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SR-55/Ritchey Water Improvement Project <br />Construction Management & Inspection Services <br />In addition to those found in section D.2., the following table further defines the subtasks and their deliverables. <br />4 Local Assistance <br />Documentation/Funding Contract <br />Management Requirements <br />6 Project Changes & Construction Change <br />Management <br />7 Communication & Correspondence <br />8 Construction Progress Reports <br />9 Schedule Monitoring <br />10 Progress Payment Monitoring <br />11 Third Party Coordination <br />14 Progress/Coordination Meetings <br />13 Environmental & Cultural <br />Mon itori ng/Coord ination <br />15 Submittal/RFI Review <br />To provide separation of individual Contract costs. Track and log all CM Team hours and costs according to <br />construction contract number. <br />Review of proposed changes to the project, maintenance of as -built drawings and specs; evaluation of changes, <br />tracking of all changes on the project, including but not limited to Design Revisions, RFC, Field Memos, CO, etc. <br />Facilitation of effective communication among all stakeholders on behalf of the owners and the monitoring and <br />tracking of official responses, and project directory. <br />Generation and review of construction progress reports (Monthly/Weekly) & non -inspection staff daily reports <br />• Monthly CM Team invoice to be organized in a construction contract specific manner. <br />• Perform quantity and cost analysis as required for negotiation of change orders <br />• Prepare Change order documentation <br />• Tracking logs of all project correspondence <br />• Communication flowchart <br />• Monthly construction Progress report <br />Review of baseline schedule, review and monitor monthly schedule updates for logic, durations, resource changes. • Prepare schedule review comments. <br />Review and maintain as constructed schedule and updated monthly, generation of WSWD. Review of Three Week Look i • Monthly review of contractor's schedule updates and provide a summary with schedule status <br />Ahead schedules. • Monitor and provide comments regarding utility/3rd party coordination with various utility <br />companies/3rd parties and the Contractor <br />Review and monitor contractor's projected and actual costs, preparation of progress payment recommendations, <br />• Contractor's certified application for payment <br />including payment meetings with the contractor. Preliminary tracking, Stop Notices tracking, review of contractor as- <br />• Progress payment request documents suitable for approval <br />builts. Evaluation and confirmation that costs/schedule of T&M Tickets are reasonable. <br />• Quantity sheets <br />Utility (Water, Gas, Sewer, Electric, etc.), Caltrans, County, etc., coordination, other owner Contractor coordination <br />• Coordinate schedule with utility companies <br />(Not public or environmental stakeholders, refer to other cost codes) <br />• Provide correspondence logs with utility companies <br />Conduct and facilitate weekly progress meetings, generate agenda, minutes, scheduling parties as needed. • Agenda with status of open items from previous meetings <br />• Meeting minutes, for review, with action items noted <br />• Amended meeting minutes, if required <br />• Submittal, Issues log, Change Order log and RFI and RFQworking logs <br />Verification of applicable environmental permits have been acquired and are current, management that they have • Contractor(s)' SWPPP monitoring reports <br />been renewed as needed; coordination with archeologist/ paleontologist or biologist. SWPPP inspection, REAPS, BMPs. • Documentation of site conditions kept in project file for the record. <br />Monitoring and coordinating the submittal/RFI workflow process. Review of submittals and verify they are in <br />compliance with contract specifications or other regulatory requirements. Review of RFIs are reasonable and <br />understandable. <br />• Review submittals for general compliance with the specification and forward to designer for review <br />• Copy of all approval letters, approved working drawings, submittals and final submittal log <br />• Comprehensive log of all outstanding RFIs and their status <br />• Prepare responses to RFI's related construction issues <br />• Transmit design related RFI's to design engineer <br />• Conduct meetings with the Contractor and other parties as needed to discuss and resolve RFI's <br />16 I Document Management Electronic and hardy copy (if applicable) management of all project records involved in the construction of the project. • Comprehensive logs of all documents in the project files <br />Scanned and filed in appropriate categories. Updating statuses/BIC for RFI, Submittal, and other pertinent document • RFI, Submittal, and other pertinent Tracking logs and status updates <br />type in logs, updating correspondence log. • Automated reminders & updates for Review due dates <br />• Update/maintain electronic and hardcopy files <br />17 Review Certified Payroll Records Verification of certified payroll reports are in conformance with contract provisions and state/federal laws. Review of • Review comments part of monthly pay application <br />statement of compliance, spot-check wages, and notification of discrepancies, conduct interviews. Verify CPR's • Labor Compliance interview records <br />uploaded to DIR website <br />18 Inspection - Field Monitor, evaluate, approve, reject contractor's work in accordance with contract provisions and state/federal • Compliance with all aspects of this construction contract by continuously monitoring, evaluating, <br />regulations and QA manual. Take progress photographs, videos, and field measurements for compliance. Evaluation approving or rejecting the contractor's work in accordance with the approved construction contract <br />and coordination of temporary traffic control, including signal timing as necessary to ensure the safe and efficient • Verify field measurements for compliance <br />handling of traffic through/near project site with local agency traffic engineers. Monitor Contractor's safety program. <br />19 Inspection - Documentation Inspector's daily report, maintain as -built plans, review and update construction schedule, review/coordination of • Inspection Daily Reports <br />materials, testing laboratory, source inspection, and maintain project records, label photographs/videos, manpower • Reclined plans (This set will be in addition to the contractors marked up set of contract drawings) <br />and equipment log tracking. • Quantity calculations for progress payments <br />• Copies of safety issues discussed during contractor's tailgate meetings <br />Berg & Associates, Inc. 20 <br />