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ab01.1t the Prem lres, other than a5 previous iv consented to by L&s.u;ir, Lassoe shall lmmed!ately glw written notice of ,ueh f1et to Lessor, .!Od ptovldt! Les.,.orwlth a c.opy of any report, notice, clalmor other documentation whh:h lt has concerning the presence of such Hillartlous Sub5lilnce. {e) l.4Uea Rtmedl1tion, Lessee shall not ceuse or pennlt any Haurdous Substa nce to be �PUied or released In, on, under, or about the Premises (inc!ud!ng through the plumb\ng or sanitary sewet svstem} and sh;il\ promptl'y, at Lessee 's eiipense, comply with all Applicable Requlremtnts il\d bke all lnmtigatory and/or 1eme dlal action re-ason1bly mended, whether or not formally ordered or required, for the cleanup of any contam!nat1on of, and for themaint.:inance, securltY and/o r mi>nltorlng of the or ne!ghboting properties, that wu caused or malerlal1y contri buted to by Le5See, or pertaining to or Involving any Har11rdou1Su htanc� !)(Ough t onto the Premises during the term of this LeHe, byor lor Le.uee, or any third p�rty. (d)1.a ue.1 lndetMlfkatton . Len� shall 1n00mnlfy, defend and hold Le,sor, Its agents, employees, lenders and ground lessor, ii any, harmless from andagainst any and all loss of renu and/or damages, 1!1blllt1e,, ludgments, d1lms, &:llpenses, pena tl1es, and anorneys' and tonsultants' fees .arls!ngout of or ln'iOlvlng anv Huanfous Substance. brought onto the Premlws by or for Lenee, or any third party (p rovid ed, howevlilr, that lessee shaH have no llabdlty under this lease with respect to underground mlgradon of 1ny Hali!l rdous Sub.stance undtr the Premises hom 1dJacent properties not caused or contributed to byU!s�el. lessee1s obllpt1oru. ihall lnc !ude, but not b� Rmlll!:d to, the effects of any cootamlnatlon or k\jury to person, property or the env!ranmenl created or $Uffered by IJ!�, and the cost of ll\\lt11i1atton, r&moval, rem ediation, rutorat1on and/or abatement, ind shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease. No ttnnlrutlon, cancellntlon or release a1niement entered Into by Ltuor ind le"e• ch all ttilease l.tssee from Its obll11tfons under this lea se with rc13pe<t to H1ratdous Subt.taneu., unh1u Jp&dfleally.o aar••d by louor In writing at the-time of such airtement, (e)leuor tndemnlflc.tlon. Except uotherwlse provided In parasraph S,7, leuor and Its suee�ssors and assle;ns shall Indemnify, defend,relmburse andhold t.ess4!e, lt.s empl01tes and lenders, harmless lrom and aaalnst anv and all env!ronmen�I damages, lntludlng the cost of remediation, whlth result from Hal.ilrdous Sub!tances wMch exht<:d on !he Premises prior to Leuee's occupancy or which are caused by the eros1 ne8l1sence orwlllful mlm,nduct of Less.or, Its agents or employe e,. le$:!Or's obllgations, as and when required by theAppHcabla Req uirements, sha ll Include, but not be llmlted to, th@ cost of lnvestie:atlon, removal, remediation, restoratjon and/or abate mint, and shall sur\'tve the e�plradon or termination of th I$ toase. (fl lnvttttiatl.on, and Rtm-edl1t1on1. Leuo, shall retain the responslblllly and pay for any lnvest<sations or remedletlon mea,sures required by governm ental entitles Mvlna Jurlsdict.1on with respect to tho tl(!Stence of HaurdOlls Substances on the Prem1$Cl1 prior to Leuee's occupa ncy, unless suth remediation mea sure Is r1qulred as a result of Lenee's use (lncludlna �Alterations.", as deHned In paragraph 7.a{a) below) of the PrtMlse5, 11'1 which ev<mt Lenee shill be responstble ror ,u(h payment. Les.see shall cooperatl! fully In anv such actrvttfesat the request of Lessor, lncludtng •1�ng Lessor and Le"or's agenu to have rt!il !IQnable iKCeH to the PremlsU at reawnable times In otderto ca.rryout leswls lnvestieatfveand remedial respom\bllit1es. (g)lessor Termlllltkm Option. If a Hamdous Sub�•nce Colldltion tsee Paniiraph 9.l(e)) occt1rs dutll'IQ th0; ttrm of thl$ lea se, unless le»ee ls le sallyrespon.slble therefor (In Mitch ease l� shall make the lnve5tiptlon a rut reme diation thereof req uired by the AppUtable Rl!qulreme:nts and this Lease shall continue In full fo,.ce and effect, but subject to Lessar's right$ under Para gnipfl 6.2(d) and Paragraph 13), lessor may, at Le-t!.Of'sopUon, nllher (ll lnvl!stlgate and nimedlate such Haurdoui Subslance Condition, If required, a:. soon as reuonably possible at Leuor'$ e,ipense, In whic h event this lease shall con ttnue In full force and effect, or (ti) If tho estimated <:ost lo remtd l1te such condition acCl!eds 12 times the then mom My Bue Rent or $100,000, whichever ls greate,, give written notice to Le$$l!e, within 30 days after receipt by Leuorof lmowledge of the O(t:Urrence otsueh Haiardous Substance Co ndition, of r'sdeslre to terminate this Lease as of the date 60 dil-;$ fo llowlng the date of such l'IOtlCe. In the event Lessor eletts to give a termination notice, Limee may, wltflln lOdays thereafter, give written notlte to Lti-.or ol leuee's commltment to pay the amauntby wtilth the rost of the remediation of such Ha zardous Substance Condition ocaeds an amount equal to 12 times the then monthly Base Rent or $100,000, whichever Is greatnr, Le-sseo shall provide llmor with iald funds ot gal;ltfactof'/ auur<mce thereofwtthln lO dsys following such cornmllment. ln such event, thls lea se shall continue In full fu,C(Jo�nd e:lfetl, and L�sor shall proceed to make such remediation a3 soon as reasonably possible the required fund$ are ava ilable. If lenff does not give such notice and provide the req uired fund so, assurance thereof within the Hme l)(ovlded, this Laase .shall t'1rmlnole as of1he date sl)tclfled In lessor'$ nollte of termi nation. I 6.3 L"see', comp\lanct with Requltem�nts-, i'<Cl!Pt ac c\horulso p�o•ilch1d lrt We I tau, Les$ee shall, •t Lessee's sale expense, ful!y,dlllgenlly and ln a tlmety manner, m&terlalty eomply wllh •IIApptltabla Requ1mments1 the requirements of anv 1ppllcable ftre lnsurancq underwrlter or rattns buroau, and th e rl!f:ommendal1om,Qt ll!uo r'$englneers and/or consultantswhkh relate In any manner 10 the Premise 1, wltllou\ rGeattl to whother uld Appll(:able Requireme nts are now In effeet or become effective after the Start Data Le�e shall, Within 10 days after nm1lpt of �sor's written re queit, provkle tesK1r with to pies of all permits and other d0<:uments, and oth erln formatfon evldenclng tusae's com pllance wlth any Applkabte Req uirements spedHed bylesr,or, and shall Immediately upon 1ecelpl, notify Leuor In writing (withcop!e& of any do cuments Involved ) of any lhre11tened o r actual clalm, no�c-e, citation, warning, complaint or report pertaining to or lnvoMns 1ho falluro of Le�ee or the Premises lo comply wllh any Appl!cable flequ l!ements. Ukewlse, Leuee shall lmmedlately give wtltten notlce to t•mor of: (I) any water dam age to• the Premlses and any suspectad !llepage, pooling, ttampneu or other condition condue\ve to thi!!! production of moldi or (II) any mustlneH or other odors that might Indicate the presence of mold In the Premises. In addition, Lessee shall prQVlde copies of all refo:va nt material safety data sheets (MSDSI to Lessor W\thln to days of the rncelpt of a written tequest thenifor, In addition, Lessee shall p1ovlde Lessor wllh ei;ple� of ltt.buslneu lice nut, cettlflcate of om,pancy and Jar any slMllar document within lO days. of the receipt of a written requts.t therefor. 6,4 lnspett:km; Compile.nee, Lessor and le$$(11''.S �lender• (as deHntd In Parasraph 30) and cons ultantt. authorlted by Les sor shall h1we the right to enter Into Premise$ at any tfme, In the case of an emergen cy, and otherwlwal reasonable timuafter reuoMble notfce, for the purpo� of lnspett1n1 and/or testina the condition of !he Premises and/or for verifying comp llanoo by Lessee with lhb Leat.e, lhe cost of artv such lnspeclions shall be paid by Lessor1 t1n�$s 1vlolation of Af'Jpl\cable Requirements, or a Hmrdous sub!.UOQ! Condition (see paragraph !U) IS found to exist or be-Imminent. or the: Inspection Is re<1uested or ordered by a grn,ernmental authollty. In such,case,. umee shall upon request relmbl.ll"Se le.ssor for the con of siith Inspection, so lone as suth lnspectton It. teas.onably re:1ated to the V1olattoo or cantarnln•tlon. In. addition, l.e-sste shall provide copies ot 111 relevant materl81 safetv data she.ets (MSOS) ta Lnnl)t within 10 dlV� of tht nx�lpt of a written ,e quest the�for. Les.see acknowledges that any failure on lts part to allow such Inspections or letting wlll e11posa lf,ssor to risks and poter1t11\ly taute Lessor <br />to Incur co$ts not contemplated by this Lu5tt, the t:xtent of which will be extremely difficult to a.«:erttiln. Aceordlngly, should the Lessee improperly or <br />unreasonably !all,. allow ,uch !nspocdons and/or les""• '"' dme� la shlon Lessee shall pay to Lessor a fee in the amount of <br />$500,Re 9m!�erit stiall llaa11iamad"'lly ln£FUSlild,•t:wiU10.itar:i •, re�wlremar:it Nilr natlee 1a lenee1 b11 an ;tRUIURt e11wal to lO" 1f the lh&A @Hletlr:iellate R8Rt er <br />$JOO, .... �lclltY8r Is gra;1ar fo,1ho ,�,ulr:idQr ,o l�a �u,e. The Parties asree that such fee111 �fea,e IA BM11 �efll represe nts fair an« reasontible compe nsation for <br />1he addltlonal rlsk/t(l$1;$ tha.t Les,or wlll lncut by reaS-On of's f11ilute to allow such Inspection and/or testfna. Such fee1R,J:4'JCO lR Q;i,e A11nt 1haU In no eveflt tonstHule a waiver of teuee"s Default or Breach with respect to such faKure nor pre-v('Ot the exerc.iie of any of the other rlghtt,and remedlu granted hei'tooder. <br />7. Maintenance; Repalr&i Utillty lnsta�atlons; Tr ade fhtturM ind Atteratlons.7.1 Ulssee's Obllgatfo,u . I ·-A _ (al In General. .,,�1b*J 11�•�•�10µ1Wh�•�fl«row11Uh�lom,�,0�•u•�•�n�e �r ��,�•�l�l�l�C�o"Aci�•�t10f'.100jb�l�l�IC�-..,,�li �'Jn�•�•)� ... •�a4(i.lltN1 �••N •�•,µc�o�m�p�U �,,.n,�•�"�'i"U1"'A p�p�ll �cao tb,t,11:�•�"l..,.u 41r�9 m.,..a n�1�1 ),-, 1:U.ln::bllea�oncL P (Dama9Q 01 O!iltlnt'-"or:il, and .1.4 iC11n 1.fa m1-1atlr.>Rj1 Les.see <br />� <br />hall, at le ' o\e expense, keep the Premises, Utility lnstall altons (Intended fo <br />0 <br />r <br />_·t_ INITIALS <br />() 2019 AIR CRE, All Rights Reserve d. Last Edited: 2/25/2021 9:53 AM <br />PaQ:I:! 4of 16 <br />EXHIBIT 1