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<br />29 <br />4826-7904-2280v7/200434-0005 <br />Change in Fund Balance of the City General Fund <br />Set forth in the table below are the City’s statements of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund <br />balance for Fiscal Years 2016 through 2020 for the group of thirteen funds. <br />TABLE 10 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />General Fund and Self-Restricted Funds <br />Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances <br /> Fiscal Year Ended June 30, <br /> 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020(1) <br />Revenues <br />Taxes(2) $ 124,238,920 $ 129,763,539 $ 134,309,780 $ 142,002,496 $ 151,190,715 <br />Licenses and Permits 4,729,690 5,785,894 7,977,170 9,946,891 5,215,322 <br />Intergovernmental(3) 50,997,487 50,814,601 49,037,555 67,951,954 110,861,657 <br />Charges for Services 10,757,091 14,472,475 13,452,166 16,776,893 17,460,104 <br />Fines and Forfeitures 5,449,856 5,095,647 5,712,946 5,651,372 5,916,559 <br />Investment Income 1,414,914 42,176 148,306 2,179,290 1,981,897 <br />Cost Recoveries 13,093,550 11,085,462 11,390,682 12,044,426 13,740,176 <br />Rental Income 13,774,498 12,046,979 11,679,847 16,848,228 16,714,523 <br />Miscellaneous 105,050 193,804 257,572 2,130,677 121,356 <br />Total Revenues $ 224,561,056 $ 229,300,577 $ 233,966,024 $ 275,532,227 $ 323,202,309 <br /> <br />Expenditures <br />Current <br />General Government $ 9,796,907 $ 12,804,418 $ 10,981,779 11,762,239 $ 45,321,534 <br />Human Resources 1,181,123 1,277,872 1,473,061 1,858,518 2,070,213 <br />Finance and Management Services 3,984,334 4,722,453 5,919,085 6,073,730 8,696,994 <br />Museum 1,474,616 1,475,706 1,468,035 1,472,784 1,472,977 <br />Library 3,234,190 3,656,110 4,009,491 4,253,772 4,304,748 <br />Recreation and Community Services 15,556,098 16,248,040 17,048,700 17,734,237 18,900,061 <br />Police Department 108,859,309 120,384,618 122,483,430 132,101,981 133,356,220 <br />Fire Services 41,482,079 41,392,205 50,438,382 52,410,181 47,480,567 <br />Planning and Building 8,497,671 9,706,009 10,846,912 11,952,215 12,991,719 <br />Public Works 5,700,647 5,026,373 6,234,394 8,481,824 10,044,017 <br />Community Development 1,382,543 1,136,506 1,331,612 1,772,463 2,910,203 <br />Capital Outlay 1,718,202 3,635,528 1,884,313 7,250,711 7,071,511 <br />Debt Service: <br />Principal 434,103 1,005,923 1,229,820 1,298,230 1,871,017 <br />Interest and Fiscal Charges 200,312 245,099 347,640 337,279 573,995 <br />Total Expenditures $ 203,502,134 $ 222,716,860 $ 235,696,654 $ 258,760,164 $ 297,065,776 <br /> <br />Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over <br />(Under) Expenditures $ 21,058,922 $ 6,583,717 $ (1,730,630) $ 16,772,063 $ 26,136,533 <br /> <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In -- 34,244 - $ 31,889 $ 6,632,780(4) <br />Transfers Out (11,030,700) (11,043,845) (10,758,539) (10,752,807) (10,757,640) <br />Issuance of Debt -- 2,051,786 7,296,906 -- -- <br />Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ (11,030,700) $ (8,957,815) $ (3,461,633) $ (10,720,918) $ (4,124,860) <br /> <br />Net Change in Fund Balances $ 10,028,222 $ (2,374,098) $ (5,192,263) $ 6,051,145 $ 22,011,673 <br />Fund Balances – Beginning of Fiscal Year $ 66,899,222 $ 76,927,444 $ 74,553,346 $ 69,361,083 $ 75,412,228 <br />Fund Balances – End of Fiscal Year $ 76,927,444 $ 74,553,346 $ 69,361,083 $ 75,412,228 $ 97,423,901 <br /> <br />(1) Prior to Fiscal Year 2020, the City allocated UAL on a pro rata basis by department. However, beginning in Fiscal Year 2020, the City began <br />classifying all UAL as a General Government Expenditure. This resulted in a slight reduction in all expenditure categories except for General <br />Government, which showed a large increase in Fiscal Year 2020. <br />(2) See the caption “—Tax Revenues of the City” for a breakdown of tax revenues for the past five Fiscal Years. <br />(3) The City’s voters approved Measure X (defined below) on November 6, 2018 and began collecting Measure X revenues in Fiscal Year 2019. <br />The City has classified revenues received under Measure X as Intergovernmental Revenues, which has resulted in the large increase in <br />Intergovernmental Revenues in Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. See “—Sales Taxes—District Add-On” for more information regarding Measure <br />X. <br />(4) Increase is primarily the result of proceeds received from the Streetlights Acquisition and Upgrade Project Financing. See –Other <br />Indebtedness—General Revenues-Supported Obligations.”