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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Page 6 PlaceWorks <br />1.4 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM ORGANIZATION <br />CEQA requires that a reporting or monitoring program be adopted for the conditions of project approval that <br />are necessary to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment (Public Resources Code 21081.6). The <br />mitigation monitoring and reporting program is designed to ensure compliance with adopted mitigation <br />measures during project implementation. For each mitigation measure recommended in the Draft PEIR and <br />Recirculated Draft PEIR, specifications are made herein that identify the action required and the monitoring <br />and reporting that must occur. In addition, a responsible agency is identified for verifying compliance with <br />individual conditions of approval contained in the MMRP. To effectively track and document the status of <br />mitigation measures, a mitigation matrix has been prepared (see Table 1-3).