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<br />October 2021 Page 1 <br />1. Introduction <br />1.1 PURPOSE OF MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING <br />PROGRAM <br />This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) has been developed to provide a vehicle to <br />monitor mitigation measures and conditions of approval outlined in the Final Recirculted Program <br />Environmental Impact Report. The MMRP has been prepared in conformance with Section 21081.6 of the <br />Public Resources Code and City of Santa Ana monitoring requirements. Section 21081.6 states: <br />(a) When making the findings required by paragraph (1) of subdivision subsection (a) of <br />Section 21081 or when adopting a mitigated negative declaration pursuant to paragraph (2) of <br />subdivision (c) of Section 21080, the following requirements shall apply: <br />(1) The public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made <br />to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid <br />significant effects on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be <br />designed to ensure compliance during project implementation. For those changes which <br />have been required or incorporated into the project at the request of a responsible agency <br />or a public agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project, <br />that agency shall, if so requested by the lead agency or a responsible agency, prepare and <br />submit a proposed reporting or monitoring program. <br />(2) The lead agency shall specify the location and custodian of the documents or other <br />material which constitute the record of proceedings upon which its decision is based. <br />(b) A public agency shall provide that measures to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the <br />environment are fully enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. <br />Conditions of project approval may be set forth in referenced documents which address <br />required mitigation measures or, in the case of the adoption of a plan, policy, regulation, or <br />other public project, by incorporating the mitigation measures into the plan, policy, regulation, <br />or project design. <br />(c) Prior to the close of the public review period for a draft environmental impact report or <br />mitigated negative declaration, a responsible agency, or a public agency having jurisdiction over <br />natural resources affected by the project, shall either submit to the lead agency complete and <br />detailed performance objectives for mitigation measures which would address the significant <br />effects on the environment identified by the responsible agency or agency having jurisdiction <br />over natural resources affected by the project, or refer the lead agency to appropriate, readily <br />available guidelines or reference documents. Any mitigation measures submitted to a lead