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Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report <br />September 21, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />2 <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />will be set-aside for permanent supportive housing. <br />HOME Investment Partnership Program funds in the amount of <br />$2,003,705 have been committed to Community Development <br />Partners for the development of Westview House located at <br />2530 Westminster Avenue in Santa Ana. The project consists of <br />an affordable multifamily apartment development consisting of <br />85 units of both large family and PSH with one (1) manager’s <br />unit. Twenty-six of the units will be funded by PBV and MHSA <br />funds through the NPLH program. <br />Completed acquisition and construction of an adaptive reuse <br />and new construction project known as the Santa Ana Arts <br />Collective, which is composed of 57 affordable rental units <br />designated for professional artists of all disciplines, and one <br />manager’s unit. Funding included HOME Investment <br />Partnership Program (HOME) funds of $ 2,627,631 and <br />Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds of <br />$500,000, in addition to $4,775,000 in Inclusionary Housing <br />funds. <br />Funded six first-time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance <br />loans with $480,000 of CDBG funds. <br />Issued a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) loan in <br />the amount of $1,687,047 for the acquisition and rehabilitation <br />of a former motel to yield 89 units of permanent supportive <br />housing at North Harbor Village. Eighty-nine (89) PBVs <br />consisting of 34 HUD-VASH PBVs and 55 non HUD-VASH <br />PBVs. Construction is underway. <br />HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) $5,128,152, in <br />existing affordable Housing Loans were re-subordinated to <br />complete the rehabilitation of a 126-unit affordable housing <br />project at Cornerstone Apartments. <br />Participated in 11 down payment assistance workshops. <br />Code <br />Enforcement <br />Code Enforcement staff responded to and addressed a total of <br />5,308 complaints, covering 3,646 residential properties, of which <br />1,688 were single family residences and 3,029 were multi-family <br />residences within the CDBG-eligible deteriorating and <br />deteriorated areas. <br />Code Enforcement staff issued 184 Notices of Violation, 185 <br />Notice and Orders, and 5,096 Administrative Citations involving <br />residential housing. Because of these efforts, property owners <br />have made approximately $1,166,464 in repairs and upgrades, <br />encompassing 337 properties.