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Item 13 - SR-55/Ritchey Street Water Improvements
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/02/2021 Regular and Special
Item 13 - SR-55/Ritchey Street Water Improvements
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Last modified
4/9/2024 10:45:54 AM
Creation date
8/17/2023 8:28:16 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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sturdy enough to prohibit toppling by children or adults. There shall be no openings <br />under the wire large enough for any child to crawl through. Gates shall be locked <br />if no adult is in attendance. Warning signs shall be placed at 50-foot centers on the <br />outside of the fence with the statement "DEEP HOLE DANGER." All construction <br />fencing shall be provided with green privacy slats <br />4. Reasonable access from public streets to all adjacent properties shall be maintained <br />at all times during construction. Prior to restricting normal access from public streets <br />to adjacent properties, each property owner or responsible person shall be informed <br />of the nature of the access restriction, the approximate duration of the restriction, <br />and the best alternate access route for that particular property. <br />5. The Contractor shall cooperate with the companies involved in the collection and <br />removal of trash and garbage from businesses adjacent to the worksite, in an effort to <br />maintain existing schedules for such collection and removal of trash and garbage. <br />F. Haul Route <br />1. General: The Contractor shall conduct his operations to cause the least possible <br />obstruction to traffic and inconvenience to the public. <br />2. Contractor shall submit haul routes for approval to the City. <br />3. Contractor shall use flagmen to direct traffic into the project site during periods of <br />ingress and egress of construction and/or hauling vehicles. <br />4. The hauling operations shall occur between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on weekdays. <br />5. The Contractor shall dispose of excavated material and import backfill as required <br />to construct the proposed improvements. The Contractor shall submit the proposed <br />haul route to the City for approval for the disposing of the excavated material and <br />importing of the necessary backfill. <br />G. Dust Control and Air Ouality <br />The Contractor shall take the following steps to reduce construction related emissions and dust in <br />compliance with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 403. <br />The Contractor shall submit a plan detailing the means and methods of controlling dust generated <br />by the clearing, demolition and earthwork activities at or below ambient dust levels for the <br />City's approval. During clearing, demolition and earthwork activities, the Contractor, as a <br />minimum, shall control fugitive dust emissions by regular watering, or other dust -preventive <br />measures using the following procedures: <br />All material excavated or graded will be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive <br />amounts of dust. Watering with complete coverage shall occur at least twice daily, <br />once in the late morning and once after work is done for the day. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-066 <br />Page Al-9 <br />
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