ng the c1rc and cleanllnen of the Qrounds
<br />and rncluttlns the parking, k>adtne t1t1d unloading of vehltles, and to tiU!G Its employee�, supp Hers, shippers, c-ustomeu, contractors and lnvltus to so abide and W:.""' ,1,0 •sr•es to p,v IU fair ,ha,e of common expenses lncu,red In <onoect1on w;(h such rules and resulatlon•
<br />INITIALS � © 20l9AIR CRE, All Rights Reserved, lnst Edited: 2/25/2021 9:53 AM
<br />STN-21.301 Revised 11-25-2.019 PSie 14 of 16
<br />EXHIBIT 1