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existing median along a 13.2-kilometer segment of State Route 60 and included construction of under - <br />crossings, sound walls and on and off ramps at three interchanges requiring five separate bridge structures. <br />Project Manager, Multiple Projects for Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA), CA. Berg & <br />Associates, Inc. Nov. 1999 — Jun. 2013. Dave served as R.E. on the Long Beach Rail Bridge over the <br />Dominguez Channel while overseeing, as Project Manager, multiple other grade separations for the South <br />End of the Alameda Corridor. Dave's responsibilities included oversight of about $70 million in construction <br />costs, technical performance, project delivery, and review and approval of monthly invoicing, budgeting <br />and scheduling. <br />Resident Engineer/Structures Representative, Long Beach Lead Bridge, Alameda Corridor <br />Transportation Authority (ACTA), Long Beach, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Nov. 2000 — Dec. 2001. The <br />project involved the staged replacement of an existing railroad bridge over the Dominguez Channel, while <br />maintaining active rail lines to the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Work included soil enhancement, <br />construction of 4,000 feet of heavy gage rail track, placement of a rail diamond switch and the relocation <br />of gas and oil lines. <br />Resident Engineer/Structures Representative, Carson Street/1-605 Interchange Project, City of Long <br />Beach, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Nov. 1997 — Oct. 1999. This Caltrans oversight interchange included <br />demolition of a pedestrian walk -way over the 1-605, relocation of the 1-605 SB on and off ramps at Carson <br />Street, construction of an 1-605 SB auxiliary lane and the widening and reconstruction of 2,000 feet of <br />Carson Street at the 1-605. <br />Structure Representative/A.R.E., Seaside Avenue/Navy Way Grade Separations, Port of Los Angeles <br />(POLA), CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Nov. 1995 — Oct. 1997. Dave managed inspection, testing, survey and <br />third -party coordination for two grade separations, MSE walls, relocation of fuel line and force main sewer, <br />power supply, roadway lighting, and traffic signalization. Work was completed on an accelerated schedule <br />in a hazardous waste site and required interaction with 22 different entities and 17 different utilities. <br />California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), District 8. Jun. 1992 — Oct. 1995. As an employee of <br />Caltrans, Dave's responsibilities included supervising construction inspection and survey, falsework <br />structural analysis, post -tensioning plan review, documentation per Caltrans procedure, maintaining <br />communication with the contractor to avoid and/or resolve disputes or discrepancies. <br />Technical Aide I, City Engineering Services, City of Industry, Willdan Associates. Jun. 1991— Sep. 1992. <br />Dave served as a Federal Compliance Officer for federally funded projects. His responsibilities included <br />construction bid analysis, field analysis and implementation management. <br />y ,� .Berg<&VAssxciates Inc. <br />