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Item 13 - Professional Service Agreement with Property Registration Champions, LLC (ProChamps)
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/07/2021 Regular
Item 13 - Professional Service Agreement with Property Registration Champions, LLC (ProChamps)
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Last modified
8/17/2023 11:50:26 AM
Creation date
8/17/2023 11:50:10 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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8. Verification of Coverage <br />Vendor shall furnish the Entity with original Certificates of Insurance including all <br />reguired amendatory endorsements (or copies of the applicable policy language <br />effecting coverage reguiredby this clause} and a copy of the Declarations and <br />Endorsement Page of the CGL policy listing allpolicy endorsements to Entity before <br />work begins. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work <br />beginning shall not waive the Vendor's obligation to provide them. The Entity <br />reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance <br />policies,including endorsements required by these specifications, at any time. <br />9. Waiver of Subrogation <br />Vendor hereby grants to Entity a waiver of any right to subrogation which any <br />insurer of said Vendor may acquire against the Entity by virtue of the payment of <br />any loss under such insurance.Vendor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may <br />be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies <br />regardless of whether or not the Entity has received a waiverof subrogation <br />endorsement from the insurer. <br />VI.CONFLICT of INTEREST <br />Responder agrees that, for the term of this contract, no member, officer or employee of <br />the City of Santa Ana, or a public body within Orange County or member or delegate to <br />the Congress of the United States, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, <br />shall have any direct interest in contracts or any direct or material benefit arising <br />therefrom. Responder must provide a list of any potential conflicts of interest in working <br />for the City of Santa Ana. This must include, but is not limited to, a list of your firm's <br />clients who are the following: Private clients located or operating within the City of <br />Santa Ana limits. Responders must also identify any other clients that may pose a <br />potential conflict of interest, as well as a brief description of work you provide to these <br />clients. The list must include all potential conflicts of interest within the year prior to the <br />release of this RFQ as well as current and future commitments to other projects. <br />Principals and those performing work for the City of Santa Ana may be required to <br />submit a California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Form 700: Statement <br />of Economic Interests documenting potential financial conflicts of interest. <br />VII.SUBMITTAL of QUALIFICATIONS <br />Your Submittal package shall be submitted online uploaded to PlanetBids and must <br />include the following: <br />1. The proposal shall be in Times New Roman, Arial or some similar easily readable <br />font. The size of the font shall not be smaller than 12. <br />2. Proposals shall be submitted not later than the time and date indicated on the cover page of this RFQ. <br />RFQ: Foreclosure, Abandoned and Vacant Lots and <br />Structures Registration Program Services <br />Page719
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