roadwork, a new bridge structure and pump station and, required extensive coordination with adjacent
<br />grade separation construction projects.
<br />Construction Manager, Middle Harbor Pier E Slip No.1 Fill and Berth D28 Demolition, Port of Long Beach
<br />(POLB), CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Oct. 2012—Apr. 2014. Dave served as Resident Engineer/Construction
<br />Manager for this $19.8 million demolition and dredge of Wharf D28 and fill of Pier E Slip No 1. Wharf work
<br />included expert review of dredge plan and bathymetric survey for fill replacement, electrical and storm
<br />drain utilities, extensive pile driving, dredging and comprehensive coordination of quarry rock and armor
<br />stone replacement around Pier E Construction.
<br />Resident Engineer/PM/Structures, I-10/Riverside Avenue Interchange, San Bernardino County
<br />Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Previously SANBAG, City of Rialto, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Apr.
<br />2009 — Jun. 2012. The $34 million interchange project replaced an existing five -lane Riverside Avenue
<br />bridge over the 1-10 freeway with a nine -lane bridge. The existing bridge was demolished safely and
<br />efficiently during a weekend closure. The busy freeway was re -opened early. The project included
<br />reconstruction of off and on ramps in both directions and the widening of Riverside Avenue, necessitating
<br />new signals and a new left-hand turn pocket. Dave mitigated traffic issues in this busy truck, commuter and
<br />commercial vehicle thoroughfare, by establishing a Community Traffic Advisory Committee to monitor
<br />community concerns and to together develop solutions to potential traffic flow impediments. The project
<br />was completed on an incentive based accelerated schedule without claims.
<br />Project Manager, SR-101, SR-118 and SR-23 Widening Projects, Caltrans District 7, Ventura, CA. Berg &
<br />Associates, Inc. 2006 — 2009. Dave managed two consecutive Berg Engineering On -Call Contracts with
<br />Caltrans District 7 in the Ventura region totaling $115 million in construction value. Dave assessed staffing
<br />needs, identified support personnel candidates for placement under the direction of Caltrans personnel.
<br />He interfaced with Caltrans Resident Engineers, Regional Managers and Contract Administrators to ensure
<br />required staffing levels and performance met with Caltrans standards. He prepared monthly reports,
<br />monitored budget and staffing status, reviewed project progress, performed staff evaluations and provided
<br />staff training.
<br />Project Manager, Pigeon Pass Road Street Improvements, City of Moreno Valley, CA. Berg & Associates,
<br />Inc. May 2008 —Jun. 2009. Dave managed the $6.4 million widening of Pigeon Pass Road that transformed
<br />a varying -width road to a four -lane road with turn pockets. Three intersections had signal modifications.
<br />Work involved traffic control, excavation, grading, aggregate base, grinding and overlay, AC paving,
<br />sidewalk, storm drain, street lighting, signalization, signage, striping, and landscape. The project required
<br />coordination with the Eastern Municipal Water District, Southern California Edison, and the Riverside
<br />County Flood Control.
<br />Structures Representative, Ocean Blvd Grade Separation/TI-47 Freeway Interchange, Port of Long
<br />Beach (POLB), CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Oct. 2004 — Aug. 2007. Dave was responsible for structural
<br />review and inspection — per Caltrans standards — for this project involving two cast -in -place post -tensioned
<br />bridges; MSE walls; stone columns; overhead sign structures; signalization and lighting; earthwork and
<br />excavation; PCC & AC paving; and extensive utility relocations including gas, electric, water, storm drain
<br />and telephone. The project also involved complex staging, coordination with multiple utilities and agencies,
<br />and Caltrans oversight.
<br />Resident Engineer/Structures Representative, SR-60 Bridge Widenings and HOV Lane Construction,
<br />Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), Moreno Valley, CA. Berg & Associates, Inc. Sep.
<br />2007 — Nov. 2008. Dave led the Berg team as Prime Construction Managers on this highway improvement
<br />project with Caltrans oversight and CMAQ federal funding. The project constructed HOV lanes within the
<br />Berg & Associates Inc.
<br />