eertiHc:ates wlth copies of the required endors-em,nts e,;\dendng the eklslence an d amo unts of the 1equlred Insurance, No suth policy shall be cance1able or .cubJec:t 10 modtflc:a!1on exce pt after 30davs prior written notice to Lessor. Lessee shall, at least lOdavs pr lat to thl! explratlon of sueh poltcles, furnish LQuor with Q11Jdenc:e of renewals or �insurance binders" evld�r(-lng renewal thereof, or Le,s:or may lnc,east his llablllty ln,u rani;e cover.ige and charge the cost thereof to Ussce, which �mount shaH bo payabl0: by Lessee to Lessor upon demand. Sud! polleles 1haU be for a wm of at least one vtar, or the h!nsth of lhe re malnlng term of thl.s Lease, whicheve r ls less. 11 either Party Jhall fall to procure and maintain the Insurance retiulred to be c.i rrted by It, the other Partv may, but shall not be requlre-d to, procure and maintain tru! same. 8,6 Wai ver ofSubro11tio n. Wtthout affecting any other rlghUor remed lel, Leme and LessOf'each hereby relene and rene11e the other, and waive thclrentlrE rlghl to re,ovtH damaMS .igalnst tM other, for loss of or damage to IB property arising out ofor hKlde ntto tha perlb req_ulred to be Insured aplnst: he�ln. The effect of such releases and waivers ls not llmtled by the amount of lnwrance wried or required, or by any deductib les app1kable hemo. Thi Pirt1e.s agrte to have th air respectll/i! propenv damage tosut.1nte carriers waive any right tQ !1.lbrog..itlcn that such tompanle.s may have against Lessor or 1.essae1 u the c;is(! may be, solong as the Insurance ls not llt'lalldated thQ reby. , ..
<br />8,7 Indemnity, EKeept for le.uor's gro:1,s negllg_enc.e or w!llful mlso:induct. le"ee shii11l lndem111ry, protect,defend and hold harmless the Preml s�, Lesso r and Its agents, Leuor's ma,ter or ground lessori partnen and lenders, from and against any and all dalms, ro ssor rents and/or damages, Hens, ludgmems, penaltles, attorneys.' and coltiultants' fees, expenses and/or llabl!lttes arl$lng out of, lm,olvh'IBi or In connectfon with, a areaeh of the Lease by LesM!e and/or the use and/or OtXupancy of the Premises and/or Pto/ect by Lessee and/or by Lessee's employees, con tractors or !nvttees, If aBy action or proceeding Is brought against Leisor by reason of any or lhe fo rego/n11 matte rs, Lessee shill ul)On notice de lend the same at Lessee's ei(pense by counsel reasonably $8t1sfartory to Lessor and Lessor shall cooperate with Lessee ln such defense, Lessor need nol have ftrst paid any such c:l1lm ln order to be defended Of lndemnlfttd. 9,8 bempdon ot tenor and IU AgQntJ ll"om Uabl!lty, Notwlthstandln8 the negllgence or breach of thl:. t.eas.e by l.e.uor or hugena. neither Leuor nor Its agents shill II be Uabl'I under any drcumstances for. (I) In Jury or damage to the person Of gor>ds, wares, mm:hilndlse or other propeny of le.nee, LM\ee's empl(Jyees, contract\1rs, !nvltees, customers, or any olher person In or about lhe Premises, whether such damage or \nju,y ls e;iused byor ro.sult$ from fire, s\eam, electtlcity, gas, water or rain, lntloot air quality, the presence ol maltl or from the bnukage, lea kage, obstruction or other deh!cts of pipes, flre sprinklers, wltes, appliances, plumblng, !WAC or Oght1ng fh1 tures, or from any otlw.r cause, whether the said lnJury or damage te�ult, fro m tondltlons arising upon the Premises or upon other Portions of thebulldlng of whlth th.a Premlm are a part, or from other sources or places, Ill) any damagesarblng from anv ad or neglect of any other tenant of Leuor or from thfallureof lessor or IU agents to enforce the pt!l"1\slOn$ of any other lease In tha Pro)eci:, or 1111) Injury to�1s buSlnes.s or for artt loss.of Income or profit thett1ftom.instead, II ls intend ad that�•s sole re,our:i.e ln the e'llt.nt of -,;uth damages or ln)urv be to l'llt a tlelm on the lruurantl!l pallcy(les) that Umee Is re:qul�d to m111lntaln to the provlllons of pa,a,sraph 8,8,9 hllure to Provide lnsurantt. lei see acknowledges that any fai lure on Its pan to obUln or maintain the Insurance required herein will expo� Leu or to risk$ and potentla11v cause leuor to Incur cosu not contemp lated by this Lease, the extent of whl,h wlll be extremely dlfftcutt to mertaln. Aetor dlngly, for any month or portion thereo f that Lessee doe5 not malntalo the required Insurance and/or doe.s not provide �or with the rt'qulred blndors or certificates evidencing tha
<br />"''""''" ,1 '"• 1eqw,ed '"'"""' after notice and resaonable opportunity to cure, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a fee
<br />of $500, U1e litue Renl sRallbe 1ul11malciull•1 IAcioa,ed, wlthQut;nv ,aq1.1h�omai'I, for n11t1,o t9 l.om1e> by an umn1nl 11q11al w UJN. ,of"'o U:itn QHIUi11e litu,e Rent
<br />o,�.1.001 •A hlGl:1e •er Is BFGillllr, Til epntles agree th;1t such fe e lnc11me In llmi �eM represents fa:lrand teasonable compensotlon for the additional rls k/coJt.s that Lessor wi ll Incur by reason of Less ee's tallure to maintain the requi red lnsurante, Sueh Increase In Base Rent shall In no went co nstitute a w�Ner otleuee':s Defa ult or 8reach with respect to the hllure 10 rNlnt.aln such lnsuranc.e, prevent the exerci u• of any of theolher rights and rem edies sr.intfld hatt1unde,; nor r411law Lossee of its obl\g;ltion to maintain the Insurance speciRed in this Lease.
<br />9, Damage or Oest ructton, 9,1 Deflnllions. !aJ �PtemiMs Partial Oam•1•� .shall me-an damage or des truction to the lmf)fovt merruo-n the Premlset, othtr than Lessee Owntd Alterations and Vtlllty lnstalhntons, wt,lth can re asonably be re�lred ln G months or len from the dolte of the damage or destruction. Lessor .shall nottfy lessee In writing within 30 days from the date of the da mage or deuructlon as to whether or not the damage ls Partial or Tolal. {bl "Prarnls esTot1t Destruetlon" Shall mean damage or destruction to the Prem lses1 other than lessee Owned Al teratlons and Ut1Uty Instal lations and Tra de FiJttures, whlch cannot reasonably be repaired lo 6 months-or IQ$:s rro m the date of the damage or des\rU(tlon. Lessor shall notify lessee In writing within 30 dav, from the date of the damage ordestructloti as lO whether or not the damage b Partlil c,r Toh I. It) "Insured Loss� shall mean demago or destruction to lmprovement1i on tht, othiltr than le:ssee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations and Tr ade flmlm, which wa, c:aused byan event required tobe co!fflred by the lnsuranui duulbed In hnigraph 8.3(a), lrre,pettivt ol anydedui:ttble amounts ot w.eragc llmlts Involved, td) "llepl•cement Costw shall mean the cost to repair or rebulld the Improvements owned by lessor at the time of the occurrence to their condition G)llstlng lmmedfately prior thereto, Jnctudlng demolition, debris remova l Md upgrading required by tM o,,eratfon of AppUable Req ulremenu, and without deductf(ln klrdepr�l�tlon, (E!) 11Hamdous Sub5ta nce Condltlon"shaH mean the occurrence or dl scovety ofiil tondltlon lnvoMng thQ p"uenco of, or a oonlamlnation by, a HaiudoosSubslance, In, on, or under the Premise$ which requires restorntfon. 9,2 P•rtlal Otm age:� ln1uted LOU, If a Preml�$ Partlal Oamage th atls an tn1ured Lossoccun, then U!:ssot shall at lessor's expense, repalrsuch damage (but no1 Unee's Tn1de Fixtures or t.euee Owned Alterations and Utlllty lmtalla"ons) as soon ;u reasonablv posslblt' and this Lease shall c;ontlnue In full rorce and effect ; provided, however, that lessee shall, at Lessor's e1e,t1on1 make the repalf of any damage ot destluctlon the total cost to repair of w.tlkh Is $10,000 or leis, and, In such even11 U!ssor $hall make any appUcable insuranee proceeds av11Dab!e to les$@e on a rea sonable basli for that purpose, NolW!thstandlng the foregoing, If the req utred 1ns1.1rante was not In forte or the Insurance proceeds are not sufficient to effect such rep111lr, the In suring Party shall promptly contribute the shortage In proceeds (em�pt as to lhe deduttihl@ whlch ls leis ee'sruponslb!llty) as �nd when requlrod to compl1t11 uld repairs. 1n the e,,enl, howove,, shortage 111t1S due lo the fact
<br />that. by reason of the un ique mtum of the Improvements, full repl;icemenl cost l11sunnce cove r1ge wu not tommercla\ly rHson,ble and ava1lable, Leuor shall have
<br />no obllgatlon to p;ry fOf the shortage In Insurance proceeds or to fully restore the unique aspects of the Premises unlt$S Lessee provides Less.or with the funds to cover
<br />same, or adequate assurance thereof, within to days rol!owlng receipt of written not1ce of wch shortage and requett therefor. tf Leuor rece ive� said funds or
<br />adequale mu ranee thereof within said 10 da'i' period, the (!arty respo,nl ble for making the repairs ihall complet�t.Mm as soon as reasonablv pos$1ble and this Lease
<br />shaU remain In full force and effect, If such funds or assuran,e are not retell/Cd, lessor may M\Jertheless elect by written notice to le Hee wllhln lOdays the�after
<br />to: (II make such re:rtonrtlon and repair H ls cornmerclallv reasonable with lessor p.iyln11 any shortasa ln p,ocq,eds._ In whlth ate this leaSG 1h;1,II ro imln In full forco
<br />and effect, "r {II} have this Li:iate termln.ite 30 days thereafter, Lessee shall not be entttled to relmbursemt'nt of any fund!, contributed by lessee to rep&lr any such
<br />damage or destruction, Preml56 Partial Damage due to fiood or Hrthquake ;hall be subJec:t t.Q Paragraph 9.3, notwlthstandln8 that there mEry be some Insurance
<br />�
<br />ut lhe net proceedsol ,ny such Insu rance shall be made a,•Jab� for Jh& rep.,, If made by either Party.
<br />INITIALS � <0 2019 AIR CitE. All Rights Reserved, last Edited: 2/25/2021 9:53 AM
<br />STN-27.30, Revised 11-25-2019 Page 7 of 16
<br />EXHIBIT 1