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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />October 2021 Page 7 <br />Table 1-3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements <br />Mitigation Measure Timing <br />Responsible Implementing Party Responsible Monitoring Party <br />Document Location (Monitoring Record) <br />Completion Date <br />Responsible Monitoring Party Project Mitigation Monitor <br />5.2 AIR QUALITY <br />AQ-1 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana for <br />development projects subject to CEQA (California Environmental <br />Quality Act) review (i.e., non-exempt projects), project applicants shall <br />prepare and submit a technical assessment evaluating potential project <br />construction-related air quality impacts to the City of Santa Ana for <br />review and approval. The evaluation shall be prepared in conformance <br />with South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) <br />methodology for assessing air quality impacts. If construction-related <br />criteria air pollutants are determined to have the potential to exceed the <br />South Coast AQMD’s adopted thresholds of significance, the City of <br />Santa Ana shall require that applicants for new development projects <br />incorporate mitigation measures to reduce air pollutant emissions <br />during construction activities. These identified measures shall be <br />incorporated into all appropriate construction documents (e.g., <br />construction management plans) submitted to the City and shall be <br />verified by the City. Mitigation measures to reduce construction-related <br />emissions could include, but are not limited to: <br />• Require fugitive-dust control measures that exceed South Coast <br />AQMD’s Rule 403, such as: <br /> Use of nontoxic soil stabilizers to reduce wind erosion. <br /> Apply water every four hours to active soil-disturbing activities. <br /> Tarp and/or maintain a minimum of 24 inches of freeboard on <br />trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials. <br />• Use construction equipment rated by the United States <br />Environmental Protection Agency as having Tier 3 (model year <br />2006 or newer) or Tier 4 (model year 2008 or newer) emission <br />limits, applicable for engines between 50 and 750 horsepower. <br />• Ensure that construction equipment is properly serviced and <br />maintained to the manufacturer’s standards. <br />• Limit nonessential idling of construction equipment to no more <br />than five consecutive minutes. <br />Prior to <br />discretionary <br />approval <br />Project Applicant <br />and Construction <br />Contractor <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br />