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3. Faxed and/or emailed proposals will not be accepted. <br />4. The City of Santa Ana shall not be responsible for proposals delivered or <br />s u b m it I e d to a person or location other than that specified hereinabove. <br />5. Late submittals shall not be accepted or considered. <br />6. All submittals, whether selected or rejected, shall become the property of the <br />City of Santa Ana and will not be returned. <br />7. The City reserves the right to waive minor defects and/or irregularities in <br />proposals, and shall be the sole judge of the materiality of any such defect or <br />i rreg u la rity. <br />8. Once submitted, all responses become public record and will be available to the public for review. <br />9. Cost incurred by the respondent in the preparation of the response to this RFQ <br />is the sole responsibility of the respondent, and will not be reimbursed by the <br />City. <br />10. All proposals shall remain firm for one hundred twenty (120) days following the <br />closing dale of the receipt of proposals. <br />11. Proposals must be u p I o a d e d a n d received by I he s u b m i ti a I <br />dead Ii n e, October 21. 2021 at 5:00 p.m. The City of Santa Ana has no authority to accept proposals submitted after the above dale and lime. <br />VIII.SUBMITTAL INFORMATION AND DEADLINE <br />The following represents the tentative schedule for this project. <br />Tasks <br />•Release of RFQ <br />•Deadline for Final Questions <br />•Proposal Submission Deadline•Evaluation of Proposals Interviews - <br />•(If Needed) <br />•Selection and Notification of Proposer List <br />IX.SELECTION PROCESS AND AWARD <br />Date <br />September 30, 2021 <br />October 14, 2021 <br />October 21, 2021 <br />TBD <br />TBD <br />The City will review the responses to the RFQ and make a determination as to the most <br />responsive, best suited and most qualified to provide the service being requested. <br />Generally, the criteria will include, but not be limited to: <br />RFQ: Foreclosure, Abandoned and Vacant Lots and <br />Structures Registration Program Services <br />Page8l9