Lessor of rel\tor the turt of the Breach which 1rima1ed the operatfon al thls parasraph shall not bt deemed a waiver by leuor ol the prcwlslons of thls paraaraph unless s!)(:ldheally so stated In writing by Lessor at the t1me of suth acceptanc.e. U.4 late Charges, le,See hereby atknowledgcs that late payment by Lessee of Ren\ wlll "'use Lesso, to lntur cosl.S not �ntemplated bythls Le ase, the exactamount of which win be e11treme ly difficult to asan taln. Such ooru Include, but are not llmlted to, proceuln& and auountlna eha,get, and late charees which mwbe lmpcsed upon Lessor by any Lender, Ac:cordlngly, II any Aent shall not be rece\vtd b, U!norwl\hln 5 days after wch amountshaP be-due, thtn, without anv requirement for notice to Le ssee, LesseeshaU lmmedlatety pay to U!ssor a one-ttmelate charge equal to 10" of each such OY!rdue amount or $100, whichever b greater. 1he Pa nias hereby agree that such late ch use represer'lts a fair and NIBSonable estimate oft he costs Leuorwlll Incur by rea$0tl l)fsuch late payment. Acceptance of such !ate charge by Lessor shall In no event constitute a walwt of leuee's Oefautt or Brtadi wtth mpect to such overdue: amoul\t, nor prevent the
<br />I exercise of any of th& other rlahts and ,emedles aranled heruunder. In Iha 1111.W \hit a la,, cllaFf!,a 11 pay�blt lltN••Rdtt, tt+Mh,r or AOt c�last.t, fQr a Q&!An;wlilw 1Amllmaf1 ,c of llan Ran-, tlmi 11olo◄-h11udlP9 JP'f ppgorl1kln gf 1�1, 1•111 lo\ha cerurafV, tu, Rini ihal� a�11uor'1 op�on, b1wm1 duaand pai1tblt qwaRoslr: IA ........ 13,S lnterttt. My monetary payment due Le sso r hereunder, other than late chtrges, not ,ece lved by Lffl.or, when due shall bear Interest from the llSt day after It was due, The Interest rrnterast�l charged !hall be computed at the ratt of 1oKper annum but shall not eKCeed the maximum rate ahowe.dby law. Interest Is payable In addition ro the potential la\t dmgeprovlded for In PJraaraph 13,4, 13,6 Brt1ch b, lessor. (a) Notkt ofBretch, IA.Hor shall not bl deemed ln breach ofthls Le11e unleu Lessor Falls with.I n • reasonable t1me lo parform an obl laatlon ,equlred to be performed byle5$0t. For purposes of this Paraa,aph, a rea,onable time shall In no event be lds than 30 days after tecetpt by Lem,. and any Lender whose name and address shall have been furnlthtd to Lent e In writing for such purpose, af wtltten notice spec:1,Vlng whtl'eln sudl obllaatlonof Less or has not been performed; provided, howeve r1 that If the-nature of Lessor's obllptlon Is such um mare than 30days are reasoitably required for Its perfo rmanceA than Lessor sh11II not be In breach If perfor mance Is commente� within such 30 day tMrlod arHI thert1fter dlllgenttvpu.rsued tocomplttlon. (b) Perlormance by Let.see on Behalf of l.essor. In the event that neither Lessar not Lender cures said broth within 30 days after reailpt of said noltte, orll MVlnt commented said cum thev do not dlllaentlv f'Qrsue lttocomplatton, then 1Asw11 may electto eura sald b,each at lessea1s expense and offset from Rent tile actual and re asonabl4 �" to perform sudleure, provided, however, th•tsuch offset shall not exceed an amount equal to the greater of one month's ease Rent ot the Security Deposit, re-setv1n1 le$St1e', rlaht to seek reimbursement fro m Lessor for anvsuch expense In eKat$$OI such offset. 1.esseeshad document the cost of said cure and supply Hid documentatton to Lessor. 14, Condemn etton, If the Pre mises o, any portion there.of are taken uRdet the power of eminent domain or sold under the threat of the exettllt of said powtr (oolleatvely "Condemnat1on"l, this Lease sballtermlnate as to the part taken as af the date the C1Jndemnlngauthorltytakes Htleor poS$t.SSlott, whichever first occurs. If more than 101' of the Bulldln& or more than 25% of that portion of the Premises not occupied by any bulldln& ls taken byCondemna.tton, Ulssee may, at Lessee's. option, to btwirclsed In writfna wtthln to days after Lessor shall have given Lessee written notice of such taklna (ar In the abM?nce ofsueh ootft&, within 10 days after the condemnlngauthorlt.v shall have lakeo posseulon) termlnatti lhl$ Lease as.of the date the condamn!ns authority takH SU<:h possession. If le�see doet not terminate this Le:asetn aa:ordance with the foreaolne, this Lease shah «1maln In full fottaand effect as to the portion of the Prorl\lses remalnlr,e.etcept that the btse RentshaU be reduced In proportion to the rtductfon In udllty of the Premlses ceused by such Condemnation. Condemnation awards and/or p-ments shall be the property of les sor. whethe, such award shill be made as compensation for d iminution In ¥alue of the leasehold, the value or the part raken, or for smrance damages; prov ided, however, that Ltssee shall be entitled to any compensatfon paid by the condemnor for Lessee's rtloc:at1on expenses, Ian af business goodwill and/or Tr ade flKtures, Without resard towhelher or not this Lt:i st Is terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Parigtaph, AUAltetattons and Utility Installations. mada to the Premlsts by lessee, fa r put90ses of Condemnatton onlv, shall be cons idered the property of the Lessee and Lessee shall be tt1tltled to any and all co mpensadtm which ls payable ther1(1ir. fn the Mnt that this Lease Is not tarmlnatad by reason of the Condemnatfon, lessor shall tepalr "IIY damage to the Premlses caused by such Conde mnation.
<br />1$ IIJGl111ra11 .... II S5 J Acldl"'•II Cono-11slOA IP addldon In 1�1pa •i'�DRH o,�1ad puu1aaiUt.11 Pa,aa,aph � Oaiaouo1 IHUF •&�HI U11t1 I•� 1,LeH .. 111.-�HIIRY Op&l�R, Ud II 1111"011 o, :liAtfORQ afflUalod u�h I HUii a;qulJ:GI IA\l liehH IOI�• 51:flMiltll 11,1111b,, pflmlHI QjlFRld b; lt1Hi:and IOHltd ttilllllA d�• lillH ll1oj11;&, IIIA\'1 ll�UIIR 111Qlch c11t ll:r•MIHl 11 lo mad. 1,11& lfilHH feAlllAI IA p,HHUIOR oi1t:ae llF1mlu11, 11,lllllh• CGAIIAl t111i1 flUOfi aRe,u,a eicplRl�IHI oUlll5 I IHI, D�4dl It lac. Aea&ls IAGflH·� oi11,111u bt1 IBIOIMIIU OF opo.aChilA ul IA 11e;alalh1A Gl:;11111 IIHIIA, ,11,11, LHtl' 111111 pa1,1 UA11k11R1 a fa, IA acco�lACII ulidl Cha 1111 lid\a .. ,, otlhl lhukar, IA llll8'1 111111 lllnlll lllfl 141i11111i'al tNICUlld :n.1 pcO'll5IOIU ot&hl1 pa�ae1apl\ alt IM1nd11d IO IIIPlr:fitdl the ,-:oi1l1loA1 OI IA'i1 n,IIH/il&,HIIAIIA' te lh GIIAIA1¥ n ;a 110111151:dH ot06lll1•iwn• IAY .*'1111; IUIFIRd1Ue11 al I 11mo1 11 ilUtMUI Ill lhl1 I 111a, 1hall ll1 dHAlld IO lla-• HIUMlld I llilDF'I Dlll)&a'4 1UI �8'1l1Adl� lliokau 1hall Mi 11\IRS·p;iiR�• b1n1PclaslHat t.111 puiulcllnu at Pia11gcapll1 I Q. lS, :22 a11d U Ill HCOI tallc 10 pay to IIMJhn a� '"'01 11111 do, 11 IA. roe: llrolcaca .. ''" p1r1afniAa 10 thit I ea.,. 11sh1n d1,19w 01111. such amo'*"'' 1hall xau11 1iu110&1 In iddldoit, If L1c11r fa"''' fl:a\•IIW)• IMII.IM.1111 ....... IF1hlr11lh1A ...... 1,, ..... au1kiN AU� HAd m�ililH AOIIH IOI IUIH and� .. ". ol111ch fall lr4 ancl le I u1oslall1 lo pay1111;k IRIIIMIAUmlUdA I.O d111t allaJ 11ld RQlt'11 I.IIHH 11:!all pay Hid Al011U lQ u, a,e�,r and raffu1t ,wdi amllllRI, G(pkllt RI Pt Ill )ddllhm, t ,,ma'r •�ok11=11:1,N he 11 0'1':ld lo bt a lhlfll �•"'1• bt•aflclapt cf ti AW con11qlnl11A l8f18Al1AI 8Atlrtd lqW b\l ud/4J btUIIUltA IHH� IRd L1110,!r a,c.A, foFthCI Qmlltd p1npetsa g( cell1r.\lA9 ac,,,, bR!lr.tRfl(I fta lliUlltd lli i a1pt01tAla"lnt 111dlRdJ1Mnl·• ,, lrok1rRllnio111hlp1 IHIU Dl'ld Lino, tact. ftt1FlltAt aAII l'�Ff•n, \11th ulll.tr Uuult 11.athali ROdHIIRp mllh IA'.' pUIOA1 ti FM, luokar. a841AI OS flAdH lgUl1i lhaa lho l,gkcu, I Ad llgtAtl, 11 aA\11 IA l:IIAAtCliOR -�,ltb lbl!F I eac,, and tbat "Q 01111 GUIii: U1111 Hid caamad u,ok,u and A&IIAll It IIAdllad tD .... COIQAIIHIOA or 1Ad11r'l 111 IP roeAOd#CA lttrou41l1 I,, ... and I IUOF do 1a,;b ktMlli•.• aer11 \o IRdaMAI &;, pro'lec.t, ... nd ,nd hid d1• ;,thia, ha,ml111 irom and ap"'"-!labllllr,iro, tOAlPlilAllijQQ oc ,hai:&111 •'lhlcb •ay bo clalMlld b\l .. ,,. ,11ch 1111in111A1d bUlkltti R,utu U 01h,, IIMIIIJ Plft.ltl;,� 1111011 ne •iw dHIIAftl or '"'Q"& 11f 1h11t1d1111Rlf\•ln1 PIM!.1: IAsl1 1dlAae11 ,, cu,,, .. p1nu1, ,uvm•' IIH rn,eAaO�, jq;11m1• 1'ln rtrp11tUh111\u I t&. Estoppet CertUkaW:s, ta, Each Party (as 11Rupondln1 P1rty"J shill w\thln 10 days after written notice hom the olher fli rty (the "fllequ,ntins Purty•)eKeeute, acknowledge and dellver to the Ri,questene Party a statement N1 wrltCng In form sfmlla, to the then mo.st cur,ent "b10ppe1 (ertiftcate" form pubilshed er AIR CRE, plus such addltfanal lnfoonatton, c.onflrmatto n and/o r stat,ments as may be reasonabty requested by the Requestfna Party. (bl If the Responding Party ,hall !all to execute or deliver the Estoppel Certificate within sudl 10 day period, the Requ<sUns Party mav execute an fs toppel Certt ftc.ate stating that: Ill the Lease Is In full torce and effect without modlflcatton tKC:ept as may be represented by the Raquattlna Pa rty, (IQ there are no um;ured defaults In the Requmtlne Party'sperformanct, and (111) 1r Lessot ls the ReQuestfna Pa rty, not more thlln one month's tent has been paid In ad\lance. Prospective pun:hasers and encumbrancers may rely upon theRequ estins .,,rty1s Estopp1d Certificate, and the Respandlns Party shall be estopped from denying the truth of the fa cts contained In said Outffltatt, In addition, Lessee 1cknowledaff that any ta.J iu re 011 Its part to provide such an £stoppet Certlfl catewlll e.Jpoae Le:mr J:[J::_ "°""""IV cau1e Lessor to lnmcosu not tonlampl,ted by th� Lease, tho extent of which will beenremely dlffi'11h to asa11tal� Aca,rdlng�. shou ld the
<br />�
<br />INITIAlS © 2019AIR CRE. All Rights Re,erved, STN-27 ,30, Revi sed 11•2S·2019 Last Edited: 2/25/2021 9:53 AM Page ll of 16
<br />EXHIBIT 1