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State of California -Office of Traffic Safety <br />GRANT AGREEMENT <br />Schedule B-1 <br />PERSONNEL COSTS <br />BUDGET NARRATIVE <br />GRANT NUMBER <br />PT22130 <br />DUI/DL Checkpoints -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by appropriate <br />department personnel. <br />DUI Saturation Patrols -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by appropriate <br />department personnel. <br />Warrant Service Operations -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by <br />appropriate department personnel. <br />Collaborative DUI Enforcement -Overtime for grant funded Collaborative DUI Enforcement operations <br />conducted by appropriate department personnel <br />Know Your Limit-Overtime for grant funded traffic safety presentations or campaigns conducted by <br />appropriate department personnel. <br />Traffic Enforcement -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by appropriate <br />department personnel. <br />Distracted Driving -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by appropriate <br />department personnel. <br />Motorcycle Safety -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by appropriate <br />department personnel. <br />Pedestrian and Bicycle Enforcement -Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations conducted by <br />appropriate department personnel. <br />Collaborative Traffic Enforcement -Overtime for grant funded Collaborative Traffic Enforcement operations <br />conducted by appropriate department personnel <br />Traffic Safety Education -Overtime for grant funded traffic safety presentations or campaigns conducted by <br />appropriate department personnel. <br />TRAVEL EXPENSES <br />In State Travel -Costs are included for appropriate staff to attend conferences and training events <br />supporting the grant goals and objectives and/or traffic safety. Local mileage for grant activities and <br />meetings is included. All conferences, seminars or training not specifically identified in the Budget Narrative <br />must be approved by OTS. All travel claimed must be at the agency approved rate. Per Diem may not be <br />claimed for meals provided at conferences when registration fees are paid with OTS grant funds. <br />CONTRACTUAL SERVICES <br />- <br />EQUIPMENT <br />- <br />OTHER DIRECT COSTS <br />DUI Checkpoint Supplies -On-scene supplies needed to conduct sobriety checkpoints. Costs may include <br />28" traffic cones, MUTCD compliant traffic signs, MUTCD compliant high visibility vests (maximum of 10), <br />traffic counters (maximum of 2), generator, gas for generators, lighting , reflective banners , electronic flares, <br />PAS device supplies, heater, propane for heaters, fan, anti-fatigue mats, and canopies. Additional items <br />may be purchased if approved by OTS. The cost of food and beverages will not be reimbursed. <br />9/15/2021 1 :25:40 PM Page 10 of 17