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ER Carey et d Addictive Behaviors Reports 8(2018)95 101 <br />Table 1 <br />Demographics and susceptibility to e-cigarettes and combustible tobacco products among Hispanic and non-Hispanic never users at baseline,TATAMS(n=2844; <br />N=318,097). <br />Variable Hispanic Non-Hispanic Total <br />95%CI) 95%CI) 95%CI) <br />Sex <br />Female 47.7(41.1-54.5) 50.3(45.1-55.5) 49.0(43.7-54.3) <br />Male 52.3(45.5-58.9) 49.7(44.5-54.9) 51.0(45.7-56.3) <br />Grade <br />6 39.8(28.4-52.5) 36.6(23.6-52.0) 38.3(26.9-51.1) <br />8 35.3(24.4-48.0) 34.4(20.2-51.9) 34.9(23.7-47.9) <br />10 24.9(15.1-38.3) 29.0(18.4-42.7) 26.9(17.7-38.6) <br />Age(mean,SE) 13.14(0.19) 13.12(0.19) 13.13(0.17) <br />Family SES <br />High 15.8(12.9-19.3) 25.2(18.7-33.0) 20.3(16.2-25.1) <br />Middle 64.4(612-67.5) 61.6(56.2-66.7) 63.1(60.2-65.9) <br />Low 19.8(16.8-232) 13.2(101-17.2) 16.6(14.1-19.6) <br />Susceptibility to e-cigarettes items' <br />Have you ever been curious about smoking/using e-cigarettes? 26.9(23.5-30.7) 22.2(19.0-25.9) 24.7(21.9-27.7)* <br />Do you think you will use e-cigarettes in the next 12 months? 10.5(8.3-13.1) 8.0(6.1-10.4) 9.3(7.6-11.3) <br />If one of your close friends were to offer you an e-cigarette,would you use it? 17.9(15.1-21.1) 13.0(10.7-15.6) 15.6(13.6-17.7)* <br />Susceptibility to e-cigarettes(derived)b <br />32.4(28.7-36.3) 26.0(22.3-30.1) 29.4(26.2-32.7)** <br />Susceptibility to cigars(large cigars,cigarillos,and little filtered cigars)items' <br />Have you ever been curious about smoking/using cigars? 7.6(5.6-10.3) 7.0(5.3-9.0) 7.3(6.0-8.8) <br />Do you think you will use cigars in the next 12 months?4.3(2.8-6.5) 3.2(2.2-4.6) 3.8(2.8-5.0) <br />If one of your close friends were to offer you a cigar,would you use it? 7.4(5.0-10.8) 4.5(32-6.2) 6.0(4.6-7.8) <br />Susceptibility to cigars(derived)b 12.8(9.7-16.7) 10.2(7.9-13.0) 11.5(9.5-13.9) <br />Susceptibility to hookah items' <br />Have you ever been curious about smoking/using hookah? 14.7(11.8-182) 12.5(9.6-162) 13.7(11.3-16.4) <br />Do you think you will use hookah in the next 12 months? 6.9(5.0-9.4) 5.3(3.6-7.6) 6.1(4.6-8.1) <br />If one of your close friends were to offer you hookah,would you use it? 9.8(7.6-12.6) 7.8(5.8-10.5) 8.9(72-10.9) <br />Susceptibility to hookah(derived)b <br />18.8(152-23.1) 15.7(12.1-202) 17.4(14.6-20.6) <br />Susceptibility to cigarettes items' <br />Have you ever been curious about smoking/using cigarettes? 13.3(10.8-16.4) 10.0(8.3-12.1) 11.8(10.1-13.7)* <br />Do you think you will use cigarettes in the next 12 months? 5.1(3.4-7.4) 3.9(2.8-5.4) 4.5(3.5-5.8) <br />If one of your close friends were to offer you cigarettes,would you use it? 8.4(5.8-12.0) 6.2(4.6-8.2) 7.3(5.7-9.3) <br />Susceptibility to cigarettes(derived)b 19.9(15.6-25.0) 13.9(11.5-16.7) 17.0(14.4-20.0)* <br />Susceptibility to any combustible tobacco product(derived)b 29.1(24.5-34.1) 22.9(18.8-27.7) 26.2(22.7-29.9)* <br />Note:CI=confidence interval,SE=standard error.All frequencies and means are weighted to account for complex survey design.Never users represent adolescents <br />who have never used any of the four product types.n represents the observed sample size,N represents the weighted sample size. "Any combustible"includes <br />cigarettes,cigars,and hookah. p < 0.05, *p < 0.01 for Chi-square test of Hispanic versus non-Hispanic across categories of the item. <br />a <br />For set of items,%(95%Cl)represents the proportion of adolescents who said anything other than"not at all curious"to the first item and"definitely not"to the <br />second two items. <br />b <br />For items,%(95%Cl)represents the proportion of adolescents classified as susceptible. <br />Hispanic adolescents who have never smoked report greater intentions cigarettes)and in predicting future initiation of these products among <br />to smoke cigarettes in the future compared to white peers (Bunnell Hispanic and non-Hispanic adolescent never users in grades 6,8,and 10 <br />et al.,2015)and greater curiosity about e-cigarettes(Margolis,Nguyen, in Texas. We hypothesized the measurement of susceptibility would <br />Slavit, & King, 2016). In addition, Hispanic adoles apply equally across products, and each product-specific susceptibility <br />ceptiblellOWarettes (Fulmer et al., 2015; Gritz ct construct would predict future use of each product.We also hypothe- <br />ettes (Singh et al., 2016; U.S. Department of Heal an uman sized the measurement of susceptibility constructs for each product <br />Trinidad ct al., 2017), compared to non- would apply equally across Hispanic and non-Hispanic subgroups, <br />This is a concern because comparatively, though prevalence of susceptibility to each product may be higher for <br />Hispanics are the youngest ethnic group in the nation, with a large Hispanic adolescents. <br />proportion of the Hispanic population(roughly a third)being under the <br />age of 18 years (Patten, 2016), and Hispanic youth report a higher 2. Methods <br />prevalence of e-cigarette use in middle school in the past 30 days <br />compared to non-Hispanic youth of all races (Singh et al., 2016). 2.1. Study design and participants <br />Considering existing tobacco-related health disparities (Centers for <br />Disease Control and Prevention,2018)and the expected near doubling The Texas Adolescent Tobacco and Marketing Surveillance system <br />of the Hispanic population over the next 30 years(Krogstad,2014),it is (TATAMS) is a rapid response surveillance system that follows three <br />important to determine whether constructs predicting future use, like population-based cohorts of adolescents, to represent developmental <br />susceptibility, are applicable across ethnic groups. Such information changes in tobacco use behaviors. A complex probability design was <br />can inform the development of culturally sensitive interventions and used to recruit 3907 students (n) in 79 middle and high schools in 4 <br />communication campaigns designed to reduce susceptibility and ulti- major metropolitan areas of Texas (Austin, San Antonio, Dallas-Ft. <br />mately product use.Worth, & Houston); when sampling weights are applied in statistical <br />The goal of this study was to evaluate the utility of a three-item data analyses, results are representative of 461,069 (N) students who <br />susceptibility construct adapted from Pierce et al. (2005), assessing were enrolled in the 6th,8th,and loth grades in 1969 middle and high <br />curiosity, intention to use, and peer influence, in measuring suscept- schools in these cities during the 2014-15 academic year. Further de- <br />ibility at baseline to four products (e-cigarettes, hookah, cigars, and tails about TATAMS'sampling methods and recruitment are described <br />96