Lenee's excluslve use, no matter where locate di, and Alteratlons In good ordar, eondltton 11nd repair (wheth er or not the portion of the Pfef'\"\bes requlrln11 repa irs, or the means of repairing the �ame, arc rcasonablv or readlty acce uible to Limee, ,nd whether or not tht need lvr su� repa irs occur� as a reu1.ll of Le�ee's use, any prior use, tht elemenu or tho:age of such portion or the Preml£esl, Including. but not limited to,all equipment or fa.c11lt1e!,Sl1Ch as pfumbln8, HVAC equipment, e!actrlcal, Ughtlng fac!litles, ballets, pressura ve��e�, fir@ prot@clton syst@m, tlMtu�, �II� (lntulo rand extttior), fountbtlons, celllnss, roof,, roof d1a!nagt �vst,ms, 11oors, windows, doors, plate glau, skyllghts, land$Caplng. driveways, parking lots, fe11ce,, re1alnl11g walls, slens, sidewalks a11d pa rkways located In, on, or adJottnt to the Premises. Lene e, In ketplng the Premises In good order, condllton and repair, shall �erci.se and p13rfurm good mal11tem1Rce pr.actloot, �dffr..all vlncludlng the pro cureml!nt and malnten,mce of thl3 .serv\ce cootraeu reciulred by Parag�ph 7,l(b) below, les!e0's obllgations shall Include reslorattons, replact menU ot rnn11wal 5 when net:eSs;'l l"f' to keep lht! Premises and all lmprovemerlls the-re:on or ■ part thtreof In e.ood order, condition and $tale of r1ipalr, Lessee $hall, durlne the term ol th!� Lu."', koi,p the (l)(te,lor apptaranco of the Bulldlna In a fin I-class condition {Inclu ding, e,(I, graffiti rem oval! conslntot with the e).terlor appearance of other similar facllltlo-s of comparable ese and site ln thft 11ldnltv, lnclud!Rg. when net1»sa ry, the e11:wlor r1!pal nttns or the Bulldlng, (bl Service l:ontm:tt. Lus� shalt, at lllueii's sole expense, procure and maintain contracts,Wlth copies to Lessor, ln customary rorm and substance for, and with contractOrs speclallllng and experienced 111 the malnten.ince of the following equipment and Improvements, tf ariy, If and when hmalled on the·Pre ml1es: (ll HVA Cequlpment, {n)boller, end pressure vessels, (Ht) fire l!.lltlngulshh1S svstems, Including nre alarm and/or smoke detectl011, (ht) landm1plng and Irrigation .sys lems, M roof coverlni:tand drains, and Ml tfarltteu. Ho�r, Umor res eNQs the right, upon notice 10 L�uee, to procure and mal11taln any or all of such iet11lca contuctt, and Les�e shall relm bursi! Lessor, upon demand, for the cost thtreof. le) Fallure lO Perform. If Le$«ie fall$ to perform Lcss.ee 1s obllaatlons under this Pa ragra ph 7.1, leuor mav enter upon the Premhts after 10d ays' prior wrltltn not!oo to Lt uee {except In the me of an emers�mcy, In whkh cas.e-no notice .shall be re qulredt, perform such obligatio ns on Leisee's be half, and put the Premises In aood order, condldon and repair, and leSl� Shill promptlV pay to Le Ss.or a sum equal to 115" of the co" thetl!of, Id) Replacem�nt, Subje ct to les.see'sl11dem11ttlcat1on of Le nor a.s �et forth In Paragraph 8.7 below, a11d without reUevJ11g Lessee of lla blUty molting from Ltssee's failure to exercise and perform good mal11tenanc.e pr1ctlce:1, If an Item described ln Parigraph 7 ,1(b) can11ot � repaired other thin at a cost which Is In 1?KC2S1 of 50% of the cost of rep\aclng such Item, then such Item shall be replaced by Le:.ssor, and the cost thereof shall be prorated betwe«!i'I the Parties ind Lessee $hall 11n\v be obligated to p.ay, each month during the re mainder of the te-rm of this U!!.ise or anv v.tanslon the rtof, on the dilte on which Que Rent 1$ due, ;l1'I amount equ!'I to !he product ofmull1plylna, the cost of suth ropl acemen1 bya fra ction, the nume,a10, ofwhlch ls one, and the denominator of which ls 144 (I.e. 1/144thof the cost permonth). Lessee shall pav Interest on the u11amorl1ted balance but may prep&v IU oblleatlon at aov time.I 7.2 l1mor's Obllg■tlons. Sublett to the proultlonsof emcraphs 2 2 (Cnndltkln), 2 3 (ComplfanM), 9(Damage crOedmctton) and 14 (Condemnation), !t is
<br />lntended bV the Parties hereto that Ulssor have no obligation, In any mannGr whaUOever, to repair and maintain the Prembes, or the equlpmet1l theroln, all of whlth obllgatlons are Lntend�d to be that of the ltsu;!e. It Is the Intention of the Parties that the terms of this lei1$t-sovern the respective obllptions of the Partle.$ es to ma lRtenc1nce and repair of tM Praml1es. 7.3 Utinty lnttall■tlona; Tr;i d• Fixture,; Altet'lt1ons, (al Oifflnldons, The term "UHllty ll'lst1 Httlon1• rofeu to all floor and window tove rlna;s, air and/or vacuum lines, power pane ls, electrkal dlttrlbudon, security and lire protection sy,tems, communication cabllng, !lghtlng fl11tures, HVAC equipment, ptumbhlfl, and fe ncing In or on the Pre111lses, The term ''Tra de Fl�ture.s• .\hall mean umee.'s machinery and equi pment th.al can be removed w�hout dolng materlal damage to tho Premises. The term "Altimitl ons� shall mean any modlf!catlon of the lmprov emenu, other than Utility lnsta\latlons or Tr.ide Fixtures, whether by addition Of deletion. �Leisee OWned Alterat\on1 and/or Utility lnm\latlqns• are defined as. Alterat10 11sand/o rUttllty lnstaUatlon.s made by Lessee that are not vet owned br Lessor putsuant 10 Paraa,niph 7,<ll(lil), {b) Consent.. lessee shall not make any Alterattons or UtHily lnstallattons to the Premises without llmo,'s prior written con $tnt. Les� may, however, make non.strutturat Alterattons or Utlllty lnstallatlons to lhe Interior of the Premlsel (e11:tludlng the roof) wi.Mut such conse:nt but upon notice to Letsor, as long as thi!y are not visible from the out side, do not lnvolvt puncturing, reilrx:atlng or removing lhe toot or any e,chtlng walls, wlU oot affect the e\ettr!c;il, plumb Int, HVAC, and/or Of@ safety system,, do not tr188e, the requi rement for add ltlonal mot1\flcat1ons 1nd/or Improvements to the Preml"s resulttng fromsAppllcable Requlre ments, st.1th as complia nce With Title 24, Jnd tile cumulative cost thereof during lhU lease as e11terided does not excee d a sum equal to·3 ·monlh's a.i,e Rent In the BSBte.Bilte or a svm equal to one monlh's ease Rent ln any one year. Notwlthstandlf\8 the foregoing. Lem�� Sha ll not tni1tll or permit any roof penetrsttons and/or Inn.a.II anything on the roof without the-prior written approval of less or, u=nor may, iU a precondition to gra nting such approval, require Lu�q to Utlllte a tontr.ictor cho.wn and/or approved by lessor. Anv Alterations or Utility Installations that Lu see shall desire to make-and whlth requlff! the eomentol the Lessor shall be pnue nted to Leuo r In wrltton fo rm w:lth detalled plans. Co111ant shall ba dMmed condlttoni!d upon Lessee's: (0 acqui"lng i111 applicable governme11tal perm its, (11) furnishing Lessor with copies of both the permits and the plans .inds�dfluttuns prior to tommenci,ment ol the work, and (Ill) compliance with all oondlttons ol ultl per ml ts and other Applt�ble AeqUlrtments ln a prompt and expeditious manner, AnyA11efit1ons or Uttllty lnstallat1oru..shall be p«fotmed In a worltm a111\ke manner with gaod and sufftc.lent materi als. Us see shall promptly upon completion furnish lessor with as-bullt plans and speclllcatloR1. For work which co,ts an amount In e11Cus of one mont h's Base Rent, Lessor mavcondltlon IU,consent upon lessee providing a Hen and completton bood In an amount equal to 1S°" of the esti mated cost of suth Alteratfon or Ut11ltv fnstallatlon a11d/or upon lessee's posting an addlU011al Security oepo$.lt with Lessor. lcl Liens: Bonds. !Assee shall pay, whe11 due, all claims for labor or materials furnished 01 alleged to have blien furnished to or ror Lrn ee al or for uH on the Premises, which claims are or mav be se cured by any mechanic', or mate rlalmen's lien agalnst the P,emlse1 or any Interest th'1reln, te�e shall give les,or not len than 10 days no lice prior to the commencement of any work In, on or a boot the Premises, a11d Lessor shaU hava the rlaht to post notices of oon•res ponslbl llty, If Lessee lhall contest the valld!tyofany such Uen, dalm or dem.ind, then Lessei shall, at Its sole eitp(!nse defend and protect llself, lessor and the Prem1$es agalns.t the same and shall pay and satisfy any such atlvertt Judgment that may be rendered thereon before the enforte ment thereof, If lessor shall require, lessee shall furnish a ,urew bond ln an amount equal to 150"-of the amount of such contested llen, dalm ordemand, Indemnifying leuor ag.i\.nst liablllty fo, the1ame, If les sor eled!i. to parttci p.ate In any such action, Lessee shall pay Les.\o r's attorn�s• fees. and cost,. 7.41 Owne rthlPl R1;1mcva11 sumnd�r; and Rt1tor1t\on. {a) owneNhlp, Subject to Lessor's fight to r11qvlrt fl?:mov•I or olec, ownership as hereinafter provided, .il\Alteratfons and Ul1lltyl11stall;atlons made by tmee shall be the property of Le·nea , but com.lde,ed a part of the Promises. Lesior mav, at any time, elect lnwrltlng to be 1he owner of iill or any specified part ol the Lessee Owned A\tefQtlons a11d Ut1llty ln�taHatlons., Unless otherwise Instructed �r p.itag<aph 7.4lbl hereof,all lessee Owned Alle1a.tloM and Utt11tv Insta llations shall, at the elCJ)lratto11 or termination of this Lea«!, become the prOJ'ertv of Leuor and be surrende red by Lessee with the Premises, (b)Removn1. 0y delivery to Lessee of "Mitten notice from Lessor Mt earlier than 90 a11d not later than 30 days prior to the end of the term of this lease,Lessor mav requirl!-that ilny or al1 leS$e,e Owned AlteraNoni or Utrlltyh'lstallation5 be remo\11:'!d hy the e11p!ratlon or t@tmlnation of thls least, lessor May requ]rQ the remova l at any time of all or any part of any Leuee OwMd A.Iterations or Ut1.l1ty Installation! made without the re:qulted c.on:1ent. (cl Su,rtnd•tJ R.slorttfon. Le-nee sha ll surrtnder the Premise s by the E11pkalton Oate or anv earlier termination date, with all of the lmprovem enu, parts and surfaces thereof broom clean and free of debris, :ir.cl In good operating ord er, condition and state of nip.air, ordl niuy wear and tear exc<1pted. "Ordinary wear and tear" shall not \nclucle arr{ damage 01 deterlol.ltlan that would have been preverited bv good malntenanee practice. Notwithstanding the foregoing and the provisions of Paragra ph 7,l(a), If the Leuee occupies the Preml.se.s. for 12 months or !e:i.,, then �essee shall surrender the PremlSEs ln the same cond!tlon u delivered
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<br />EXHIBIT 1