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SR-55/Ritchey Water Improvement Project <br />Construction Management & Inspection Services <br />potholing is required to ensure the identified angle <br />points do not change or that additional angle points <br />are not required due to utility conflicts. Advance <br />planning can save significant time in the field. <br />On the south end of Ritchey St., there is an existing <br />valve just beyond the limits of construction. This <br />valve must be verified to be in working condition so <br />it can be closed to allow for the cutover process; <br />otherwise, repair or replacement of the valve is <br />necessary, to avoid a 2nd line stop valve. <br />On the north end of Ritchey St., the City is adding <br />a valve to the existing mainline via the line stop <br />method, that is, installing a valve while maintaining <br />water flow in the pipe. This valve is to reduce <br />the limits of the waterline shutdown required. <br />The contractor will pothole this location prior to <br />submitting shop drawings of the pipe. This is to <br />ensure the condition and outside diameter of the <br />existing pipe has been confirmed and the correctly <br />sized line stop/valve is procured. Sheet 26 of 39 of <br />the plans has a line stop plan identifying k-rail to <br />protect the line stop work. It is suggested a traffic <br />water barrier be added on the south side work area <br />to protect from blunt end exposure as currently <br />shown on the plans. <br />There is approximately 1,600-feet of 16" and 24" <br />pipe to be slurry filled once the Ritchey St. new <br />water main is activated, and the SA-7 Facility <br />is activated. Although this sounds like an easy <br />process, due to the length of the pipe runs, there <br />will be many setups and pumping operations. <br />The City contractor is required to overlay the entire <br />width of Ritchey St. for the length of the project. <br />Once the main is relocated in Ritchey St., MCI <br />will be relocating a fiber optic line. Per the RFP, <br />the City contractor is to wait until MCI is complete <br />before beginning the overlay work. Coordination <br />with MCI will be important to avoid delays to the <br />City contractor's schedule. <br />SR-55 Water Crossing Relocation <br />Construction of the jack and bore casings for the <br />water crossing cannot commence until OCTA has <br />completed ROW agreements with the RICOH <br />property owners. The RFP has indicated a four - <br />month timeline. Both of our proposed inspectors <br />have significant experience with bore and jack <br />operations, as does our Project Manager, Dave <br />Smith. <br />Significant within this phase is the jack and bore <br />installation of transmission mains. Both casings <br />(30" and 42") meet or exceed the definition of a <br />tunnel per Cal -OSHA and, therefore, shall meet <br />the requirements of Cal -OSHA. The casings/ <br />tunnels are constructed within the Caltrans ROW <br />and must meet Caltrans requirements. The project <br />schedule must include time for Caltrans review of all <br />layouts, calculations, and work plans. The Caltrans <br />Encroachment Permits Manual, Guidelines and <br />Specifications for Trenchless Technology Projects, <br />is to be adhered to, including fulltime inspection <br />by the project owner's designated representative <br />during tunnelling (bore and jack) operations. <br />In addition to the bore and jack Work Plan, the <br />contractor will be required to monitor the SR-55 <br />surface to ensure no heaving or settlement occurs. <br />Installation and testing the pipe will occur during <br />this phase and before backfilling of the pits. <br />SA-7 Pressure Reducing Station Relocation <br />The SR-55 widening will relocate an 8' x 4' RCB <br />currently on the east side of the SA-7 Facility. Due <br />to its proximity to the SR-55, the City and Caltrans <br />are requiring the majority of the SA-7 Facility be <br />built (excluding a portion of the east block wall and <br />discharge structure), commissioned and activated, <br />including partial demolition, prior to construction of <br />the RCB. Of note, the existing block wall contains <br />lead paint with elevated levels that will require the <br />material to be handled as Non-RCRA Hazardous <br />Waste which will require a lead workplan and <br />disposal plan prior to demolition of the existing <br />wall. <br />PRS construction will commence after the bore & <br />jack operation is complete and the pipe placement <br />/testing is completed. Our inspectors are highly <br />experienced with pipe and valve installations, and <br />ourlead inspector has extensive electrical and pump <br />station experience Our specialty subconsultant <br />(ON -SITE) will verify Special Provisions Section <br />17100 Field Testing requirements are completed <br />and ensure a smooth commissioning/ activation of <br />the SA-7 PRS. <br />Once the new PRS is operational and accepted, <br />the existing PRS can be removed. Coordination <br />with Caltrans will be required to verify length of <br />Asbestos Cement (AC) pipe to be abandoned. An <br />AC Pipe Handling plan to ensure the AC pipe is not <br />friable will be required prior to removal. <br />Berg & Associates, Inc. 9 <br />