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<br /> DRAFT CAPER 4 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />Economic Development – CDBG funds were allocated to support workforce training and development and business assistance via training, <br />technical assistance and general support. Activities were limited due to prioritization of COVID-19 economic development programs. <br />Fair Housing Services - To affirmatively further Fair Housing, the City continues to provide CDBG funds to Orange County Fair Housing Council. <br />HOME Program – HOME funding was utilized by the City to create a total of 11 rental housing units benefitting 11 households as part of the <br />Santa Ana Art’s Collective. <br />Homeless Services and Facilities - Emergency Solutions Grant funding was used to reduce homelessness in the City by funding homeless service <br />providers for emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, data services, and street outreach. <br />COVID-19 Response – On April 21, the City of Santa Ana amended the 2019 Annual Action Plan to include special CDBG and ESG allocations from <br />the CARES Act to target the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the City of Santa Ana. These activities continued during the 2020-2021 Program <br />Year. Activities included launching an emergency rental relief fund, allocating funding to increase the prevalence of COVID-19 testing within the <br />City, supporting food banks and food delivery services for seniors, and supporting small businesses impacted by COVID-19. ESG-CV funds <br />COVID-19 Homeless Services – ESG-CV funds were allocated to homelessness prevention and emergency shelter services to individuals and <br />hosueholds experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />Comparison of the proposed versus actual outcomes for each outcome measure submitted with th e consolidated plan and <br />explain, if applicable, why progress was not made toward meeting goals and objectives. 91.520(g) <br />Categories, priority levels, funding sources and amounts, outcomes/objectives, goal outcome indicators, units of measure, targets, actual <br />outcomes/outputs, and percentage completed for each of the grantee’s program year goals. <br />