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<br />30 <br />4826-7904-2280v7/200434-0005 <br />Source: Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances from the City’s Annual Financial Reports <br />from Fiscal Years 2016 - 2020. <br />General Fund Balance Sheets of the City <br />Set forth in the table below are the City’s General Fund balance sheets (inclusive of the Self-Restricted <br />Funds) for Fiscal Years 2016 through 2020. <br />TABLE 11 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />General Fund and Self-Restricted Funds Balance Sheet Summary <br /> Fiscal Year Ended June 30, <br /> 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 <br />Assets <br />Cash and Investments $ 65,990,716 $ 67,759,645 $ 55,504,697 $ 58,184,377 $ 85,819,885 <br />Receivables: <br />Taxes 9,595,641 3,586,876 3,334,666 4,499,918 4,746,881 <br />Interest 106,655 249,644 271,850 342,614 306,816 <br />Accounts 3,219,376 2,448,867 3,935,227 4,801,339 3,180,614 <br />Intergovernmental 7,733,874 8,781,205 8,132,029 19,641,963 19,903,359 <br />Prepaid Items -- 9,492 -- -- -- <br />Restricted Assets: <br />Cash and Investments with Fiscal <br />Agents 845,055 1,658,659 7,114,989 1,566,928 1,475,047 <br />Pension Stability Funds 500,008 500,851 504,515 513,627 522,042 <br />Total Assets $ 87,991,325 $ 84,995,239 $ 78,797,973 $ 89,550,766 $115,954,644 <br /> <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts Payable $ 4,158,621 $ 4,137,378 $ 3,930,805 $ 3,666,662 $ 9,607,560(1) <br />Interest Payable 31,860 29,161 26,364 23,465 20,461 <br />Retention Payable -- 32,416 -- 23,679 259,058 <br />Due to Other Governmental Agencies -- -- -- -- 8,008 <br />Deposits 292,733 148,986 70,299 4,479,473 4,604,212 <br />Advances Payable to Other Funds 2,628,000 2,336,000 2,044,000 1,752,000 1,460,000 <br />Unearned Revenue 3,952,667 3,529,167 3,251,039 2,886,978 2,467,518 <br />Total Liabilities $ 11,063,881 $ 10,213,108 $ 9,322,507 $ 12,832,257 $ 18,426,817 <br /> <br />Deferred Inflows of Resources $ -- $ 228,785 $ 114,383 $ 1,306,281 $ 103,926 <br /> <br />Fund Balances <br />Nonspendable $ -- $ 9,492 $ -- $ -- $ -- <br />Restricted 1,454,962 2,159,510 7,619,504 2,080,555 1,997,089 <br />Assigned 27,077,619 9,928,503 5,377,690 10,695,577 21,457,380 <br />Unassigned 48,394,863 62,455,841 56,363,889 62,636,096 73,969,432 <br />Total Fund Balances $ 76,927,444 $ 74,553,346 $ 69,361,083 $ 75,412,228 $ 97,423,901 <br /> <br />Total Liabilities, deferred inflows of <br />resources and Fund Balances $ 87,991,325 $ 84,995,239 $ 78,797,973 $ 89,550,766 $115,954,644 <br /> <br />(1) Accounts Payable increased from Fiscal Year 2019 to Fiscal Year 2020 due to late submission of invoices by vendors due to <br />COVID-19 pandemic and high number of capital projects that were in-progress and/or completed during Fiscal Year 2020. <br />Source: Governmental Funds Balance Sheet from the City’s Annual Financial Reports from Fiscal Years 2016 – 2020. <br />Tax Revenues of the City <br />The City derives its general revenues from a variety of sources, including property taxes, sales taxes, <br />utility users’ taxes, hotel visitors’ tax, franchise taxes, and other miscellaneous revenues. A summary of the <br />City’s total general revenues (including the General Fund and the Self-Restricted Funds, on an aggregated basis) <br />in Fiscal Years 2017-2020 as well as estimated amounts for Fiscal Year 2021 and budgeted amounts for Fiscal