SR-55/Ritchey Water Improvement Project
<br />Construction Management & Inspection Services
<br />D.I. Project Understanding
<br />Overview
<br />It is our understanding City of Santa Ana requires
<br />a consultant to provide construction management
<br />and inspection services to oversee three
<br />interconnected projects within the SR-55/Ritchey
<br />Water Improvement Projectwith the goal to relocate
<br />a water main, a pressure reducing station, and the
<br />water pipes crossing under the SR-55 in advance
<br />of the highly anticipated SR-55 widening between
<br />the 1-405 and I-5. The Berg team values working
<br />on projects that enhance connectivity, safety, and
<br />infrastructure upgrades within communities.
<br />This project is a perfect fit for the experience
<br />and knowledge that Berg has specialized in for
<br />40 years in the Southern California region. The
<br />main construction elements include excavation/
<br />shoring/backfill, bore and jack tunneling, waterline
<br />installation (PVC, DIP, welded steel), water
<br />monitoring/control systems, water systems
<br />testing/commissioning, traffic control, waterline
<br />abandonment, ADA compliance, concrete flatwork,
<br />block wall, landscaping, paving, striping, utility
<br />coordination and agency coordination.
<br />We understand a major element of the project
<br />is that the work includes two areas of significant
<br />TCE work; on the west side of the SR-55,
<br />Western Exterminator, and on the east side of
<br />the SR-55, RICOH. OCTA is currently in the
<br />process of obtaining right of way access through
<br />construction easements and property acquisitions.
<br />Of importance is the assumption that the City
<br />contractor cannot gain access to these properties
<br />until July 2022. This schedule hold becomes the
<br />critical path for the project, of special concern, if
<br />the project construction commences with Ritchey
<br />St main replacement and there are subsequent
<br />delays with the easements from either Western
<br />Exterminating or RICOH, impacting the duration of
<br />the project. The CM team will work with the City
<br />to ensure OCTA is aware of potential negative
<br />impacts if the ROW is not available, and possible
<br />positive impacts if the ROW were to become
<br />available sooner.
<br />Of the three interrelated projects, the Ritchey
<br />Street main, a stand-alone project, will commence
<br />first including a short section of pipe leading to
<br />the proposed SA-7 Pressure Reducing Station.
<br />The jack and bore operation under SR-55 will
<br />commence at a later date in coordination with
<br />OCTA ROW agreements. Once the City contractor
<br />has completed jack and bore, the SA-7 PRS
<br />construction can begin; however, cannot be fully
<br />completed until the Caltrans contractor completes
<br />the RCB reconfiguration, anticipated to be 12
<br />months.
<br />Although it is important to get the contractor
<br />mobilized to complete the Ritchey St work, critical
<br />path work for Contract completion flows through
<br />the bore and jack operation and the SA-7 PRS
<br />construction dependent upon the initial right of way
<br />waiting period for RICOH. This affects the easterly
<br />pit and the waiting period for the Caltrans RCB,
<br />which affects completion of some minor aspects
<br />of the PRS. A suggestion would be to have 2
<br />interim milestones: one for the completion and
<br />activation of the Ritchey St main and a second for
<br />the activation of the SA-7 PRS. This would ensure
<br />the primary objectives of the Project are met as
<br />quickly as possible. Final completion of the wall
<br />and energy dissipator drain are not critical and can
<br />await Caltrans completion of the RCB.
<br />Ritchey St. Water Main Relocation
<br />The Ritchey St. Water Main Relocation has 4
<br />major phases: 1) Installation of new 8" and 16"
<br />main (PVC and DIP), 2) Installation of new FH's,
<br />services, FDC's or connect to existing, 3) Test/
<br />cutover and, 4) AC overlay/stripe. The new main is
<br />approximately 1,600 feet of 16" PVC with concrete
<br />encased DIP at the angle points and 260-If of 8"
<br />PVC. The Southwest 300-ft to 400-ft cross over
<br />the street requires planned traffic control and shift
<br />work as shown on Sht C106 (Sht 10 of 39) SA-7
<br />The southerly end of Ritchey St. requires detailed
<br />planning for pipe work and traffic control as the
<br />pipe crosses over the street median. At each angle
<br />point, in the almost 1,600-If of 16" pipe, there is
<br />a short section of concrete encased DIP which
<br />requires crews to slightly switch operations to plan
<br />for construction and curing of the concrete. All parts
<br />for fittings are to be shown on the shop drawings
<br />and confirmed procured prior to commencing
<br />work. As these fittings/concrete encasements are
<br />at angle points, extensive, complete, and detailed
<br />Berg & Associates, Inc. 8
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