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Lessee fall to e:xecute and/or deliver a requested E$tOppel Certitlcale In a Umely fashlon. Lessee shall pay to Lessor a fee of $500 lhA mor>thht ��d,-wl!h(l'lt lAV n11qultOMont (Qr nNiCt to I OSSH1 by )A a<flOllnt •ct ,al ,o JO>'. oflAt l�tA •Hlit!Ae Ba 1, '"Int tr$ lOOi whlcR1••111r 1£ euatur far �111malndll1 of the I euo 'rhe Parde$ agree that such lncre.aseln Bue twnl rtpnt�nts fair and teasonable compen�tton for th e addltlonal risk/cons that LeB.o r WIii incur by re a$o·n of Lem e's failure to provide !he E1toppe\ Certificate, Such lntfea59 In Bast Rent.shall In no even t constitute a w;lver ol lessee's Oe ltn1 lt or l:lteach wllh res peel to the lallure to provide the E�toppal Cet'llfltale nor preve nt the exercise of any of the other rlRhts and remedies granted hereun der, (cl If lessor desires to Hnimce, re�oonce,.or sell the PremOOS, or allj' p.a1t thereof, lesse(t and all Guar.intors shall within 10 days after written notice from Lessor deliver to any potentlel lender or purchale!r designated by temr such flnanclal statemenb u may be reuon11bly required by su,h lender or purchaser, locludlng btJt not llmlted to Loute's flna Relal stat ement$ for 1he 3 ��. All such flnanclal st atemer1ti shall be received by lessor and such leOOer or purchaMtr In eonfldence an ti thall be U$ed only felt the purposes herein set forth, <br />17, D-eflnltlon of Ler.sor. The term "&Auor" a, used hmln ih1ll mean the owner or owntuat the tlrne In question of the !0Qt1tle to the PremlS<H, or, If this 1, a sublease, of lhe lesue 1s lnlerut In the prior lea$e. In the !!vent of ■ transfer of LailOr's 11th1 or Interest In the Premises or th1s Lease, Lessor shall deliver to 1he tra nsferee or aulgnee {In ca$h or by credit) any \JllUStd Security Deposit held by Lessar. Upon such transfer or a!slgnment and delivery of the Se curlty Deposit. as afore�ald, the prior Le�,or $h�II be relleve.d of all l�blllty with respect to the oblleatlons. and/or (ovenants under this lease thereafter to be performed by the Lesior, Subject 10 the forego ing, the obllgatton:s. arld/ot cove nanU lfl this Leue to be pMormed by the l,.euo r shall be bl ndlns onty upon the l.eS1or u herolnabove dehned. <br />18., S•11et1blll ty. The lnwlldltyof any provblon of this tease, as dewrn!ned by a court of co mpetent Jurtsd lctlon1 shall ln no w;ry affect the valldltv of any other p,ovlslon hereof. <br />19. Days. Unless otherwise !peclflea11y Indicated to the contrary, the word "days" as used In this lea-ie shall mean and refer to calendar daY$, <br />20, Llmlt.o\fon on Uabtnty, The obllgadons of Lessor under th1S l.i2:ue shah not oonstttute perso nal ohlleations of Lessor, orlU partner$, members, directors, offleers 01 shareholde rs, and Lenee shall look to the Pn!mlses, and to no other as�ts ol l<mor, fOf the satisfaction of any llabllltY of Leuor with ro�eet to this lease, and shall nnt seek rec ourse as;ilnstlusor's panners, member,s, di rec tots, officers or shareholders, or any at their personal auetstor such utiriactton. <br />21, TI me of tuence, Tlme Is ot the essence with respect to the performance of all obllgatlons to be perl'ormed or observed by the Patties under this Leaw-. <br />22, No Prior or Othf!f Agreem ents;. Broker Dltd,lmer. This lease contalni all agr�ment$ between lhe Parties with respect to anv matter mentioned herein, and no 01her prior or contemporaneous agreement or und1mta ndlna �hall be effecl1w. Lts:sor and Lessee each represents and wa,mnts to the Srekers that lt has made, and Is relying solet�upon, its own Investigation as to the nature, qual lty, character and ftnantlal responslbltlw of the ather Party to this lease and u to the use, nature, qualit� and charactet of the Prem bes.. Brokers h�ve no re sponslblllty with respect thereto or w!lte respect to any default or breach hernof by ell her Par,y. <br />2i NotlCH J� 1 �Cid" At�••lrtmt:r,h ♦U nralil-;;tr raq,:l�d or por-ml�od b•; thll LeaH o; appUc,btp la1,, 1l>1Q b■ ln•oi!ldno and mai,•bo doll• oml In p■Flaq (brtiand or b\• GOIIFiOF� Qr A'llyba HIU °''"OtrlJr, cert1ft1d Ct ••aMarcd e,;)I or II $ Postal hti�Clli hpmt t4al� dthpm,■61 pt:tp■lct, Qt byhc,lr11ll•\R1PIMIUIOP, otb'!' om:au. lRd 1hail ho dumadsufficlen&tv o�•on lfSCll'lr'ld-iA-a-mlllPOf IP9'iHCJd 'p 1h11 Pm9t1plrl! li lAI i1ddmt11[ notad Jdjaoanl tO a P.ll1\l'U181ilt1Ntt on Ulit L•<W) ahalj b111 ,i,,.,P1r1/1 zddrocc ford■H ,er; or m,Wne W Pe41ct1 R1Rv neiiytJv ,or,Uten no\iceto ,hoo�hor spe,1ty 1 dll'amnt addttss hltnodc:a, e11npl 1hat \ipon teuee'1 ""1RB pore1c!on of U11 Pt:1P'tl111, \he Pw»lres 1b■lt Gon1ttluto I tUQe't Jd#oa1 for"odre II cop•, 9f1hRolltH to 1♦1,or 1PaH 1.:4 emuorsen0')' tnnrmlattd to rucb ?Ui',t 9r pull,u >t ,�h 1ddrancu u I atfcrt1a1; from Mme to time hlllnftor � U 1 DI._. of �IQ&IU l,f'i\l ROUct cent b�1,:091itued er$Or1lf1111d 1111111, ,-tun rHCJlpt �eq11eel111d, 1h11t be dHP'ted l}l••on On ltle date of deU,1111111 thomA: ;n \�e �t c�id orlf no dolh•eA·da1, 11 ch own \he pcsts:nark t�e�eon If centlw 10e1dae mall tba notlca 1hall b•do11rned fllven ll �9••� af\uth1 11me h er;ldPIUed 11 '4qUl�tin ,rd m,11od � .. Ith pouaee �p>ld titoti,a, doiirorod bi• llntt�d S1atQt S>epn11 Mall or •"lliAJehl -;;01irLtrtha1 ei11:ar1n11wu JM!'it da•;dalluel')•llnU IHI deemvr;I sb1en 14 hO'l't i?httdt'hitni• of the nme to the Pflrlal S'lPtlco or Go1ol1r �hallut dtl�•1tt11d b,,, lnnd, or tummlltllldb•J li?Cslmlll) ltan1rqlu!on Gr bytmall ,hall bo dOlltM9d dall-"'�iild 11pun ulual re,olpt 1f I\OoliH le reselt •rf PR t tat rFdJr,1 Sunday gr legrl lwUd1t;. n 1RaU !;111 dUMod r&$1ith�d &nlhe �<Utt bu,lrHl day <br />la a Opt10P1 bllitl"lltP4hnr;IIA6 tht fcmeol�g, In order 10 a�,01,:;iio, aAt;Opttons lcae pa�aar1ph Jg� tllt �IQl#:Cti m•1•tbo 1011\ l;iy C:iilr:tlftsdMail {#IU:tn roc,!pt IOQ!lqU11Q), E>stprou Mall 1,Jenah1r1 requlrodl, "'"c)" (IIOP)\IUQ rA1ftlH1d) cir IClltll 0U1ut' meU,odoloe•tlllal pro<tlde1 a NIUlpt est;;tbll1hln0,U:1, date U11Pel;lcn 'IIH �-· <br />14. WilllOrs,(a)No waiver by Lessor of the Oeh1ull or Dteach ot any term,cove nant or eondlt!on hereof by lessee, shall be deemed a waiver of any other term, covtmant or condition he:reof, or of any $\lbs�q\lent Dtf11ult ar Bte11ch by Lenee ol the same or of any other term, cove nant or condition hereof, LesS<>r's. consl!nt to, or approval of, ;1 1ny att shall not be deemed to teMder unnecessary lhe obtaining of Lessor's con Jent lo, or approval of, any sul>sequrmt or s.lmll ar act by leueo, o, be constroed as the bas.I$ of an w,oppel to enforte the provision or prOYUlons of th� Lease requi ring tuch conwnl. (b) The acceptance-of Rent by LeS$OI' shall not bo awat>.�r o, anv o eJault or Breach by lmea, Any paymant by teuee may ba accepted i,-, le nor on actount of monle.s or damages due LeHOf, nolwlthstandlng any qUll!ifying itatemenh or condltlam made by lessee In connection I herewith, which such smtements an d/or conditi oni 5hall be of no force or effect whatuieve:r unless spotlfteally agreed to ln wtltlng by Lessor al or before 1he time of deposit of such payment. {C) THE PARTIES AGREE'THAT THE T'ERMS-OF THIS LEASE SHALL GOVERN WITH REGARD t'O All MATTERS RElAT EDTH.ERETO ANO HEREtlY WAI\IE THE PROVISIONS OF ANV PRESENT OR FUTURE STAT UT£ TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH STATUTE IS INCONSIST ENT WITH THI$ LEASE. <br />�Grine 11110 , ttiawulon 1111th a real ••�ate aoenl ree�rdlne 2 Mal am\1 UiilP$i'QIGJI\ 1 l1uccr or I &Ute rhot:ld �f:QM lht 011t1et uod&Uli'nd whot typa 111f a9u;,,1 Fela\l,11\rld9 ar sep�11H1ntallon It h:u o�u, tlH1 aean\or ae:ant, In the lnPt)litiOn ltuor and LtHHr 1c;kpowlad1obtl119ad �ced bi,, \ho filsoh�, IA th!( tnnlia�tloA, acfollQ,ut• �ior't.t9,qt A ltuor11 lftlllPt 'JAd■r a llttlRQ 'SJOIMOllt'l�th \l:le letroract, ,. the aeeqitferthe l.tmH onh• /l l.a110,1r 3f18Pf or ,,,baftl'Pl bl! u,e lol1011tlAQ Jffifi:Aaitl, .. Obll9�Uo,w. T? thf ldff2? r't flduclarv duti,iof ,ttrnoncue, hlle9,1ty,-hc.Mt,,,,,.,nd 104i,a,lt'} IA dt1U11111 11o1llh lhe Lauer To eb■ I fJIUIORlt Ult ltcrci'1 (l) Dl!leon, a1141f.G11n of r'13S<lAahlo ,&\llr ?Ad caro In po!Wm.i;11l3Q.�90,ii1'1 du1t111 lbl A d•1W eft,onqst anlit lalt dnllrg 3� 900d bli1:l ltl A du�• IQ dl,clo1e ;II htlt known to tbe aeonl m;it11Wlalb1 nUecdne U!OU?htCJ ordncii:ablll�of t�I plOpaFt';' tt,,t ifll rot •RQ111n to, on•�lhtq tbCJ dilll!,llnl atteAtlon � ubl91")\>QA 0� th3Pattla( All aee,,, 1, not 91i:llea\41d\o ttllll•ul to either hrt'{ any c;onlclda n;IJI 1,,tOfAliUon ?bl:lqed hGM 1h11 other P:n\f/ urhlch doec PQ\ lnl,ol\,o,\l;ie <br />�1 e dtttl•r ntf11r01 •bOl•O }() <br />INITIALS <br />0 2019AIR C!IE. All Rlshtl Reserved. <br />StN•27.30, Revised 11·25�2019 <br />la,t Edited: 2/2S/20 21 9:53AM <br />Page 12 of 16 <br />EXHIBIT 1