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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -65- October 2021 <br />6. Implementation of the project would introduce policies and actions that address the <br />importance of protecting the health of residents and the environment by improving air quality, <br />reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and encouraging active transportation. <br />7. The project implements the SCAG Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities <br />Strategy (RTP/SCS) land use policies related to population and housing by providing <br />additional housing near employment centers. <br />8. The project facilitates the economic development of the city by promoting development that <br />is mixed use, pedestrian friendly, transit oriented, and clustered around activity centers <br />through new and infill residential development. Additionally, the proposed project would <br />improve the city’s jobs/housing balance by supporting development that provides housing <br />and employment opportunities to enable people to live and work in Santa Ana. <br />9. Implementation of the project would coordinate air quality planning efforts to meet state and <br />federal ambient air quality standards by considering the goals of the Climate Action Plan in <br />all major decision on land use and public infrastructure investment and investing in low- to <br />zero-emission vehicles. These policies also promote development that meets or exceeds <br />standards for energy-efficient building design, and the consideration of sensitive of potential <br />emission sources on sensitive uses. <br />10. The project promotes economic growth and diversity within the city. The economic prosperity <br />element of the GPU includes policies related to improving Santa Ana’s economy and its role <br />within the region. <br />