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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />October 2021 Page 11 <br />Table 1-3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements <br />Mitigation Measure Timing <br />Responsible Implementing Party Responsible Monitoring Party <br />Document Location (Monitoring Record) <br />Completion Date <br />Responsible Monitoring Party Project Mitigation Monitor <br />• Composting, green waste, or recycling facilities <br />• Fiberglass manufacturing facilities <br />• Painting/coating operations <br />• Large-capacity coffee roasters <br />• Food-processing facilities <br />The odor management plan shall demonstrate compliance with the <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Rule 402 for nuisance <br />odors. The Odor Management Plan shall identify the best available <br />control technologies for toxics (T-BACTs) that will be utilized to reduce <br />potential odors to acceptable levels, including appropriate enforcement <br />mechanisms. T-BACTs may include but are not limited to scrubbers <br />(i.e., air pollution control devices) at the industrial facility. T-BACTs <br />identified in the odor management plan shall be identified as mitigation <br />measures in the environmental document prepared for the development <br />project and/or incorporated into the project’s site plan. <br />5.3 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES <br />BIO-1 For development or redevelopment projects that would disturb <br />vegetated land or major stream and are subject to CEQA, a qualified <br />biologist shall conduct an initial screening to determine whether a site- <br />specific biological resource report is warranted. If needed, a qualified <br />biologist shall conduct a field survey for the site and prepare a <br />biological resource assessment for the project, including an <br />assessment of potential impacts to sensitive species, habitats, and <br />jurisdictional waters. The report shall recommend mitigation measures, <br />as appropriate, to avoid or limit potential biological resource impacts to <br />less than significant. <br />Concurrent with <br />submittal of site <br />development plans <br />and prior to the <br />issuance of <br />grading permits <br />Project Applicant/ <br />Developer City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br /> <br />5.4 CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />CUL-1 Identification of Historical Resources and Potential Project Impacts. For structures 45 years or older, a Historical Resources <br />Assessment (HRA) shall be prepared by an architectural historian or <br />historian meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional <br />Prior to issuance <br />of grading permits <br />Project <br />Applicant/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br />