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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Page 2 PlaceWorks <br />agency by a responsible agency or an agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected <br />by the project shall be limited to measures which mitigate impacts to resources which are <br />subject to the statutory authority of, and definitions applicable to, that agency. Compliance or <br />noncompliance by a responsible agency or agency having jurisdiction over natural resources <br />affected by a project with that requirement shall not limit the authority of the responsible <br />agency or agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by a project, or the <br />authority of the lead agency, to approve, condition, or deny projects as provided by this <br />division or any other provision of law. <br />The MMRP will serve to document compliance with adopted/certified mitigation measures that are formulated <br />to minimize impacts associated with future development that would be accommodated by the Santa Ana <br />General Plan. <br />1.2 PROJECT SUMMARY <br />The GPU is the comprehensive update of the Santa Ana General Plan. The purpose of the General Plan <br />Update is to comprehensively update the 1982 plan to reflect current conditions, establish a shared vision of <br />the community’s aspirations, and create the policy direction to guide Santa Ana’s long-term planning and growth <br />over the next two decades. The General Plan Update will include the City’s future development goals and will <br />provide policy statements to achieve those goals. Implementation actions related to each goal or policy will be <br />included as a separate Implementation Plan to ensure successful monitoring of progress as a community. <br />Furthermore, the GPU will focus on five areas in Santa Ana that are better suited for future development or <br />overall improvement. These focus areas are: <br /> South Main Street <br /> Grand Avenue/17th Street <br /> West Santa Ana Boulevard <br /> 55 Freeway/Dyer Road <br /> South Bristol Street <br />General Plan Update <br />The updated General Plan is organized into three sections: Services and Infrastructure (I), Natural <br />Environment (II), and Built Environment (III). The proposed GPU addresses the seven topics required by <br />state law as well as five optional topics. State law gives jurisdictions the discretion to incorporate optional topics <br />and to address any of these topics in a single element or across multiple elements. The 12 proposed elements <br />of the GPU will replace 16 existing elements. The GPU will incorporate the current 2014–2021 Housing <br />Element, and no substantive changes are anticipated. The topic of housing will be addressed as a separate effort <br />in late 2021 in accordance with State law. The topic of environmental justice will be incorporated throughout <br />the GPU, with goals and policies incorporated into multiple elements. The 12 elements of the proposed GPU <br />are: <br />