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Parties, lessee ma',', at Its option, by noticn In wrlthlg within 10 days afta the end of such 60 day period, cancel this lta,e, In whkh event lhe Parties Jhall be d!sc.harsed from all obllgatlons here under, If such written notice Is not received by lessor within "'Id 10 day pe,lod, Le�,ee's right to cancel shi111 t1Hmlna 1e. If potse�lon of t� Premlsu Is not dellvered Within 120 days afler the Commencement Date, this Lea� shall terminate unless other agreemeilU are rea ch.ed between leuor and Le��ee, In writing. 3.4 l.t!s$ee CO mpllanc,. Let.sot shall not bit required to tender poneulon of the Premises to Le$$ee untll Lessee. complles with IU obllgatlon to provide evld ene11: ol Insurance (Pa ragraph 8.5), Pending del\very of such evklente, Les see $1\ilt bt required to perform all of Its obtlv,tloru 1.1nder this lern1 from and afto,rthe Start Date, Including the payment of Rent, notwith standing Lessor's election to wllhhold p1meulon �ndlng r11:celpt of such evidence of huurance, Further, If Lene* 15 Tt!qulred to perform anv other conditions prior to or conturrent with the Start Oite, the Start Date shall OC'Cur bul les5or miy elett to wlthha!d possession until such (Onditlon sare satbfled. 4, Rent. 4.1 R.en1 Defined. All monetary obllgotfoos of Lessee to Leuor under the terms of this Lea$e (exc,ept for the See:url�y Deposit) ue deemed to be rent ("Rent"), 4,2 P1 ymant, Les.see shall cause payment of Rent to be rl!�lved by Lessor ln l&wlul money of the United States, without offset or deduction (except as spe"cl lkallv perm itted In thls lease), on or before the day on which It b due. All monetary amounts shall be roundl!d to the nearen whole dollar. 1� the event lhat any Invoice prepared by Leu or 1$.!nauume such !nao:uracy shall not constitute a w;ilver and l.Q$sw shah be obllgated to pay the amount set forth in th!s Lease, Rent for anv per!Od during the term hereof whleh Is for hm than one full calendar month shal\ be prorated based upon the aclual number of days of said month, Pa yment of Rents hall be made to tenor at Its address stated herein or to such other persons or place as Lessor may from time to time deslgnale In writing. Acceptal'l(:a of a payment which It less than the amount then due shall not be a waiver of Lessor's rlshu to the balan«t of $uch Rent. rep rd less of Lessor's endotsement of any check 10 statlns, In the el/eol that any chet:k, dnift. or other Instrument of payment gtven by l.ts$ee to lessor Is dlshonortd fo1 any rearon; leuu agre es to pay to Lesser the sum of $25 In addition to any Late Chargt'l: and l1mor, at Its option, may requlre all Mure Rent be paid by cashier's check, paymenuwlll be applied lirst to accrued late charges and attorney's fees, second to accrued Interest, the11 to B;ase Rent, lnsurancl! and Real Property Ta xes, and any remaining amount to any other outstand!ns charges orcos1s. I 4.3 Auoc!atlon Fte5. Intention ally Omitted. In addition lo the euo Qont IEJftOQ sb:iill pvr fQ lesrot e:cb cnonlh ilP amount equal to iP'/ owner'5 100,;l;ill?P or c,;rndoMIPlum Sau le led or aueuod 1t1air1t Ure Arumlur hlC monies skaH be paid at tbe Ulflu time JRd IR •�• nmo maPAar,, 11:ln UM& Rani s. Sllcurlty Dtpotlt. Leuee $1\all depc»lt with �sor upon ei<ec:utlon hereof the Seturlty Oeposltas se:eurlty for leS1ee's felthful performance of Its ob llgat1011sunder thl1 Lease. If Lttiuee falls to pay l\tnt, or otherwise Def au tu under this laase, Lessor may us e, apply or retain all or any portion of Hid 5ecurltv Deposit to f thepayment of any amount already due Lessor, tor Rents whlch wlll be due In the future, and/ or to relmbune or contpens;ate Le uorfCH' any llablHty, e1Cpenst, lo» ordam3ge which Le ssor m;iy suffer orlncut by roason thereof. If lessor uses or appllu all or anv portion of theSecurlt, Deposit, Lessee shall within 10 davs after written request theref-or deposit monies with Le�sor sufficient to restore said SecutltyOe poslt 10 the full amount required by this Lease. H the Base Rent lncroates during Ule term of thb Let le, l�see shall, upon written reqll1!st from lusor, dep0$.lt additional montes with Lessor $0 that ttu, total amount of the Securlly Depositshall at ell times bear the same pro port1on to the lncrea� ease Rent as tht Initial Security Oopostt bore to tM lnltlol Base Rent, Should tht Agreed U$-t be amended10 actom modate a material change In the business of Lessee or to ;iceommodate a subleuee or eSJignee, tenor shall have the right to lncr�;ase the Security Deposit to the extent necenary, In Len or's reasonable }udgment, to account for anyln"eased wear and tear that the PremlSH mav suffer as a mult thereof, If a change in control of Lesse eotturs durlngthls I.ease and followlng !uch change the ftnanc lal (ondltion otles!l!:e b, In lessor's reasonable Judgment,, slgnlflcanlty reduced, Lenee shall depo Sll such additional monies with lessor as shall be sufficient to cause the $1!(:urlty Otposit to be at a oomme,cla\ly ,easonabht l&vel based on such chango In Hnanciat condition. Lessor shan not be required to keep the Security Depo!Jt sepa,ate from hs general actounts. Within go davs, after the expi ration or termination of this lease, lessor Wall ,eturn that portion of the Seturltv Oi!pos!t not used or appk:d by Less or. Lessor shill upon wtlttan request provide leu�e with an acwunUngshowing how that porrion of thP. Security Deposit that wu not returned was applled, No part of the Secu rityl>eposlt shall be com ldered to be held In trust, to bearlnlorest or to be prepayment for any monlQS to b\1 pild by lessee under thblose, THE SECURl1V D£POSIT$1-'1ALL NOT Bl USED BY LE S5Et IN L1Ell OF PAYMENT OF 'THE lAST MONTH'S RENT. <br />�-us •. 6.1 Use. lessee shall use and occupy the Pttmlses only for the A&re.e:d Use, or Ill'{ other legal use whleh Is reasonably comp.arable thereto, and for no oth1ir purl)Ose, Lessee shill not use or permit the of the Premises In a manner that ls unlawful, creates damage, wute or a nulsan�, ot that disturbs octupants of or I causesdamoae to neigh boring premises or propcrtfu, Other &Rar �Jlde, 1l9Aal 1rd SfflRB ..,,.,,0911 I UHi shall Aol bep or 1Jtg1ulA \h11�mt11u 1n,., peu, aiilR1al,, bl�,. Qch, or �aptllar Ll!ssor shall not unrea sonably wlthht>Td or delay ltsconsent to any written request foramadlftcat1 on of the Agreed Use, so long as lhe s1ml! will not ltnpalr the structural lntegrltv aflhe Improvements on the premises or the rnechanl c:al ot electrleal systems therein, 1nd/or ls not slgnlfltllntly more burdensome to the Premises. lf ltuor elects. to withhold cons.en t, Limor shall within 7 dav1, after such request give written notification of ,ame, which notice shall Include a:n �planatton of ltlsso,'s objecttons to the change In tht Aeteed u,e, 6.2 H1.1ardous Sub5tlntes, (a)Reportable Uses Require Con,�nt. The term "H11ardous Sulntanc•" as used In this lease shalt mean anyprodud, substance, or waste whose presence, use, man ufa(ture1 dlsJ)Osal, transport.all on, or release, etther by Itself or In combination with other mate1lals eltpected to be on the PremlS@s, ls either: (I) potentially injurious to the pubUthealth, �fetv or welfare, ttu, environment or the PremlsM, llll regulated or monitored by any ao vernmontal authority, or (m) a b..ils. lor potential llabllltv of lessor to any governmental aa,ency or third party under any appl! ,mute or common law theo ry, Ha1ardo1,1s Subst.ances shall Include, but not be limited to, hydroca tbo,u, petroleum, snollne, ;nd/or crudn oll or any products, bv•produch or frt1ctio1u thereof. ws� .$h all not ens,ae lri afl'f 11ctMty In or ol\ the PremlseJ. whlth constitutes a Reportable Use of Hazardous Sub11ances without the express ptlor written consent of Lesso, and timely compliance tat leuee's txpense) wlth all Applltabll! Requirements. "Rlltflort.lbl• Usa" stiall mean II) the lnstJllatlon or use of any above or below gmund storaee tank, �I) the generation, pones.slon, sto rage, us�, transpor1atlon, ordlsposalof a Haurdow. Subs lance that requtre.s a permit from, 01 wllh res pect to which a report, notice, reglslratlon or ht1$lnenplan Is required to be ttled with, any governmental authority, and/or 1111) the presence at the Preml!H of a Hazardous SubstaMe with respect to which anv Applicable Requ lremerits rtqu!rei that a notice be given to persons entering or occupylnB 1he Pr1imbes or nelgh bOflne properttes. Notw\thstan dlna the foregoing, lessee may use any ordlmuy and customary materials reasonably required ta be uwd In tho norm�I course oft he AQfi11ad Use, <1rdlnory off11;e su-,plles {copier tonu, liquid pa,�r. slue, 11:tt,} and common ho u,ehold eleanlng materla lt, so long as such ust lsln compliance with all Appllcable f\equlrements1 Is nol a Reportable Use, and does not expo�e-the Premlt r:sor nelghbor!ng property to anv mearitngrul rl5k of conblmlnatton or damase or expose lessor to any llablnty the refor. In addition, te�sor may t0ndlt1on Its con�nt to any Report;ible Use upon receMne suct\addltlonal auurances as lessor reasonably deems necrn;iry to protect luelr, the public. the Premlm and/or the envttonment ag.alMt damae,e, cont amination, Injury and/or UabHlly, lndudlne., but not limlted lO, the Installa tion (and removal on or belote Le ase el(fllratlon or termination) of protectille modlfitt.tlons (such a$. concrete encasements) and/or Increasing the Seturltv De posit. w (b) Duty to lolo1m .,.,or. If (es,ee knows, or has IOO!0nabte caa,. �,aa!omSubst,ncehas co mo io be loo11ed tn, o,, ""d" or <br />INITIALS Ill <O 2019AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. U,st Edited: 2/25/202 19:53 AM ITN-27.30, Revised 11·25 ·2019 Page 3 of 16 <br />EXHIBIT 1