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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Page 10 PlaceWorks <br />Table 1-3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements <br />Mitigation Measure Timing <br />Responsible Implementing Party Responsible Monitoring Party <br />Document Location (Monitoring Record) <br />Completion Date <br />Responsible Monitoring Party Project Mitigation Monitor <br />AQ-3 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana, project <br />applicants for new industrial or warehousing development projects that <br />1) have the potential to generate 100 or more diesel truck trips per day <br />or have 40 or more trucks with operating diesel-powered transport <br />refrigeration units, and 2) are within 1,000 feet of a sensitive land use <br />(e.g., residential, schools, hospitals, or nursing homes), as measured <br />from the property line of the project to the property line of the nearest <br />sensitive use, shall submit a health risk assessment (HRA) to the City <br />of Santa Ana for review and approval. The HRA shall be prepared in <br />accordance with policies and procedures of the State Office of <br />Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the South Coast Air <br />Quality Management District and shall include all applicable stationary <br />and mobile/area source emissions generated by the proposed project <br />at the project site. If the HRA shows that the incremental cancer risk <br />and/or noncancer hazard index exceed the respective thresholds, as <br />established by the South Coast AQMD at the time a project is <br />considered (i.e., 10 in one million cancer risk and 1 hazard index), the <br />project applicant will be required to identify and demonstrate that best <br />available control technologies for toxics (T-BACTs), including <br />appropriate enforcement mechanisms, are capable of reducing <br />potential cancer and noncancer risks to an acceptable level. T-BACTs <br />may include, but are not limited to, restricting idling on-site, electrifying <br />warehousing docks to reduce diesel particulate matter, or requiring use <br />of newer equipment and/or vehicles. T BACTs identified in the HRA <br />shall be identified as mitigation measures in the environmental <br />document and/or incorporated into the site plan. <br />Prior to future <br />discretionary <br />project approval <br />Property Owner/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br /> <br />AQ-4 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana, if it is <br />determined that a development project has the potential to emit <br />nuisance odors beyond the property line, an odor management plan <br />shall be prepared by the project applicant and submitted to the City of <br />Santa Ana for review and approval. Facilities that have the potential to <br />generate nuisance odors include, but are not limited to: <br />• Wastewater treatment plants <br />Prior to future <br />discretionary <br />project approval <br />Property Owner/ <br />Developer <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety Division <br />City of Santa <br />Ana Building <br />Safety <br />Division <br />