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Item 13 - SR-55/Ritchey Street Water Improvements
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/02/2021 Regular and Special
Item 13 - SR-55/Ritchey Street Water Improvements
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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SR-55/Ritchey Water Improvement Project <br />Construction Management & Inspection Services <br />OCTA is procuring easements on both sides of the SR-55 with Western Exterminator and RICOH. The <br />RFP identified a waiting period until approximately July 2022 before work in this area can begin. This <br />affects the start of the two casing crossings. Coordinating with OCTA to determine the earliest start date <br />and advance notification to City's contractor is important to the critical path. <br />OCTA is coordinating with Caltrans for the SR-55 Widening Project; with OCTA procuring the CM and <br />Caltrans procuring the construction contractor. The SR-55 project is to be completed between the two <br />phases of work on the City's SA-7 Pressure Reducing Facility. Per the RFP, we are to assume a 12-month <br />construction period. It is important to closely coordinate with OCTA and their CM team to ensure the <br />Caltrans contractor is aware when the area will be ready for them to begin relocation of the 8' x 4' RCB <br />and for us to be aware, well in advance, of when the Caltrans contractor will have completed their work <br />for efficient transitions and schedule maintenance. Site walk-throughs with OCTA/Caltrans are imperative <br />before turning over the area and when receiving it back. Photos and videos will be taken in both instances <br />to document the condition. Both events would be required to be included on the City contractor's CPM <br />schedule. <br />Ritchey Street Water Main: The line in Ritchey St. is a large water main which provides water service and <br />FDC water to businesses in the area, to fire hydrants, and provides water service to the east side of the <br />SR-55 via the existing SA-7 Facility/SR-55 casings. The work activities, testing plans, and notifications <br />to the City (SA-7 Facility) and local businesses are critical to good relationships with 3rd parties and <br />completing a smooth operation. Detailed work activities and notifications are all to be shown on the <br />contractor's CPM schedule. Personal contact with each business by the CM team is imperative. City <br />personnel are required by the Specifications to turn on or off any valves as part of the shutdown. This will <br />be adhered to and is part of the shutdown workplan and notifications. <br />SA-7 Facility: Critical to the City of Santa Ana's water operations and per City requirements, this facility <br />can only be shut down for 7 consecutive calendar days. The CPM schedule would include pipe/electrical <br />installation, testing/commissioning, and would be monitored closely to ensure no time slippage. To ensure <br />the shutdown is completed within the required 7-day period, the contractor would be required to submit a <br />Testing/Commissioning Procedures submittal and a 7-Day Shutdown Activity submittal. <br />As noted in the discussion regarding concrete encasement for pipe angle points, potholing of the known <br />existing crossing utilities is required first thing on the project before any other construction. In addition to <br />potholing the known utilities, the CM team will ensure the contractor contacts DigAlert to mark utilities in <br />the entire footprint of the Project to ensure the designer did not miss any or that none were added after <br />design. The contractor will pothole the various tie-in points to ensure the horizontal/vertical alignment is <br />correct and also to confirm the existing material type and dimensions are correct. <br />LC � TCE Management <br />Activities would be included in the contractor's CPM schedule for TCE Advance Notification and planned <br />TCE usage activities. Once the Project has commenced and schedules are known, the CM team will <br />ensure that both OCTA and the TCE owners (Western Exterminating and RICOH) were aware of the dates <br />and the work activities that will be occurring. These dates will be checked each month for discussions <br />with the 3rd parties and used to ensure advance notifications are sent out in a timely manner. <br />Berg & Associates, Inc. 10 <br />
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