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[i]Program Maintenance <br />As current pa1tners with the City of Santa Ana, we will continue the maintenance phase of the program <br />activities. The activities making up the ongoing fulfillment effort include, but are not limited to: <br />•Identify "At-Risk" Properties•We continually collect "at-risk" property evidence within the municipality to determinenew <br />potential obligations to register. <br />•The Compliance Team reviews filings to identify any potentially "at-risk" properties.•The Compliance Team proactively reviews the deregistration of any property to ensure the <br />public record accuracy and confirm there are no compliance concerns or ongoing obligations <br />to register. <br />•The initial filing date is confinned to ensure the appropriate start date of the foreclosure action cr <br />registration and collect any past-due registration fees. This review prevents responsible parties <br />from bypassing any past-due registration obligations. <br />•Monitor and Regulate" At-Risk" Properties•We use all available data to identify and analyze "at-risk" properties on an ongoing basis for <br />any ownership changes, compliance concerns, and registration changes.•We ensure accurate and current responsible party contact info for all identified "at-risk" <br />properties for compliance outreach activities.•We send notifications to all responsible parties of each "at-risk" property. These notifications <br />repeat regularly until the property is compliant.•Registrants have 24/7 access to any modern browser or mobile device to update or <br />complete the registration process and ensure their property meets regulatory standards. <br />•Upon request, we provide a simple and mobile-friendly capability for citizens to report <br />property complaints. These complaints are reported to the responsible party and the City for <br />resolution and possible enforcement.•We provide the City with current and trend metrics on all "at-risk" property enforcement <br />activities.•We provide the City with requested reports and data regarding "at-risk" properties. <br />•Provide City and Municipal Support•The Support Team provides the City staff with a high level of ongoing professional support via <br />email, phone, and livechat. <br />•All support requests are tracked as tickets to ensure efficient resolution, including monthly <br />audits for quality control purposes.•Our technology provides the City with complete visibility into the status and resolution of all <br />support tickets for the City. <br />•Provide Training•We provide the City with ongoing platfonn and program training for all designated employees.•We conduct customized online training upon request. <br />•Conduct Regular Program Status Reviews•Our Support Team completes periodic outreach to ensure expectations are met, communication <br />and reporting are effective, and collaborates as necessary.