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Item 37 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/07/2021 Regular
Item 37 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
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EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />February 15, 2022 <br />Page 12 <br />environmental topics of Air Quality, Hazards, and Recreation. The Recirculated Draft <br />PEIR also includes an updated/supplemented Project Alternatives chapter containing a <br />new Reduced Park Demand Alternative to reduce the significant recreation impacts <br />associated with the proposed GPU, as well as an additional mitigation measure and <br />reference to General Plan policy and implementation action refinements. The <br />Recirculated Draft PEIR incorporates the previous Draft PEIR by reference, as <br />appropriate. In particular, the previous Draft PEIR document and its appendices are <br />referenced for long and/or technical descriptions of the environmental setting that remain <br />applicable to the updated GPU. <br />Three project alternatives were analyzed within the Final PEIR (October 2020) document. <br />These included a no project alternative, where the existing General Plan document would <br />remain in effect (Alternative 1); a reduced intensity alternative with two focus areas (55 <br />Freeway/Dyer Road and South Bristol Street) would be reduced to approximately 50 <br />percent of the maximum densities allowed by their respective land use designation <br />(Alternative 2); and build out of the site to be consistent with the Southern California's <br />Association of Regional Government's (SCAG) RTP/SCS projections, which could result <br />in an approximate 75 percent reduction in both the number of allowable units and <br />commercial/industrial square footage (Alternative 3). <br />The Recirculated Draft PEIR (August 2021) introduces a reduced park demand project <br />(Alternative 4) that reduces residential growth by 11,225 units by eliminating or reducing <br />residential land uses and intensity in the five focus areas. Overall, nonresidential square <br />footage would be reduced by a total of approximately 2.8 million square feet within the <br />focus areas compared to the proposed GPU. New residential growth under this alternative <br />would largely be in currently planned areas that are generally near a number of existing <br />park facilities, with some residential growth would be introduced into two focus areas at <br />substantially lower intensities to reduce the potential impact on park facilities. <br />As required, the Draft Recirculated PEIR (August 2021) was circulated for public review <br />between August 6, 2021 and September 20, 2021, with the Notice of Availability (NOA) <br />instructing reviewers to only submit comments on the three revised chapters included in <br />the Recirculated Draft PEIR. The comments in the original Final PEIR adequately address <br />comments received on portions of the Draft PEIR that have not been recirculated. During <br />the review and comment period, staff held a public hearing to receive comments on the <br />Draft Recirculated PEIR and a work-study session with the Planning Commission on <br />September 13, 2021. <br />The Draft PEIR (August 2020), Final PEIR (October 2020), and Final Recirculated PEIR <br />including all report appendices, are posted on the City's website. https://www.santa- <br /> <br />The City has evaluated the comments received from persons and agencies for both the <br />Draft PEIR (August 2020) and Recirculated Draft PEIR (August 2021), and completed <br />
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