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<br />43 <br />4826-7904-2280v7/200434-0005 <br />Potential Impact of State Financial Condition on the City <br />Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is materially adversely impacting the financial condition of the <br />State and has caused a recession which will likely result in significant increases in unfunded liabilities of the two <br />main retirement systems managed by State entities, CalPERS and the CalSTRS. The State also has a significant <br />unfunded liability with respect to other post-employment benefits. <br />Current and future State budgets will be significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and other <br />factors over which the City has no control. The City cannot determine what actions will be taken in the future <br />by the State Legislature and the Governor to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the current recession and <br />resulting changing State revenues and expenditures. There can be no assurance that, as a result of the COVID-19 <br />pandemic or otherwise, the State will not significantly reduce revenues to local governments (including the City) <br />or shift financial responsibility for programs to local governments as part of its efforts to address State financial <br />conditions. Although the State is not a significant source of City revenues, there can be no assurance that State <br />actions to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic will not materially adversely affect the financial condition of the <br />City. <br />Future State Budgets <br />No prediction can be made by the City as to whether the State will continue to encounter budgetary <br />problems in future years, and if it were to do so, it is not clear what measures would be taken by the State to <br />balance its budget, as required by law. In addition, the City cannot predict the final outcome of future State <br />budget negotiations, the impact that such budgets will have on City finances and operations or what actions will <br />be taken in the future by the State Legislature and the Governor to deal with changing State revenues and <br />expenditures. There can be no assurance that actions taken by the State to address its financial condition will <br />not materially adversely affect the financial condition of the City. Current and future State budgets will be <br />affected by national and State economic conditions and other factors, including the current COVID-19 pandemic <br />and associated economic downturn, over which the City has no control. <br />RISK FACTORS <br />Prospective purchasers of the Bonds should carefully consider all possible factors that may affect the <br />ability of the City to pay principal of and interest on the Bonds. The Bonds may not be a suitable investment for <br />all prospective purchasers. <br />The following factors, along with the other information in this Official Statement, should be considered <br />by potential investors in evaluating the purchase of the Bonds. However, the following does not purport to be <br />an exhaustive listing of risks and other considerations which may be relevant to an investment in the Bonds and <br />there can be no assurance that other risk factors will not become material in the future. In addition, the order <br />in which the following factors are presented is not intended to reflect the relative importance of any such risks. <br />City Obligations <br />The City has other obligations payable from its General Fund and other lawfully available funds of the <br />City, including but not limited to debt obligations, lease obligations and certain other liabilities. The Trust <br />Agreement does not prohibit the County from incurring additional debt, lease or other obligations payable from <br />the City’s General Fund and other lawfully available funds in the future, which may reduce City moneys <br />available to pay the Bonds. <br />In addition, although the Bonds are payable from all lawfully available funds of the City, the City has <br />no obligation to levy taxes in order to raise sufficient revenues to pay the Bonds. See the caption “CITY <br />FINANCIAL INFORMATION—Other Indebtedness” for a description of the City’s current obligations.