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Educational Materials -Costs of purchasing, developing or printing brochures, pamphlets, fliers, coloring <br />books, posters, signs, and banners associated with grant activities, and traffic safety conference and training <br />materials. Items shall include a traffic safety message and if space is available the OTS logo. Additional <br />items may be purchased if approved by OTS. <br />Bicycle Helmets -Helmets to be distributed during bicycle rodeos and other bicycle safety related events. <br />Cost per helmet not to exceed a maximum average price of $10, before adding shipping, handling and tax. <br />More expensive helmets may be purchased if preapproved by OTS. <br />Bicycle Safety Equipment -Safety equipment such as bicycle headlights/taillights, reflectors, and reflective <br />arm and leg bands to be distributed during bicycle rodeos and other bicycle safety related events. Additional <br />items may be purchased if aooroved by OTS. <br />Software Update -Crash reconstruction software update. <br />INDIRECT COSTS <br />- <br />STATEMENTS/DISCLAIMERS <br />There will be no program income generated from this grant. <br />Nothing in this "agreement" shall be interpreted as a requirement, formal or informal, that a particular law <br />enforcement officer issue a specified or predetermined number of citations in pursuance of the goals and <br />objectives here under. <br />9/15/2021 1 :25:40 PM Page 11 of 17