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Item 37 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/07/2021 Regular
Item 37 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
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EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />February 15, 2022 <br />Page 13 <br />detailed Response to Comments, revisions to the Draft documents including clarifications <br />and/or corrections to typographical errors, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program (MMRP). The MMRP contains mitigation measures to address impacts to air <br />quality, cultural resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, tribal <br />cultural resources, and recreation. The response to comments, MMRP and Final PEIR <br />were published on November 2, 2021 for public review. The Draft PEIR (August 2020) <br />and Draft Recirculated PEIR (August 2021) responses to comments document, revisions <br />to the Draft PEIR, and the MMRP constitute the Final PEIR for the project. <br />The Final Recirculated PEIR identifies six significant and unavoidable impacts associated <br />with this project, which pertain to Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse Gas <br />Emissions, Noise, Population and Housing, and Recreation. <br />City of Santa Ana is within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin). Air quality in the Basin is <br />already significantly impacted and even without any new projects, air quality issues are <br />beyond mitigation. The impact to air quality as a result of General Plan implementation <br />falls into two categories: Operational Emissions impacts which are project specific and <br />cumulative; and Localized Criterial Pollutant and Toxic Air Contaminants JAC) Impacts <br />which are related to increased density and proximity of residential land uses to transit and <br />commercial centers. <br />Cultural Resource impacts result from the proposed General Plan allowing development <br />in areas that have historic resources identified by previous cultural resource surveys, with <br />development in these areas potentially causing the disturbance of historic resources in <br />the plan area. <br />Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) impacts are project specific and cumulative. They are <br />attributed to ongoing operational impacts of potential future businesses. The threshold <br />for GHG would exceed established ratios thresholds under Executive Order S-03-05. <br />Noise impacts are also project specific and cumulative. They are attributed to ongoing <br />operational impacts of potential future businesses, as well as the location of sensitive <br />receptors in relationship to noise generating activities. Further, buildout of the General <br />Plan update would expose residents to projects generating traffic noise. <br />Population and housing impacts associated with the General Plan buildout related to the <br />anticipated growth both in population and housing units would exceed the Orange County <br />Council of Government projections by up to 38 percent, with no feasible mitigation <br />measure to address the issue. <br />Finally, Recreation impacts from the proposed General Plan may result in substantial <br />physical deterioration of recreational resources and the need to construct or expand City's <br />public parks and recreational facilities to address existing and future demand. <br />
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