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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -27- October 2021 <br />The Industrial and Industrial Flex land uses are not anticipated to produce odors, and Mitigation <br />Measure AQ-4 would ensure that odor impacts are minimized and facilities would comply with <br />South Coast AQMD Rule 402. Therefore, Impact 5.2-6 would be less than significant. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />AQ-4 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana, if it is determined that a <br />development project has the potential to emit nuisance odors beyond the property line, <br />an odor management plan shall be prepared by the project applicant and submitted to <br />the City of Santa Ana for review and approval. Facilities that have the potential to <br />generate nuisance odors include, but are not limited to: <br />• Wastewater treatment plants <br />• Composting, green waste, or recycling facilities <br />• Fiberglass manufacturing facilities <br />• Painting/coating operations <br />• Large-capacity coffee roasters <br />• Food-processing facilities <br />The odor management plan shall demonstrate compliance with the South Coast Air <br />Quality Management District’s Rule 402 for nuisance odors. The Odor Management <br />Plan shall identify the best available control technologies for toxics (T-BACTs) that will <br />be utilized to reduce potential odors to acceptable levels, including appropriate <br />enforcement mechanisms. T-BACTs may include but are not limited to scrubbers (i.e., <br />air pollution control devices) at the industrial facility. T-BACTs identified in the odor <br />management plan shall be identified as mitigation measures in the environmental <br />document prepared for the development project and/or incorporated into the project’s <br />site plan. <br />Finding <br />Finding 1. The City hereby makes Finding 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or <br />incorporated into, the project that avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect <br />as identified in the PEIR. These changes are identified in the form of the mitigation measure <br />above. The City of Santa Ana hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure is <br />feasible, and the measure is therefore adopted. <br />2. Biological Resources <br />Impact 5.3-1: Implementation of the General Plan Update could result in adverse impacts <br />to candidate, sensitive, or special-status species. <br />The inventory of existing conditions determined that no parcels with a proposed land use <br />designation that allows for development (i.e., not an open space designation) currently has