9.3 Pal'li1I 011mari•· Unln,1.1red Lou, !fa Premises Part1al Dam1Re lhat ls Mt 1n lnswed Lou occurs, un1e.ss caused by a nes11s,nt orwlllful aet of Leuet Jin which a'll!lnt Leu� ,hall make the repe1n et Lenee's expense), L,mor may eltheri (I) repair .such damage n soon a s reasonably posslb\e at Lessor's b.pense, In which event this Lease shall coot1 nue In full force 11nd effect, or Ill) terminate 1h\s Lea� by gl...tngwr\lten notice to Les$<!e within 30 days after receipt by li!!ss.or of knowledge or the 0<:currence of .sueh damage, Such termltiatfon $hall be effective 60 days fo!lowlng the date of such notice. In the event Lessor 1:1tecu to t�mlnate thl5 lease, Les$ee man have the right within 10 d� after tect!lpt of the termlnatton nottce to glvec written nottce to lessor of Le s£11e's commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without �lmbursement from Lessor. Le!�e shalt provide le�sor with said ful\dS or satlsbctory a»urince thereof within 30 days afte, mak!rtB such commitment. In suth event this U!ase shaU conti nue fn full force and effffl, and LeS$Or shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably posstb!e atter the
<br />required fund$ are a�ilabJQ. IF �ssee does not make tho required tommltment, this lease shall terminate as of the date specU1ed In the termination notice. 9,4 To tal Oe,t ructlo n, Notwlthst11:ndlng1nv other provis ion hereof, If a ?remlsas tout Destruction occuu, this Leue $hall terminate 60days followll'IB 1uch Destrucllon. 1rthe damage <1rdestrucllon was caused by the gross negUgenc1:1 or willful misconduct of Lessee, Lessor !ihaU have the right to re-co111r Ulnor1s dam�ges from Les see, exce pt as provided in Pafllgraph 8.6. 9.S Dam•1e Near End of Term . If at any time during the last 6.months of thlJ leue there � damage for whlch the cost to repair exce eds one month's Base Aent, whether or not an Insured Lou, U!ssor may ter minate this leue effective 60 days foll owing the date of occurrence of such damage by giving a written termination notice to luue within 30 days after the date ,of occurrence of such d11mage, Notwithstanding the lortgolne:, Ir Lenee at that time hn an eMerc\sable option lo e)(lend thls lcil$e or lo purchase the Premise$, lheo le!.See may plt!Sorve this. Lease bv, (a) e,iercls!ng such option and (bl pro11ldlng le.ssorwlth any short.tse In Insurance procee d$ (or adequate .euurance thereof) needed to make u,e repairs on or before the earlier of {I) the date which Is 10 d1y.s aftet Lessee:'s receipt of Lessor's written notice purporting to terminate: this Lease, or Ill) the day prior to the date upon which such option e)(p\m.s. If Lessoa dul'f QQrcim. tuch Optton during such period and provides �uor wlth hmd s (or adequate auurante thereof} to oovor any $horta ge1n Insurance proceeds, t.euor sh.Ill, at Lesror's commettlally reasonable eicpense, repair such damage as soon as reasonably polilble and thls Lease !han conlfnua In fuB force and effect, lfles,ee falls to eicercbe ,uch option and pro'tllde such funds or assurance durlna such �od, thtn this lAa� shall \ermlnate on the date J�clfled In the terml11 at1on notice and U!ssee's option shall be elrtlnguls hed. 9,6 Abatement of 11.e nt; l.eu u't fttmedle1, (a)Abatement. In !he Mnt of Preml5-es Partial Damage or Premises Total Destruction or a Hazartlous Substtinte Co.ndlUon for which U!ssee I! notresponsible under this. Lea$e1 the Rent payable by lauee for the period required for the repair, remediation or r�torat1 on of weh damagt dul l be al»tGd ln proportion to the degree \0 which Lessee's use of the Premises l.s Impaired, bu1 not 10 e�cel!d the procead.s recalved froll'I the P.ental value lm.urance. All other obllgatlons of Lessee hereunder thall be performed by lem!a, and Le$tor shan have no bblrity for 1ny tueh dama ee, destruction, ,emedlat1on, rtpalr or re11orat1on el!'t:ept as provide d her11ln. lb) Remedlu. If Lessor lsobUgnted to re pal, or mtore the Premises and does not tommente, In a n1bstan"al and meanlngful way, such repair o,reitoratton within 90 days efter such obllptlo.n shan eccru-e, Le.ssee mav, at anyttme prlorto the commencement of such repair or te1 tor."on, 11Jve written notice to Lessor and to any lende:rs. of which U!ssee hn actual notice, of lesse-e's electton lo terminate this Lene on a date not hm than tiOday,s fo llowlng the giving of such not!te, If lessee glves such nolice and such re�lror tla't.torat!on ls not commwed within 30dav$thereaftar, thls le uo shall t11rmlnn11 as of th11 date specified lnsa!d notice. If the repair or rutora tlon bcommenced within such 30 days, thb Laase shall continue In ful l foltt and Gffett, �co mmenee• shill mt:an either the unconditional authorh:at1on ofthe preparation of the-requlmd plans,. or the b11glnnlng o f tho actual work on the Ptemlsas, whichever first occurs. 9.7 Termination; Advance Payments. Upon term1nat1onof this Lease pursuatlt to P�111grijph G.2(&) or Paragraph 9, an equitabl e ,i:djustment ,hall be made concerning advance a�e Rent and anv other advance payments made; by Les see to Leuor. leS5or shall, ln addition, re tum to lessee sc much of lessee1s Security Oepo$lt es hes not been, or Is nr,\ then n:qulred tt> be, used by teuor.
<br />lO, Fl:eal Prop•rty tu u. 10.1 Deflnltton, A5 U5ed herein, the term "Re.ii Property Ta)(e.5" shall Include any lorm of u.seument; real erute1 general, special, ordln.uv or extt aortllnary, 01 renlal le.,,.,. or tall (ot.herthan Inheritance, pel10nal lncome ore!.late ta)(esJ; Improvement bond; and/or ltcensa fff lmposed upon or lll'olled as11lnst any le�I or ettul!able lnten!st of Less or In th& Pre mises or the Project, len.or'.s right to other Income th erefrom, and/or lusor's buslMU of \&aslns, by.iny au1horily having the direct or lt'rdlted PQwer to tax at'ld where the funds are genera ted with reference to the Building addn:us. RHI Property Takes shall also Include any tax, fee, levy, usessm�nt or cha rge, or any increase therein: (I) Imposed by reason of e11ents occurrlft8 during the term of thb lease, Including but not llmlted to,• change In the ownership of the Pretnlies, and (II) levied or assautd on machinery or equipment provi ded by le,ssor to lene11 pu1suant to this t.easn. 10.2 Pay ment of tlx.s. In addition to Base Rerllt Le"8e shall pay to lusor an amount equal to the Real Propertv Tax Installment due at lea$t 20 days prior to 1he appUabla delinquency date. If anv such Installment shall caver any period of time prior to or after the e11plratfon or termination of this ti.lase, lm'!e's share of ,uch lnslallment shall be prorated. In theevenl lessee Incurs. a late tha111e on any Rent payment, lessor may estimate the current ll.eal Prop eny Tu,es, 1nd require that such \a)OC!S be paid In advance to leuor by Lessee mot1thlv In adYan.te with the payment of the Dase Rent. Such monthly payM�tsshall be an amount equal lo the amount of the est imated lnsbillment of taxes dllllded by the numb" of month$ remaining before the month In whll:h said lnitallment becomu dellnquent. When the acMI amount of the applh:abte tax bUI Is knowl'I, the amount of such equal monthly .idvinco pavm0:nts shall be adJusll)d u required to provide ttie funds needed to pay the aJlpllca ble ta1<es. It the amounl colletted by tossorls lnsufflelent to pav such Real Prope rtv 1&){8-S when due, t.esS\le shall pay Ul!ssor, upon demand, such addltlontl mm as Is necessary. Adll)nce payments m11Y,be-lntermlngled with Other moneys of Leu or ;;1nd shall not bear Interest. In the ewnt of aareach by lessee In the performance of lts obllgattoM under this lease, then anv wch adv;ince payments mev be treated bv Lenor as an addltt om1I Seculitv Deposit. 10.3 Joint Aueumant. tf the Premises are not sepatately assessed, leuee's llablllty shall be a11 equitable proportion of the Reill Prop erty Tuite$ for all of the land �nd lmpr011en1en1s l11cludi!d Within the tax parcel assessed, such proportton to be conclusively da:terrnlned bv lenor from the-re.spec.tive vih.tiltlons assigned In the asses$or'f worli sheets or such other f11formatlon as may be reasonably aval 11ble, 10.4 Parsonal Property Ta xes, less.ee .shall pay, prior to deUnque ncy, all taxes auesle-d a113ln:lt and le11led upon Lusee Owned Alterations., utility lnstaltatlons, Trade Fixture�, furnhh!ng.s, equipment and all personal property ot L.ess.ce. Whon posslble, Lem!e shall cause Its Lessee Own� Alte ratlonsand Utility Installations, Trade Fbi:tu res, furnlshi ngs, equipment and allolhe, personal property to be assessed and bl\led separately ftom the real property of lessor, If any or umee's said pr operty shall be amssed with Lessor's rtal pr operty, Lessee 1hal\p1y les.sorthe tax&s attrlbotible to lesse e's property within 10 da.ys after ceceipt of a written ttatement setting fort h the U1xes 1P9Htoble lo Le1�e1s property.
<br />11, UtUltta5 nnd �Nlces. WU ea shall pay for all water, g.a, heat, llght, power, telephone, tmh dlsposal and oUler utllil1� and servlcessupplled to the Premises, to gtthu wlth arw taxes thereon, If any such S4!1'\/lces ;ire not separately metered or bllted to Lessee, U!-me shall pav a reason1bte pr�ortlon, to be determined by Leuor, of all chs111es Jolntly m�tered or b!Ued. The1e shall be no abatement ofrenl and Ll!s$or shall not be llable lnanv nHpect whatso(!",ler for the lnadequacy, �oppage, ln ttmu ptlo n or cns'°nttnuance of any uUlltv or service due to riot, itrlke, labor dispute,, breakdown, accide nt, repair or other cause bli!vond Lauor', reasonable control or In cooperation with &0V('rnmental request o, dlrecttom,
<br />�
<br />en d,vs of Lessoer n,1n,n ,equen, lessee agrees to de�., to lessorsuch Information, documenu and/or aulho rlzatton " "'"" needs In ortle, !or
<br />INITIA� . � t!l 201 9AIR CRE. All Rig ht< Reserved. 1.!11 Edited: 2/25/2021 9:53 AM
<br />STN-27.30, Re.vised 11-25-2019 Page 8of 16
<br />EXHIBIT 1