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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -47- October 2021 <br />changes are identified in the form of the mitigation measures above. The City of Santa Ana hereby <br />finds that implementation of the mitigation measures is feasible, and the measures are therefore <br />adopted. <br />The City finds that there are no other mitigation measures that are feasible, taking into <br />consideration specific economic, legal, social, technological or other factors, that would mitigate <br />this impact to a less-than-significant level, and further, that specific economic, legal, social, <br />technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment <br />opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the alternatives identified in the PEIR, as <br />discussed in Section G of these Findings (Public Resources Code §§ 21081(a)(1), (3); Guidelines <br />§§ 15091(a)(1), (3)). As described in the Statement of Overriding Considerations, the City has <br />determined that this impact is acceptable because specific overriding economic, legal, social, <br />technological, or other benefits, including regionwide or statewide environmental benefits, of the <br />GPU outweigh its significant effects on the environment. <br />3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Impact 5.7-1: Implementation of the proposed General Plan Update would result in a <br />decrease in GHG emissions in horizon year 2045 from existing baseline but <br />may not meet the long-term GHG reduction goal under Executive Order <br />S-03-05. <br />Support for this environmental impact conclusion is fully discussed in Section 5.7, Greenhouse <br />Gas Emissions, starting on page 5.7-31 of the Updated Draft PEIR. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measure GHG-1 would ensure that the City is tracking and <br />monitoring the City’s GHG emissions in order to chart a trajectory to achieve the long-term, year <br />2050, GHG reduction goal set by Executive Order S-03-05. However, at this time, there is no plan <br />past 2030 that achieves the long-term GHG reduction goal established under Executive Order <br />S-03-05. As identified by the California Council on Science and Technology, the state cannot <br />meet the 2050 goal without major advancements in technology. Advancements in technology in <br />the future could provide additional reductions and allow the state and City to meet the 2050 goal, <br />but in the meantime, Impact 5.7-1 would be significant and unavoidable. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />GHG-1 The City of Santa Ana shall update the Climate Action Plan (CAP) every five years to <br />ensure the City is monitoring the plan’s progress toward achieving the City’s <br />greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target and to require amendment if the plan is not <br />achieving the specified level. The update shall consider a trajectory consistent with the <br />GHG emissions reduction goal established under Executive Order S-03-05 for year <br />2050 and the latest applicable statewide legislative GHG emission reduction that may <br />be in effect at the time of the CAP update (e.g., Senate Bill 32 for year 2030). The CAP <br />update shall include the following: